Classic Rock Bottom

Okay, time for the first edition of VOTW in 2011. I don't think, I'm able to show you any video's FROM 2011 yet, but we'll get there soon, I'm sure. In fact, I think I'm going to make a LITTLE change around here, so the first 5 video's won't ALLWAYS be THAT new. There's a lot of video's out there, and a lot of them, I won't call CLASSIC, so in the future, I'll try to post more of the video's from the last 5-10 years or so, and some of them might be "soft rock" or even PoP, maybe. But there will still be 7 video's where the last 2 WILL be classic video's, and the last one might have some cheesefactor. Okay, here we go:

1. Frank Turner - I Still Believe

I've got a "internet-radio" for christmas, and I've just started to listen to"Kerrang-radio", my old magazine from the '80s, and at the moment, they play this song a lot, and I'm starting to like it. Not exactly heay rock, but who cares.

2. Nazareth - See Me

I was a big Nazareth-fan in '78-'79, and boy, do Dan Mccafferty (or whathisname) look old in this video. I do miss Manny Charlton in the band, though.

3. Trapt - Sound Off

From the 2010-album "No Apologies", the american band Trapt, with their newest single, I guess.

4. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Choke

An american band from Florida, with a song from their EP "The Hell Or High Water" from 2010.

5. We are Fallen - Bury Me Alive

I do belive, that this is a band consisting of former american Idol contestant Carly Smithson, Marty O'Brian and former members of Evanescence, but correct me, if I'm wrong. This is from the 2010-album "Tear the World Down".

6. Steelers Wheel - Stuck in the middle with you

Steelers Wheel with the late Gerry Rafferty (RIP). This songs also appears in the Quentin Tarantino movie "The Reservoir Dogs".

7. Gorky Park - Bang Bang

The russian band with their only worldwide hit from 1989, well was it a hit in the US?

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FRANK TURNER ... (0 points)
His PR department needs to do him a favor and get him a decent stage name.  Frank Turner?  Why not Fred Jones, or John Smith.  You know, something to distinguish himself by.  Oh right, the music is suppose to be the great distinguisher.  Well... not in this case, its just background noise.  Is that mean?  Sorry Jeff, uh, Fred, uh, Jack, Steve, whatever your name is...

NAZARETH ... (1.5 points)
Cool points right off the bat and I havent even clicked play... HOLY CRAP THEYRE OLD!!!  Couldnt theyre makeup artist fix that by a few years or so?  Oh well, even if time hasnt been kind to there appearance, it has to their sound as its still fresh and true to their style!  Love me some Nazz!!! 1.5 points

TRAPT ... (0 points)
Please don't tell me they are performing in an abandoned warehouse!  Yup they are.  Is there only one video producer nowdays?  Really....  The singer is spoiling whatever can be saved of the video, but lets give them credit for use of the Devo hat even though I don't care for Devo.  I got 5 bucks that says this singer dude will be bald within 5 years?  Anyone? ... Anyone?

RED JUMPSUIT APARATUS ... (.25 points)
My son is into this band, kind of a Blink 182 sound going on.  Not that that's a bad thing, but its not good either.  I'm indifferent on this one.  Don't like it don't hate it.  Is that .5 or 0?  What the heck!  We'll split it...

WE ARE FALLEN ... (.5 points)

STEALERS WHEEL ... (2 points)
This has been making the rounds in email, facebook, and radio.  Great song! It was weird to hear of his death and weirder to read about his dirty laundry in his obituary.  Sad story really.  All I can say is... I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell! RIP Gerry!

GORKY PARK ... (0 points with a cheese factor of 2)
Nope not a hit in the US.  uh....  little freaked out about the Russian Army marching and kicks going on in this video.  The backward duck walking with the guitarist is not cool either, makes me think back to football drills when the coach was pissed off..  The tune is really blah, not much going with it really, and the video is a little weird, not cheesy, just plain weird! 0 points and 2 cheese factor for the hair and outfits

Frank "The Tank" Turner (-1 point)

Don't care for this at all.  Video or song.  The only reason he didn't get - 2 points is because of the awesome nickname I just gave him...


