Classic Rock Bottom

In this week's VOTW, I was thinking about making it some kind of special, I don't know, video's from a special year or something, but I changed my mind in the last minute. So we go as usual with 5 kind of new video's and 2 classic. I don't know, if there's any cheesefactor in the last video yet, because right now, I don't know what the last video will be. Not everything is Rock with a capital R this time, but that would also be too booring if you ask me:


This is an english indie rock "group", and this is a song from "their" or her debut-album from 2009. Don't ask anything more, because I know nothing!!


This is a song/video by the american psychedelic rock band MGMT, from their second album "Congratulations" from last year.


About time, to post a song/video by Muse in VOTW. I own this album, and the one they made before that. I'm not REALLY impressed, but this is a nice tune, from 2009, I think.


I have a feeling, that this video has been in VOTW earlier??? IF it has, I'm truly sorry, but my memory ain't that good anymore, and I really have'nt got the time, to take a look, at the old VOTW's. I thought, it was time for some Slipknot, even though I'm NOT a fan of any kind.


An american rock-band, formed in 1990. They have released 9 studio-albums this far. I don't really know, what year this is from? 2007, I think.


I like this video. This was when Aerosmith still was making good music, and good video's, but I do prefer 1970's Aerosmith.


If I remember correctly, I bought Faster Pussycat's debut-album the same day as I bought "Appetite for Destruction".One of these albums, I still sometimes put on, the other one, I think I heard once or twice. Any cheesefactor?

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FLORENCE + THE MACHINE ... (0 points)
I'm strangely attracted to the smurfy background dancers...  Is the singer related to Annie Lennox?  Kinda freaky looking.  Song is awful but I keep watching, I think I'm sub-consciously satisfying some strange need related to dancing female smurfs, and now that the video and song are over I feel much better having seen it.  .5 for a creative video, -.5 for the strange song and scary looking singer

MGMT ...(-.5 points)
Best scene - The dog laying on the floor looking as confused as I am.  WHOA WHOA WHOA!  What is that on his throat? and what did they pull out of it?  Whatever it was it must have stunk the whole place up cause they started wearing gas masks...  Im so confused!  This is is just odd...  -.5 points all around.

MUSE ... (0 points)
Has a Blondie 'Call Me' vibe, but the song isn't as interesting.  The singer is 'blah' and the only cool thing about the video is the teddy bear destruction!  Which feels like a big Ghostbuster rip off...  3 strange ones in a row...

SLIPKNOT ... (0 points)
I don't like band and I don't like the imagery they use. Cookie monster vocals get points deductions as well.  But I gotta admit it was nice to hear a distorted guitar after the first 3 videos!  hahahaha, lets go with 0

CLUTCH ... (.5 points)
9 albums?  American Band?  Never heard of them.  The chicken wire wrapped stage is cool, makes me wanna throw a beer bottle at them!  Man that drummer sure is excitable.  Best thing about this video?  #55!!! .5 points for her alone, and not much more...

AEROSMITH ... (0 points)
I don't like this era of Aerosmith.  You posted Rocks in the 1976 IMHO list and that to me is their best and last top to bottom great album.  This version is just a band playing to the MTV generation who embraced them way past their prime.  I would pander to that crowd to if I could make the money they did.  But it alienated the hard core fan, namely, ME! 0 points

FASTER PUSSYCAT ... (.25 points with a cheese factor of 5)
Finally!  A riff!  But cheese factors appear very early in the video, too much makeup on the singer, hoop earrings on the singer.  Hey another dog laying down looking confused!  Awesome!  Two of those today... OK back to the video...  I really like the guitar solo, but the remake of this song is not very good at all. 

Enjoyable videos today even if the songs were not up my alley! Great post Niels!

Florence + The Machine--0 points

So, this is what it would sound like if Sinead O'Conner and Natalie Merchant had a child? Song was...interesting. Video was kinda cool, felt Scott's love forthe smurfy dancers, but why did everyone done blow up except for Florence (or was that The Machine?).


