Classic Rock Bottom


OK, for whatever reason, I'm feeling like this forum is starting feel a bit, oh I don’t know ...  is "routine" the right word?  I think that is what I'm feeling anyway.  I want to make sure I stay fresh and generate ideas that interest and inspire me to pull out new classic tracks to share. 

SHT has hit it's 40's and with that comes a mid-life crisis.  A mid-life crisis is characterized by self-doubt, a feeling that youth has passed and old age is imminent.  One of the ways to grieve this period of life is to try and recover youthful feelings and appearance.  So that’s my interpretation of why I'm feeling like this forum is nearing that "routine" phase.

So for the next two weeks, I am reclaiming my youth and why I love classic rock and the styles that make me feel youthful and happy.  I've reconciled myself to the fact that I'm not the metal head I always thought I was way back then.  These songs are the hidden treasures that explain why. 

I'm going to walk through each year 1970 thru 1989 and pick a track that meant something to me and my musical journey.  This week we will be in the 70's.

Let’s get this rolling...




TITLE: My Sweet Lord
BAND: George Harrison
ALBUM: All Things Must Pass
Only a hand full of bands really grabbed my attention at this age.  And let’s be serious, maybe it wasn’t 1970 when I started listening, but the music of this period created a firm foundation.  The Beatles and their subsequent solo efforts were pretty large influences.  Still listen to this day!

TITLE: Getting In Tune
BAND: The Who
ALBUM: Who's Next
How could I ever pass up a chance to showcase the greatest album in Rock history!  This is easily the most influential album in my collection.  I'm just bangin' on my old piano, gettin' in tune to the straight and narrow.  Pure Awesomeness!


TITLE: Doctor My Eyes
BAND: Jackson Browne
ALBUM: Jackson Browne
Pretty transitional year if you look at bands who released their debuts this year.  60's acts, for the most part, were getting overshadowed by new sounds from acts like Browne.  And how influential would he end up becoming?  Wow!

TITLE: Elderberry Wine
BAND: Elton John
ALBUM: Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player
Capturing lightning in a bottle?  This period for John was exactly that.  Everything he did produced Platinum results.  The production values and attention to songwriting and lyrics were really influential to me.  I had one cousin who played this non-stop, and now I'm glad he did.  These albums still hold up quite strongly.

TITLE: Finding My Way
BAND: Rush
Did you know this was the year that Van Halen played their first gig?  But I digress...  This was the debut year of Geddy, Alex, and ... John?  Yup,  John Rutsey.  Heavy riffs, and the vocals were unique.  Face it, you either loved it or didn’t know what to think about it, but you didn't hate it.

TITLE: The Tell Tale Heart
BAND: The Alan Parsons Project
ALBUM: Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Edgar Allan Poe put to music?  Wow!  What a revelation of where music could go, at least it was for me.  And progressive rock would never been heard the same by me ever again!


TITLE: Fly Like An Eagle
BAND: Steve Miller Band
ALBUM: Fly Like An Eagle
This album recalls so many events in my life.  One of the most traumatic was the death of family friend at the hands of drunk driver.  He was 17, and the title track of this album was played at his funeral and was etched on his headstone and forever in my musical lexicon.  It has to be the one I post for this year.

TITLE: Go Down
ALBUM: Let There Be Rock
This was the album and track that introduced me to ACDC.  A Side 1 Track 1!  I know I came late to the ACDC party, but hey, I started with a killer album!  Do you remember the first time you heard ACDC?


TITLE: Wait A Little While
BAND: Kenny Loggins
ALBUM: Nightwatch
I think this is the track that most of you will not like on this list.  But to be true to my thought process I have to reveal tracks like this because they were extremely influential to me.  This album, in particular, introduced me to jazz influences and melody.  Loggins is a master songwriter, like him or not, he can really craft a fine tune with extremely detailed production.