Nazareth (1.25 points)

Who would have thought that a voice like that would still sound the same after all these years?  And it does still sound great.  This song has almost the same beat as the previous one, but this one is way better.  One point for the song, 0.25 for the video.  It's nothing special.


Trapt (N/A)

I thought this was familiar.  See VOTW # 21.


Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (-0.5 points)

I have an album by this band that's actually pretty good.  This song isn't bad, so 0.5 points.   But the video is quite disturbing to me.  I don't know, I just see some kid seeing this video and going out and doing something like this.  I know it's fantasy, just like in the movies, but it's just disturbing for some reason, so -1 point.


We Are The Fallen (1 point)

You can also find this song in the Versus # 3 post from a week or so ago.  I think the song is fairly strong.  Especially with the little string breakdown towards the end.  She may have been on American Idol, but at least she's rocking.  That's more than you can say for Daughtry, the pop band.  I don't like the band name, they should have gone with her last name, Smithson.  That could be a cool band name.  Her voice is very good, especially at full register.  The video isn't great or terrible, so 0.25 points for it.


Steelers Wheel (2 points)

This video is so bad.  I love it.  It's so simple, it probably didn't cost 100 bucks to make.  But I could watch old cheesy videos like this all day.  And the song.  It's so awesome.  I always think of Reservoir Dogs when I see this.  Michael Madsen is freaky scary in that scene (he cut's the dudes ear off).  See, I like the violence in that movie, just not in the other video.  But this is easily the gem of this weeks vidoes.


Gorky Park (0.25 points / Cheese Factor 5)

I've seen a lot cheesier videos, but this is Russian cheese.  Ugly guitars, badly choreographed moves, and crazy pants on the vocalist.  I will give the song 0.25 points because I like the riff, but that's about it.










Oopps!! Hahaha, that probably won't be the last time, that will happen, RJhog. I also had a feeling, that I had posted the Trapt-video before, but a lot of these video's, I've "checked out" a long time before, I post them in VOTW, so I thought "Naahh, I have'nt posted this one before", and did'nt had the time to go deeper into it, but now we know differently. Sorry, but it WILL happen again!!
No problem my friend, I'm surprised Jon didn't point it out...he's really good at that kind of stuff:-)

Frank Turner--(1 point)

I like the song but why was he mentioning Kanye? And why do I want to punch the drummer in the face?


Nazareth--(2 points)

Even thught the video is simple, I like it. And I REALLY like this song. Great song from a great comeback album. Has anyone mentioned that they look really old?


Trapt--(0 points)

I was looking for the Devo hat thru the whole damned video and then figured Scott was making a funny. Song is ok, video is ok, but is that a prison? And there's only one woman in that prison? That seems kinda weird. In a way. Because there's only one and something like a hundred guys....  


Red Jumpsuit Apparatus--(-1 points)

Song sucks. Video is way too violent for my tastes (hey, I ordered the remake of Pirahna and should have it in a couple days....I heard it's full of blood, guts, ooze and gristle! Right up my alley!). But seriously, Rjhogmakes a point...too many impressionable idiots out there that'll see this and figure it's a cool thing to do. Or am I getting too old? 


We Are The Fallen--(-1 gazillion points)

Well, this is going to be a bit embarassing. I actually stated I liked the song rom Versus #3 but now that I know who they are, I hate it. American Idol sucks. Evanescence suck(ed). I hate this. I take back my liking the song. Video is allright, so I gave it a point. NOTE: From here on out, if an American Idol contestant is featured on any song, video, etc. IT MUST BE STATED. And then I can automatically hate it.  


Stealers Wheel--(2 points)

Great song and video was cool because everyone was stoned. But where were the jokers? And what did that closeup of the eating of the eclair signify?


Gorky Park (song 0 point, cheese 1 point)

"Your rocket is ready"? What does that mean? Thank goodness for Gorky Park (You know, they were named after a book...oh wait, a movie. What's that? It's an actual place in Russia? Well, I'll be damned!), because of this song the wall came down! The leg kicks were stupid so they're cheesy and that's the 1 point. The backward duck walking that Scott mentioned was just odd. I actually think this was a minor hit in the the Deliverance section of the country.   










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