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Religion in Music-Does It Influence Who You Support and Who You Don't?

I wanted to throw out a more serious question to everyone in the group. The idea for this topic came to me after posting my thoughts on the band Grim Reaper in another thread. Grim Reaper were the epitome of good cheese back in the day. Many of their lyrics involved singing about "evil" things. However, it was quite obvious that most of their stuff was in good fun and it was all part of their "act."While they weren't one of my favorite bands, I liked a few songs of theirs and viewed that band as harmless. It did get me to thinking about the role of religion in music. I know all of us come from various walks of life and there probably are a variety of religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc. on this board, so let's focus on religion in music. Are there bands out there which were too over the top for you to purchase an album by? I am talking about bands that had what you deemed offensive lyrics, etc.

For me, I have always tried to be open-minded toward these things, but with me (and it may be hypocrisy on my part), I have limits. I can see the humor in a band like Grim Reaper, but some of the death metal bands like Venom, go way too far. When you look at the "Big Four" Thrash bands, I like Metallica, Megadeth, and Anthrax (especially Megadeth), but I am not a fan of Slayer because the lyrics go a little too far at times for my tastes.

Where do you stand on this issue or is it a complete non-factor for you?

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Excellent topic, Scandal!!

Now, I do not consider myself religious at all, never know "what's out there".

When I was 14, I got scared shitless after seeing "The Excorcist", and at that time, I was a little more religious than now, so for a good few years, I did avoid bands like Venom and Mercyfull Fate, because I did not like "messing with the evil side". I heard from a friend's friend who knew the drummer in King Diamond's band around '89, that weird things were really happening "around" King Diamond, who really WAS a "devil-worshipper", things like you could see, that "someone" had slept in a bed, where nobody HAD slept, and those things scared me for years, so the reason that I kept myself away from those bands was not so much how religious, I was, more how scared of "evil" I was. But I knew that bands like Grim Reaper was only "good" fun, of course.

Nowadays, I couldn't care less, because I think it's all a load of bullshit, and I don't believe in anything, or that's not true, I believe in science, but let's not make this a discussion about belief.

But last year, I had a rather hard time deciding, if Neal Morse's "too religious" lyrics was way too much for me, but in the end I bought his music, and I'm of course very glad, that I did, because the music in the end IS what it is all about. If he loves Jesus, then good for him. As long as he doen't really preach, that I ALSO must love Jesus aso. It's good music, and that's what counts.

If "you" on the other hand worship the Devil, I don't think the music will sound as good, not because of your "beliefs", but because, you're probably a weirdo!!

Niels, that weirdo comment cracked me up!  Priceless.


For me, I'm a firm believer in separation of Church and Music.  A good example of this is music with profanity laced lyrics.  For the most part, they don't bother me.  There are exceptions.  For example, a specific song on Motley Crue's Saints of Los Angeles album that I won't mention here.


But the reason I don't listen to Death Metal has nothing to do with religion, it's simply because to me, that music sucks.  Just a personal opinion.


I don't generally listen to stuff that glorifies devil worship, but again it's usually 'cause I don't like that style of music.  One recent band I have thought about picking up is Ghost.  Their music sounded good to me, but everything I read seemed to have to do with devil worship.  So I've held off.  That one may just be too over the top for me.

For me it makes a world of difference, as an individual and as a Father what I believe and how I pratice it does influence what I listen to and what I allow in my players.  I feel like I am very open to all sorts of music and lyrical content, but I do draw a hard line with repsect to Satanic music or devil worship.  Several bands come to mind but lets just say we dont share the same world view and I consciously avoid them.  As an example, Ive refused to watch Marilyn Manson videos on this site for this very reason.

Bands whose sole focus is there belief system always seem to have musci thats not very engaging and the music just ends up losing.  On this point I agree with RJ's comments.  I think the same thing about Christian Rock bands.  They too are guilty of focusing on the message and forsaking the music.  e.g.  Stryper has some solid tunes, but loads of filler that's more lyrically profound than musically profound.

I also dont like the propoganda that can be found in the Political realm either, bands like U2 and Springsteen come to mind.  Activism is one thing, but propoganda another, but I suppose thats another topic for another discussion...

Well Scandal, I am a Christian!

