Classic Rock Bottom

Once upon a time I did a special request for ballads as a SHT list.  I thought it turned out really well, so well that I had the idea that I would do a part II... and then I got on this Thin Lizzy kick.  I've spent the better part of an entire week banging my head to Black Rose, Chinatown, Renegade and Thunder and Lightning.  It's been AWESOME!!!


But when I sat down to finish working on my Ballads part II idea, I got hung up on songs that werent really slow to mid tempo, nor were they ballads.  What are these?  Slow songs?  Not quite ballady?  or just real nice hidden treasures?


And away we go....


TITLE: A Better Place
BAND: Army of Anyone
ALBUM: Army of Anyone
YEAR: 2006
Question...  What happened to the rest of Stone Temple Pilots when Scott Weiland joined Velvet Revolver.  Answer... Army of Anyone.  And they were as awesome as expected.



TITLE: Ticket To The Moon
BAND: Electric Light Orchestra
YEAR: 1981
uh... uh...  I dont know where to start with this one.  Really, Ticket to the Moon?  Ballad or not?  I have no idea...  All I know is it is really catchy and I go straight to it everytime I throw this one in the player.



TITLE: Gods Top Ten
ALBUM: Switch
YEAR: 2005
This is one of the most beautiful tracks released in the 2000's that I can think of.  But not really a ballad, just a cool duet full of emotion.  Haunting in a way, but so so good. 



TITLE: Romeo and Juliet
BAND: Dire Straits
ALBUM: Making Movies
YEAR: 1980
Ballad or Story?  Both perhaps?  If this came on would you grab your significant other and slow dance?  Or play air banjo?




TITLE: Surrender The Rain
BAND: Lindsey Buckingham
ALBUM: Out of the Cradle
YEAR: 1992
Its Lindsey Buckingham solo, so you know its quirky, but there is something I love about it.  He can be so melodic sometimes and so quirky others.  This may be the hybrid tune, quirky and beautiful.



TITLE: Runaway
BAND: Jefferson Starhip
ALBUM: Earth
YEAR: 1978
OK, this one may arguably be classified as ballad, but the beat is right in between a fast dance and slow dance.  And while this is a killer song, how would you classify this?  Great guitar work as one would expect with this version of Jefferson Starship.  So I'll stick with just a great song.


TITLE: Echoes of Love
BAND: The Doobie Brothers
ALBUM: Living On The Fault Line
YEAR: 1977
I have a genuine soft spot for this album.  It was one of the first times I heard such attention to production, you can almost hear the pic on the strings of the guitars its so clear.  I know its soft, but its still a special album and this is a special track from it!  Just not sure where to categorize it...


TITLE: Strange Way
BAND: Firefall
YEAR: 1978
These guys get featured by me from time to time.  Their just too good to not share.  This one may sound familiar as it was a hit in the states in the late 70's.  In fact I think it was quite big for a time.  But...  Its such a cool track and seemed to really fit this weeks theme, what do you think?


TITLE: Love Will Find A Way
BAND: Pablo Cruise
ALBUM: Worlds Away
YEAR: 1978
The Cruise was my first concert and therefore one of my all time favorite bands!  But heres one we all can agree is a great love song!  But its not really ballad material, or is it?  Great bass line, slick production, and guitar work, also has a cool chorus.


TITLE: Romeo's Tune
BAND: Steve Forbert
ALBUM: Jackrabbit Slim
YEAR: 1979
This was the tune that made me think about this weeks topic, so I have to end with it.  Is this a ballad or a something else?  With a title like this you'd expect ballad.  But its really not in the same mold.  Cool tune though, and one thats been remade tons of times, but this is the original and as such is the best one.  By the way, this album is really quite good!





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Love Strange Way and Love Will Find A Way, and looking very forward to this.  I've been wanting to sample Army Of Anyone, and can't wait to hear the Buckingham and The Doobies tunes.
Lindsey Buckingham is a very talented musician. One of these days, I've got to have one of his albums. Has he made a "best of"?

No best of, but you should be able to find his albums for pretty cheap. My favorite album is "Go Insane", but you really can't gro wrong with any of them.  

Steve Forbert? Wow. That's someone who everyone was going to hit it BIG, but rally never did. I remember when that album came out, there was so much press about he guy, my sister was into him huge and then he kind of disappeared.

Yes sir...  Have you ever heard his full albums?  Alive on Arrival and Jackrabbit Slim are way good!  Pretty folksy, but very melodic.  The guys got a knack for writing a great tune. Seen him a few years back on Austin City Limits on TV, thought back then that he was pretty damn good.  This time... I'm gonna reconnect with him a bit more...  re-listen to the two albums I have and check out some of his newer stuff. 


I'm surprised the Buckingham track went over this well, its such a strange little track, but it grows on you, much like the rest of his stuff.


Thanks for the replies!


Anyone else?

I think I may have heard at least one full album when it came out, thanks to my sister playing it over and over again. I do remember this song and "Say Goodbye To Little Jo", the rest off that one album and others don't ring any bells.

Nice, mellow playlist this week Scott.  I certainly enjoyed it.  The best hidden treasure for me was God's Top Ten.  That is a beautiful song.  I'm assuming it's about the band's former lead you have any additional info on that?  Second on the favorite hidden gem list for me is The Doobie Bros. tune.  I've never heard either of these songs and they are outstanding.  Not a bad track here Scott.

Oh yeah, I liked that Army Of Anyone track.  Maybe a couple more off of this album will find their way onto some future SHT's.  Not surprisingly, it sounded very STP"ish".  And the last song, I've heard it many times but never knew who performed it.  Now I do.  Cool song.

You hit the nail on the had with Gods Top Ten.  In fact theres even a Wiki site for it...


Check it out...

What a nice, pleasant playlist! I really enjoyed this and was feeling mellow. Army Of Anyone sounds like a band I can't put my finger on at the moment, don't think it's STP as Rjhog mentioned, but maybe it is.
Army of Anyone is made up of 3 of the 4 members of STP sans Weiland, so its very much like them...


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