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1. expressive of or appealing to sentiment, esp. the tender emotions and feelings, as love, pity, or nostalgia: a sentimental song.
2. pertaining to or dependent on sentiment: We kept the old photograph for purely sentimental reasons.
3. weakly emotional; mawkishly susceptible or tender: the sentimental Victorians.

This week I've been a bit reflective.  I guess at a certain age you can look back and laugh, cry, remember, smile, and wonder where the time went.  So this past week I've managed to pick out tunes that are all of the above.  Tunes that really mean something to me, so they are in every senses of the term "Hidden Treasures" just exactly that, but with a personal twist because they recall people, places, events, relationships, and bring genuine feelings and memories flooding back into me that are really cool.  So its a bit personal this week...

Lets start ...

TITLE: Help Is On It's Way
BAND: Little River Band
ALBUM: Diamantina Cocktail
YEAR: 1975
This one is sentimental to me because it was the first album I owned that I pored over the cover, liner notes, sleeve and even the label in the middle of the vinyl.  I realized there was more to this than just side 1, side 2 and a top 40 radio hit.  This band cared enough to put out something of value, something that had a high quality feel and it showed in the music and packaging.  I still love this band.

TITLE: You Belong to Me
BAND: The Doobie Brothers
ALBUM: Farewell Tour
YEAR: 1983
Not the studio version, not Carly Simon's version either, but the Live Farewell Tour version.  The others don't speak to me like this one. This song is special not because of the way the lyrics strike me emotionally, and they do, but the fluidity of the music, its smoothness, and the heart found in it.

TITLE: Someday Soon
BAND: Firefall
ALBUM: Luna Sea
YEAR: 1977
Ever remember wanting to pack your bags leave your nowhere town and settle down?  Did you want it to be with a certain person?  Ummm, OK, maybe it was just me, never-mind.  But the song is just killer emotional!

TITLE: The Pretender
BAND: Jackson Browne
ALBUM: The Pretender
YEAR: 1976
Not every sentimental song has to be about love or a relationship.  Sometimes it just speaks truth!  "I'm gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender" ... what a perfect line and its still freakin' true!!  "And when the morning light comes streaming in we'll get up and do it again" ... Yup, got me again!

TITLE: Hole In The World
BAND: Eagles
ALBUM: The Very Best Of
YEAR: 2003
This is the Eagles song for 9/11.  That event was personal for all of us, this was the tune that really got me though.  "They say that anger is just love disappointed" is a classic Henley lyric.

TITLE: The Wall
BAND: Kansas
ALBUM: Leftoverture
YEAR: 1976
The lyrics in this one are very spiritual, at least to me they are.  Plus the song is written perfectly and played to perfection.  This is one those songs that I know every instruments part, and every word means something...  To pass beyond is what I seek, I fear that I may be to weak ...  The moment is a masterpiece, the weight of indecision's in the air ...  I could keep going.  Leftoverture's lyrics are rivaled only by those written by Neil Peart, and they may have trumped him on this one!

TITLE: I Don't Want To Talk About It [1989 version]
BAND: Rod Stewart
ALBUM: Atlantic Crossing/The Definitive Rod Stewart
YEAR: 1975/1989
Ever been dumped by "The One"!  OK, maybe this is just me again.

TITLE: Come Back To Me
BAND: David Cook
ALBUM: David Cook
YEAR: 2008
Where is it written that a sentimental tune has be an older tune?  This song is just damn good!  And it does evoke an emotional response and triggers lots of memories.

TITLE: The Living Years
BAND: Mike and the Mechanics
ALBUM: The Living Years
YEAR: 1988
This one is way too personal for me, I lost my Father in 1984 and some of the lyrics describe my experience a little too closely.

TITLE: This Song Is Over
BAND: The Who
ALBUM: Who's Next
YEAR: 1971
Is there any other song more appropriate to end this list?  I didn't think so either.  Really this whole album is sentimental for me, but this one just has the perfect analogy for all sorts of life events.


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This one looks good Scott. I should be able to listen tomorrow morning at work and I'm looking forward to it.
That's a good indicator, thanks! I debated posting because its a bit too reflective and personal for me on a few of these tracks and I'm not very good at opening up sometimes, especially online. And even though there's not a lot of personal info provided, it still feels awkward, make sense?
Yep, it makes total sense. There are still certain songs that work the same way for me. I think your comments on the individual song are appropriate. They let us know that the song means something to you, but you aren't throwing out personal details. It works well for me.

And, I'm looking forward especially to the David Cook tune. I watched that particular season of AI (and I don't care how much fun of me that Jon makes) and thought he was very talented. I almost bought the CD but remembered that I thought the same thing about Chris Daughtry, and he irritates the crap out of me now, so I never bought it.
100% with you on the AI/Daughtry thing, But the Cook CD is actually pretty tight. I like it a lot, in fact I listen to it at the gym most frequently, its got that hard driving kick to it, and I thought I might generate some comments with it on here as well...
I am going to vomit. I though that AI was off limits??????????? Everything else is great (as usual) if I can only find a way to delete or scratch the crap out of the Cook tune....
Ya, like I said I debated doing that one. But I liked it enough and it fit the theme. If it wasnt for Cook, I would slay AI with you...
I told you Jon would have something to say...I know how much he likes AI.
As I suspected, this was a very nice listen. I can easily see where each of these songs have meaning for someone, in this case, Scott. I liked 'em all, so I won't mention each individually, but I'll make a couple of comments.

I'm a Little River Band fan, but I really only know the hits, not any of their deep cuts. Too bad, 'cause I bet they are good.

I did like the David Cook song. He has a smooth but strong voice that can have grit when he wants it too. My only complaint would be that it does sound like a Daughtry song. Daughtry has his head so far up Nickleback's you know what that I can barely stand his voice anymore. But I'll give David a break since this is really the only song I've listened to by him. Like I said, he could be very good.

The Living Years is a beautiful song. I'm lucky, I still have my dad, but like so many people, I don't see him as much as I should. But that's on me, nobody else. I feel for you and anyone else who has lost their father. Rick Springfield has a couple of songs written for his dad that I like very much.


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