Classic Rock Bottom

Both of these two albums have a VERY good chance, of ending in my personal Top-5 over albums from 2012. I HOPE there will come many more great albums this year, but for me, these two albums are SO good, that I don't expect 5 new albums better than this.

Both albums are what I would call "Prog-Poprock", and I REALLY like that "style" at the moment. Okay here we go:


1. Wallflower
2. Map Of The Past
3. Flag
4. Cartoon Graveyard
5. Meadow And The Stream

I remember the english band It Bites from the 80's, but I don't really remember the music, they made. This album is a concept-album, and I do like concept-albums, well the good ones, and this is one of those. I can hear some inspiration from Genesis (the singer sounds pretty much like Peter Gabriel, some times), and Marillion, but mostly, they sound like It Bites. I had a hard time chosing 5 tracks, because all of the tracks on the album are great, and remember that since it is a concept-album, it MIGHT be, that the songs are not as strong alone, as they are "together", so if you remotely like some of this, purchase this album. You won't regret it.


1. Untouchable, Pt. 1
2. Untouchable, Pt. 2
3. The Gathering Of Clouds
4. The Beginning And The End
5. The Lost Child

For a year or so, I've thought about getting some music with the english group Anathema, and when I saw, they were releasing a new album in 2012, I waited until this release. It MIGHT take a few listenings, to get in to this album, but when "you get it" like me, you can't stop listening. This might just be album of the year for me. This is music to listen to, while doing nothing. If you listen at work with just one ear, you won't get it!! This COULD also be a concept-album, because all of the tracks are about...wait for it...the weather. Please listen to every minute, that I have posted. If you only listen to the first couple of minutes of every song, you won't be able to "review" this music.

Okay, now it's your turn to listen:

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I'm going to be Scott!

It Bites--3/4 thumbs up

Thought this would be just like the band name, but it wasn't. Sounded a bit like Spock's Beard to me and I like Spock's Beard so I like this one, but not as much as Spock's Beard, who I like.

Anathema--1/2 thumbs up

Pretty good, better than I thought. Nothing like Spock's Beard (who I like) and nothing like It Bites (who sound like Spock's Beard, who I like) but this was pretty good nonetheless.

Very good post Niels!

Okay, you're Scott, then. Hmmm, Spock's Beard, eh? Isn't it because SB sounds like Genesis/Marillion?!! 

It Bites -- Thumbs Up

I like it, it has a good sound! The singer reminds me of John Wetton, so I hear a little Asia while I'm listening to this. Would definitely listen to this. Good first listen! Going through the 2nd time, I like even better!!!

Anathema -- Thumbs Up

I Like this, very good musically! My only personal pet peave, is there are a few parts where the male vocal is a little annoying & distracts from the music.

Good Picks Neils!!!

Thank you, Mike. Glad you like them both. If I were you, I would purchase It Bites, because as I wrote, it is a concept-album, and you really need to hear the whole album, I think.

The male vocalist in Anathema does not bother me at all. Did you know, Anathema used to play "doom-metal"?!! Whatever that is!!?

listening to Anathema again, The only place where the vocals really bother me is on "Lost Child".  I just don't care for that one. I agree with Scott & RJ, it starts to taper, the first two songs are very good, the next two are ok, then the last one, not so good. 

IT BITES ... 3 light and fluffy danish with one bit taken out of each

Fully expecting to, well... Bite! I was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty good!  Loved some of the progressive/melodic mix and I heard the Spocks Beard moments as well, but not enough of them to be in purchase mode on this.  Nice listen!!!


ANATHEMA ... 2 danish with really tasty glaze on one and no glaze on the other

Untouchable Pt. 1 - Wow!  Really really strong!  Pt 2 was nice also...  Nice acoustic work!  I didnt care for Beginning and the End and Lost Child didnt work for me.  Not sure how to fell abo0ut this one, really reall loved that first song! Alot!

I suggest, that you listen to Anathema again. This album "grows" on you. I wasn't that "thrilled" at the beginning, but after 10-15 listenings, it has only gotten better!! 

Man, was I on target or what!

You forgot to mention how much I like Spocks Beard

Man was I on target or what!


Yeah...that's the best I could come up with.

It Bites (2/5)

Those first two songs are really stong.  But then I just lost it.  I agree with Mike on the Asia comparison.  Overall, not bad, but probably not really for me.


Anathema (1/5)

Like Scott, I thought that first track was a knock out...but then I felt like I had passed out after the rest.  To use one of your favorite words Niels, it's pretty boring.  I don't think that the music is bad at all, but I'm just not moved by it (except for the first song).


Always love trying out some new music though.  As a matter of fact, I don't remember which site has it, but the entire Anathema album was streaming online last week.


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