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VOTW#20 contain's (again) 4 new video's and 2 classic video's, and there might be a posibility of a major cheesefactor this week (or 2?). But let's start of with the 4 new ones:

Be careful, as usual. There are scenes, that are not for children's eyes!!

1. Black Label Society - OverLord

The band needs no further introduction. This is a VERY new video from Zakk Wylde & co. It's from their last album "Order of the Black" released august, this year. I THINK the video premiered yesterday, 2. november, so you may not have seen this yet?!

2. Filter - No Love

Filter is an alternative rock band from Cleveland, Ohio, formed in 1993. They have released 5 studio-albums, and this video is from their latest album "The trouble with angels" released august (again?) 2010. This is also a pretty new video.

3. Darkwater - Breathe

Darkwater is a progresive metalband from Sweeden (I like to show you something from this part of the woods). This is from their as yet not released album "Where Stories End". I don't know much about this band, in fact nothing at all.

4. Taproot - Release Me

Taproot is a hard-rock/post-grunge group from Michigan. This song is from their newest album "Plead the fifth" released in april 2010. As far as I know, their 7th album.

5. Samson - Vice Versa

From Wikipedia: Samson was a British hard rock band formed in 1977 by guitarist and vocalist Paul Samson. They are best known for their first three albums with future Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson, then known as "Bruce Bruce", and drummer Thunderstick (real name Barry Graham), who wore a leather mask and performed on stage in a metal cage. Drummer Clive Burr was also member of the band, both before and after his tenure with Iron Maiden. Drummer Mel Gaynor also had a successful music career being a member of Simple Minds for over 20 years.

This is a video from their 1980-album "Head On". Any Cheese-factor?

6. White Lion - When the children cry (and 7. Mabel - Boom Boom)

White Lion with danish lead-singer Mike Tramp (a good danish name). Now, I lied a bit, when I said, that there was 6 video's this week, because there's just one more, I'm gonna show you, not really a video, but still, because Mike Tramp started his career in the danish boy-band Mabel who won the danish "Eurovision song contest" in 1978, and let's take a look at that, while we're at it. Enjoy. Oh, what's the cheese-factor on these video's??

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This looks very interesting Niels. I have the Black Label Society, but have failed to get into it yet. We've heard 1 Filter song from Jon on NMC, and I lie Taproot's second album, but did not like the third one so I didn't buy this one. Everything else will be new to me. I'll check back in when I have watched them. It may be a couple of days so don't think I'm ignoring it.
Using Niels rating system...

-1 point = "I friggin' hate the video(or song)"
-0.5 points = "I really don't like the video( or song), but I CAN watch(hear) it"
0 point = "It does nothing for me. I don't really care".
0.5 points = "This is an okay song(video). I kinda like it".
1 point = "This is great. I really love this".


Black Label Society... 0 points
Niels... You get the exclusive in this one, I don't care who carried it first! Onto the video... I don't ever want to see Zakk in a one piece jump suit ever again, please refrain and stay behind your guitar!! Also, he needs a stunt double, seriously, acting is not his gig man! However, old Kung Fu movies mixed with Black Sploitation flicks and cheesy matrix like moves brought a smile to my face, however disturbing it was to witness... Not a fan of the song, but only because I lean toward more of an AOR style than this. .5 points for the video, and -.5 points for the song

Filter... .75 points
I'm into this right from the start, and the masks the girls are wearing are straight out of Mad magazines classic Spy vs Spy comic. How cool! Nice riff's, good beat, has a nice melodic rock feel. I like the video as well, has that .007 card game feel with a lot of the hot Bond girls dancing behind them. I'm stopping short of 1 point because in the new rating system that means I LOVE this, but I'm just gonna go with "like it a lot"... .75 points overall

Darkwater... .5 points
Kinda like this. Hope you post more when it comes out, maybe for an NMC if you pick it up? Has a Dream Theater feel to it, just a little more melodic. Love the keyboards, not overdone and fit nicely. Nice musicianship as well. I gotta give them .5 for the song, and 0 for a video that has been done too many times. But musically I like this one a lot as well...

Taproot... -.5 points
hmmm... Not my cup of tea. Liked the start of the song but then they started singing and the music kinda died there to. The definition of -.5 points applies here...