It's something that I'm proud. I'm not a fanatical or condemning of those who aren't, but I don't hide the fact that I am. I am very open when it comes to music. I try to be accepting of everything, even if it's not necessarily my cup of tea, but there are areas where I draw the line. There is music that is offensive to me & what I believe, so regardless if I like the sound of the music or not, I will not listen. Here are my personal limitations:

1. If the song uses the Lord's name in vein or in a disrespectful way.

2. If an artist, publicly denounces or makes a mockery of Jesus Christ.

With that being said, I'm not opposed to all depictions or references to evil. I'm a fan of horror! Images of demons, the Grim Reaper etc. don't bother me, but things that are overly satanic in nature do. I agree, there is a threshold between taste & distasteful. We all have different tolerence levels & it's up to us, as to where we set ours.

So, to answer the question, music does influence who I support, because I will not support anyone who is offensive or disrespectful to my beliefs.

I used to have the opinion, never discuss religion or music! Either one, will guarantee you an intense debate, where you are unlikely to find common ground. Kudos, on tackling them both!!!  

It's a complete non-factor to me. I don't listen to Slayer just because I don't like their music, I'm not concerned with their lyrics at all. I've listened to a lot of the death metal bands and some I like, some I don't. To be perfectly honest, most times I don't even listen to the lyrics. If the music sucks me in and I can dance to it, it's good enough for me. 

you can dance?  The mental images are just awful!

Think of Elaine...

I am a Christian, despite the fact that I love heavy rock n roll, love to party, and love women!

I am an "everyday sinner", and the holiness of Jesus Christ is my only redemption. I won't listen to openly satanic that glorifies the devil, or is openly anti-Christian.

Having said that...I only really became a Christian over the last 5 years. I still love all of my old Black Sabbath music...but despite their image, I dont think they are satanic. I really dont. Same with Ronnie James Dio. "Holy Diver" is a great slab of music, and I'll always listen to it.

I dont really like an album cover like Holy Diver...but I wont throw it away or stop listening to it. I bought it way back before I became a Christian. I dont think the music from Dio's career is really satanic...I think it's more about mysticism, and the "battle between good and evil".

The opposite is true as well...I won't support a band just because they are Christian. If the music they make is good, I'll listen. If it's not, I'm not going to purchase it just to support a Christian band.

There is a lot of reference to Satan in quite a few of the songs on the Bruce Dickinson solo stuff I've purchased over the last few months. But again, I think it's lyrically more about the existence of evil...than glorifying evil.

My final statement is this....I was made to go to Church as a youngster. When I was 15, my parents decided to let me choose whether to go to Church or not. I stopped going immediatley. Didn't set foot in a Church for over 30 years, unless it was for a wedding or a funeral.

But, a few years back, during the darkest time in my entire life, I went to a Church simply because my young Daughter had been invited to go by a young friend of hers. I went, and the Pastor was a Harley-riding, Jesus loving comedian behind the pulpit. I immediatley made a connection with this Pastor, and have been attending his Church ever since. In short, I had what I feel was/is a personal revelation.

And now, I pray for those that don't know Jesus...I pray for revelations...without the pain I had...for those that need it. I'll never preach to anyone about it, but I'll always be available for anyone who wants to discuss the Holy Trinity. I used to think being a Christian meant "not having any fun" quite frankly. But now, I just know that I am what I am...a sinner, and Jesus is my salvation.



Indeed it does! As a very conservative Church of Christ Christian, I refuse to support Queen or Elton John, since both Freddie Mercury and Elton are homosexuals, or were, in Freddie's case. Also, since Ozzy Osborune has demonstrated such Devil-like qualities, I don't support Black Sabbath or his solo stuff either.


I'm just following what The Bible states for Christians as far as those issues are concerned!

Okay, Mark. Fair enough. Since I'm from another part of the world, I don't really understand that religious affiliation. 

But I'm curious: Does that mean, that you won't listen to bands like Judas Priest, REM, King's X, B-52's and Bi-sexuals such as (probably) David Bowie, Pete Townsend and Mick Jagger?

What about the fact, that the man that discovered The Beatles and was their first manager, Brian Epstein was Gay. Does that make you not listen to The Beatles?

Don't take this the wrong way. I am NOT seeking a confrontation. This is a FRIENDLY site, and new members with a good music-taste like you are always welcome....but I'm just curious.


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