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By "first in 2012" Jon

Nightwish--Imaginaerum (January 2012)

1. Ghost River
2. Slow, Love, Slow
3. I Want My Tears Back
4. Turn Loose The Mermaids
5. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove

This is the seventh release from Nightwish, a concept album whcih is also a soundtrack for an upcoming film of the same name. What we have is a taste of different styles of music, from 30's jazz to (almost) thrash. There's one song I didn't include that'll remind you of Alice Cooper, you'll just have to buy the album to find that song....

Lacuna Coil--Dark Adrenaline (January 2012)

1. Against You
2. Upsidedown
3. I Don't Believe In Tomorrow
4. Intoxicated
5. My Spirit

This, their sixth album, is a welcome step back to their early heaviness, which was mostly absent on their previous release ("Shallow Life"). The last song included has a great geetar solo at the end which sounds really sad, at least to me, and I don't know why.

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I must say, I don't really care for young and beautiful women with vulnerable voices in front of "Heavy Metal"-bands (?!). Now DON'T get me wrong!!! I OF COURSE LOVE young and beautiful women, but not in this kind of music. As a matter of fact, I don't really like this kind of music at all. Was it Evanecence or what they are called, that started this "trend"??? I know Jon like this style of music, and good for you. Aren't they from Finland? Even though they are practically a neighbor to Denmark, they are soooo different. Allmost like russians, you can hear that in track 3 among other things, I think. It's not bad, just not my "style"!!! 


SIGH!! Another one of those bands, eh?!! And these are italian, I guess. A little better than the former, but not really for me, even though I can hear some Alter Bridge in this music, especially in track 3. But great to hear some new music from 2012 allready, Jon. I'll buy my first 2012-album today, and you'll hear that in my next NMC. And I predict, that YOU are going to like it, RJ will like some of it, and Jon will dislike it   


I meant SCOTT will dislike it.......!

NIGHTIWISH ...  Wallet closed and thumbs wavering 

Is this Evanesence or Blackmores Night?  Hard to tell.  This was just OK, nothing special.


LACUNA COIL ... Thumbs trending down

I really like this bands debut, thought it was innovative and progressive, now the the genre just sounds played out, like there is nowhere for it to go. 

Boo to you. What's with all the comparisons to Evanescence when both these bands were around before that bucket o' crap?

Might be, but Evanescence got famous sounding like that, and it's the same "crap" in my ears. 

Nightwish (Thumbs 3/4 Upward)

I used to think I liked this style of music.  Now I know I don't. 


However, this is interesting to me.   I love the mixture of styles.  I also really dig the guitar work on track 2 (I think that's it).  I'm not crazy about her vocals, but believe it or not, I liked the male vocal style on the first track.  Overall, probably not a purchase , but I do kind of like it.


Lacuna Coil (Thumbs Somewhat Down)

I listened to the complete album stream last Friday.  It just doesn't hold interest for me.


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