TITLE: Movin On
BAND: Triumph
ALBUM: Just A Game
Closing with a great riff!  Triumph doesn't get much love from those who will listen to this forum, but I will keep working on you all for them.  Kinda like Jon with that Townsend guy.  That and the tilte is perfect for where SHT goes next. 


Yup that’s right, were movin' on ...  to the 80's.  See you next week!

(That last comment has a cheese factor of 9)



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Oh come on..routine? We love your stuff Scott, honestly we do. And there's no Firehouse here so it's just gotta be good!

Nice pics on the banner, especially the one on the right.


George Harrison - Don't like this song.  Never have.  Probably in my top 10 all time least favorites.


The Who - This however, I do like.  It's hard to go wrong with The Who.


Jackson Browne - This is one of my favorite JB songs.  He has such a smooth voice that works so well on this song.


Elton John - Usually I'd like an EJ tune, but this one doesn't do it for me.  It's not bad, just not particularly good to me.


Rush -  I'd have to say I've heard more Rush since I met you guys than ever before in my life.  This is very decent.  I really like the riff.  And Geddy's voice isn't half bad...I think I'm starting to accept it the way it is.


Alan Parsons - This is not very good to me.


Steve Miller Band -  This is a terrific song.  Always has been.  I can't say I'm a huge SM fan, but this song is great.


AC/DC - This is not an overly familiar song to me, but I have heard it.  I think it's pretty good.  Bon Scott's vocals just work so well for this band.


Kenny Loggins - You know, I think he has a great voice, and I like most of the stuff you've posted from him, but I didn't really care for this one.


Triumph - This I like.  It has a real Styx feel to it, especially the backing vocals and even the guitar playing.



Not surpirsed about the Loggins track.  I think your sentiment will be the same for everyone else, but like I wrote, I had to stay true to the theme and NightWatch is one of the most personally influential albums in my collection.


However, I am surpirsed that the Parson track didnt work for you.  Maybe its a context thing.  Have you ever listened to the whole album?  Does the Edgar Allan Poe thing interest you at all?

I have never heard the album...


I like the Edgar Allen Poe thing idea wise, but I'd have to hear the whole album.  I don't know much about EAP, so I don't know if I'd get it or not. 

I'll take the one on the left, then!
I got my left and right confused, I like the left better too!

1. GREAT song from a great album. Too bad he knicked it from The Chiffons, but who cares!!!

2. Excellent choice from a GREAT album. One of the songs, you don't heard as often as the others. Typical Townshend-track. 

3. I don't know much about Jackson Brown. It's a fine little tune. Nothing special, though. A bit like a cross between Paul Simon and Elton John.

4. And here he is. Awesome piano-sound and voice. He was at the top, around this time. Great track!!

5. Rush without Neil Peart can't be 100% great, and this song ain't near to being one of their best. This is actually one Rush-cd that I don't own, but I have heard this song before.

6. I kinda like this one. Not bad, even though I don't care much for the singer.

7. Well, I DON'T like Steve Miller Band, and this song won't change that!!

8. But I LOVE (Bon Scott-era)AC/DC. Again, a great pick from a great album!! Good guitar-solo from Angus.

9. Hmmm, not for me, this one. The only thing, I really know from Kenny Logins is "Footloose", and that's all, I need to know.

10. Now, here's a band, we have'nt heard much about here at CRB. I've only bought 1 Triumph-album, and I can't remember, what it's called, but it was in 1986. This song is okay, but I think they have made them better?!! This sound a bit like a cross between Styx/Boston/Uriah Heep and Saga.  

This was a nice listen from top to bottom. I did not have an issue with any of the songs, and that's what counts the most?

Wow, a 100% good?  Are you running a fever?  I thought for sure that Loggins track would be an issue for you.

Not at all for Kenny Loggins, I don't mind him one bit. I really ike his "High Adventure" album. But if you force me, Jackson Brown doesn't do anything for me. 


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