Samson... -.5 points, cheese factor = 6
Wow... where to begin. Cheese factors abound. The use of the laser light to fade people in and out was pretty bad, although in 1980 I'm sure that was cool. Not so much now. The dude in the red leather p[ants and the really bad new wave wig, the cage around the drummer, the video out of sync with the track at some points, and Bruce Bruce's makeup. I'm going with a cheese factor of 6.

The song was just barely listenable to me, thank goodness Bruce joined Iron Maiden, factoring the cheesy video and the bad song, I'm going with -.5 points

White Lion / Mike Tramp... -1 points, unwatchable and unlistenable

I have to admit this up front, I never liked White Lion, at all. I thought they came in at the time Hair was dying, cookie cuttered a few tracks and disappeared. I tried to hear the song, but still cant, just don't like it. -1 points

The other video was quite funny though. The hair do's remind me of the Bay City Rollers, as do the outfits. If they would just sew on about 10 inches of plaid material on to the bottom of their pants they would pass as them. The way the two singers look at each other when they sing cracks me up to..

As usual, this was an entertaining and cool post! Thanks Niels, keep up the good work!
Thank you, Scott. I'll wait a bit to give my own ratings, but I can say this now: I am NOT planning on buying the Darkwater-cd, it's not really my cup of tea, so to speak, but then there's room for some other interesting things in NMC :-)
This weekend I will watch and rate. Cause I have something to say about White Lion and all you haters out there!
hmmm... haters, plural?
Black Label Society (1 point)

I'm not a fan, but the video is okay, and kind of funny (0,5), and the song is listenable as well (0,5). But not an album, I would buy.

Filter (1,5 points)

Well, maybe I should change the rating-system, because I don't LOVE the song, but it's good and I like it (0,75) and I like the video too. Nice ladies!! (0,75)

Darkwater (-1 point)

I don't care much for this, neither the song(-0,5) or the video(-0,5), but it was a new video, and Scott obviously liked it, so that's nice. I agree with the Dream Theater observation, but I don't like them either, so there you have it.

Taproot (1 point)

Not bad at all, but again, not an album I would buy. Song (0,5)/Video (0,5)

Samson (2 points (Cheesefactor 7,5))

This is great. I like this one. I never owned that album, but one of my friends did. I bought the following album though ("Shock tactics") and that's a great album. In a way, for me "Bruce Bruce" belongs in Samson and Paul D'ianno belongs in Maiden. Great old-school video.

White Lion (-2 (hundred) points cheesefactor 10)

I actually bought this album. This stinks in every possible way. I can honestly say, that I HATE White Lion. I'm looking forward to Jon's ratings on this one.

Mabel (0,5 points cheesefactor .....I don't know, it's not really a video)

This song was very popular in Denmark, yeah well Scandinavia, in 1978. It's okay, when you've grown up with it. Again, Mike Tramp (or Michael Trampenau) will allways be the singer from Mabel for many people here in Denmark, and that's not a good thing!!
What a pisser! I had everything typed out and managed to loose it before I saved it. So I'll try again.

Black Label Society (2 points)

I like this. The video is hilarious. The Tony Manaro character (John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever) had a funny name. Dick Assman, which immediately reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets the wrong liscense plate for his car that says Assman. Anything that reminds me of Seinfeld gets a good grade in my book. And I like the song too. I'll have to re-listen to the album now. This album may see the light of day in my next NMC.

Filter (2 points)

Both the song and video are very good. This may be overall the best video you've featured Niels. Those chicks are Hawtttt!!! For some reason, I don't remember the song being this good in Jon's NMC. I'll have to revisit that NMC.

Darkwater (0.5 points)

The half point is strictly for the song. It's not great, but it's decent. They sound to me like they should be classified as a pop metal band, based on all the keyboard/synthesizer work. The video, though not awful, is boring. If their energy is no better than this in concert, that's a boring-ass concert.

Taproot (-2 points)

Quite simply, the song blows and the video blows. That's actually one of the most irritation songs I've ever heard. I don't know what happened to this band, but for me, they now offically blow. The video is no better. However, if the whole video would have been the chick in the I Dream Of Jeanie outfit, I would have only given it -1 point.

Samson (-1 point/cheese factor 5)

I can say that I don't hate this, but if I live out the rest of my life without ever seeing this video or hearing this song again, I'll be okay. We'll give both the song and video -0.5 points each. As for the cheese factor, I give it a 5 based on the overall production. And those red leather pants Scott referred to. The drummer looked like he belonged in an S&M show.

White Lion (-1 point/cheese factor 7)

Kind of the same as above, I don't hate it, but I'm okay never hearing or seeing this again. And I actually liked the song when it came out, but it really doesn't hold up. So -0.5 for the song and the video as well. Was White Lion ever a huge stadium type band? This video would certainly have you believe they were. As for the cheese, how about Mike Tramps serious/sexy stare into the camera as he sings. Or the guitar player looking like Eddie Van Halen. Or the guitar player sitting by himself playing the acoustic guitar. Or the guitar players fugly electric guitar used for the solo.

Mabel (-2 points)

It's official, I hate this. I'd rather watch Lawrence Welk reruns.
OK, I thought I would be the only one who didn't care for White Lion and as of this response, were 3 for 3 in the unfavorable club. So now I'm really interested in what Jon has to say...

Jon? Your up to bat...
Here we go......

Black Label Society---1 pt
This is so childish and immature. It's perfect! Like the 6 Trillion Dollar Man (today's price) sound effects. It's like watching a mini-moron movie. Soong is good as well.

Filter---1 pt
Love the song, video is cool cause there's dancing chicks, one in a gas mask! How sexy is that? I was remonded of "A Clockwork Orange" with one of the masks for some reason. Does Richard Patrick's face look plastic here?

Darkwater---.5 pt
Video is allright, song is good. Hear the Dream Theater vibe, but also hear some Ayreon in there as well. Were they named after "The Pirates Of Darkwater" cartoon? Don't know what he purpose of the woman was though. Fine looking, but what ws her purpose? Coat check girl? I mean she had an umbrella....maybe I missed something.

Kind of like the song, video would have been better if the guy jumped. I was rooting him on and it just didn't happen. Bassist looked like the backup singer from Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Grandma danced real sexy like.

Samson--.5 pt, cheese 4
Song is ok, kinda picked up with the solo, rest of it was "eh". Have no idea what cutting the guys hair had to do with the song, but whatever. Red pants, special effects were some of the cheese but the cheesiest was the grape thing. It actuall showed him chewing the grapes. That just seemed out of place. And the acting was pretty cheesy.

And what you've all been waiting for......

White Lion ( I refuse to rate this)

This video has a deep, deep message.
He looks so earnest when he's singing, he really believes this stuff.
Everyone needs to listen to the words very closely.
You then might understand how touching this really is.

So lay off trashing White Lion.
Unebelievable some of the things you guys have said about this band.
Could it be you have no musical taste?
Kool cigarettes...with that fresh, menthol taste!

(On a sidenote, saw these guys open for AC/DC in their "Blow Up Your Video" tour (I believe). I enjoyed them as much then as I do now. And remember: "When the children sing, the new world begins" so I think we're screwed.)

Mabel---0 pt, cheese factor off the friggin' charts
Are you kidding? The clothes, the hair, the complete setup? This is a Kraft moment!
...and I didn't understand a single word they said...
They were singing about spores. It was a science song.
"What is it that is wrong with me, I feel a little unwell.
I think it is experience problems or too much smoke.
No you I do not smoke and drink no traces.
So it's probably your condition is worse than you think.

No. I went up to the doctor, and you know what he said.
That you should 'keep up with life benefits from today"
I lay on the couch and he examined me.
What happened, what he said, what's wrong with you.

It is quite natural to heart hammer away when one is in love with a girl.
If you feel a huge blow then it's easily agitated
It is love who knocks inside you.
and it goes 'boom boom and boom boom
it feels like a thunderstorm here in my chest
and it goes 'boom boom and banks as occupied.
the batters and banks day and night.

Now I can understand why you go and is so pale.
I am happy, but tell me what do you think's coming
This is the great love I know it from myself.
So you've had it like me, tell tell tell.

It is quite natural to heart hammer away when one is in love with a girl.
If you feel huge blow then it's easily agitated
It is love who knocks inside me.
yes it goes 'boom boom and boom boom
it feels like a thunderstorm here in my chest
yes it goes 'boom boom and banks as occupied.
the batters and banks day and night.

yes it goes 'boom boom and boom boom"
it feels like a thunderstorm here in my chest
and it goes 'boom boom and banks as occupied.
the batters and banks day and night.


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