MGMT--0 points

The song blows runny monkey poo but the video, when the ventroliquist dummies appear, starts getting fun. I don't know what was pulled from the singing neck, I don't know what the thing was shoved into, but I got me some ideas. Old people in videos freak me they know what the video is for? Do they hear the music? A question I've always pondered over.  


Muse--1 point

I really like Muse, I really like this song. The video started off pretty bleh but then got interesting. Giant teddy bear destruction is cool! But then it died. Sigh.


Slipknot--1/2 point

I don't have an issue with cookie monster vocals, except for today for some reason, but the clean vocals kind of made up for it. I like the simple riff. I like they were outside. I like the time change around the 2:45 mark, threw me for a loop. I don't like seeing dead animals though, so 1/4 point off for the CM vocals and another 1/4 point off for the dead animal.


Clutch--1 point

Here we go...just a straight-out rock song. I got the Blue Brothers vibe seeing the chicken wire and, yes, I too, was waiting for some bottles to be thrown. Alas, it was not to be. Also expected an appearance from The Good Old (Ole?) Boys, but not to be. Fine looking bar women! And how did that guy survive after getting run over? Kinda odd.


Aerosmith--0 points

I like "Pump" except for this song, it just bores and annoys me. And it's just a typical video from that time. 


Faster Pussycat--- points, Cheesy factor 1's the same dog as in the MGMT video. Anyway, this is probably the most awful remake of a song, ever. William Shatner does a helluva better job. Saw the same triplets in a "Married With Children" episode, for those that care. I really didn't see cheese,  but I'll throw a point for those earrings.  


Good job Niels, Muse and Clutch for moi.  



Nice...let's add this:


-1 point for Faster Pussycat, even though a total absence of points should say enough.


Jut an idea...I used to kno the rating system, is there a way tohave that posted on each VOTW? May be too much, but I forgot where the post was with the rating systems and am way too lazy to look. Thoush it was from 1 to -1, but think that's wrong.

Niels would have to be willing to copy/paste it at the top of each VOTW post...

Florence + The Machine (-1 point)

This is not my idea of music or video.  I don't like it.  It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, that's why I only gave it -1 point.


MGMT (-1 point)

Exact same response as above...


Muse (0.5 points)

This is a little better.  I somewhat like the song.  It's not the best that I've heard by Muse, but it's not bad either.  On the other hand, I don't care for the video at all.


Slipknot (0 points)

I'm kind of in agreement with Scott here on the imagery this band uses.  I don't like it.  There's something about those masks that's a little freaky to me.  Also don't like the cookie monster vocals, but the other vocals sound very good.  I can't for the life of me figure out why people like this.  By the way, the vocalist here also fronts Stonesour.  And Niels, I don't remember this video being in VOTW before.


Clutch (1.5 points)

This is much more like it.  I've never heard any of their music before, but this is a good song.  They definitely have potential.  This is what a video is supposed to be, scantily clad women.  I vote for more like this one.


Aerosmith (1.5 points)

Yes, I like this song too.  I'm not that big on the horns, but the song itself is good.  The video is fair.   One thing that strikes me is how much the two front men for Aerosmith (Tyler/Perry) have aged in the 20 or so years since this came out.  Of course, everybody ages in twenty years, I'm just sayin...they look really old now.


Faster Pussycat (-1 point/Cheese Factor N/A)

It's not cheesy, but it sure as hell sucks.  Man, they completely butchered that song.  That's why you cover obscure songs, not a classic that's played on the radio all of the time.  I was never a fan of FP, I'm guessing they were GNR wannabees.  That vocalist is awful.  He doesn't even come close to carrying a tune.  The only reason this didn't get -2 points was the double d's in the video, although we didn't get nearly enough looks at 'em.

I'm sorry. I know there's some BS-video's/song's this time around, but I'm a little bit stuck, in finding some good video's right now, it's about the same, as there's not really any good new records to buy, but I'll try to catch up next time around, or else it'll be some kind of vintage video-special.....!
No sorries accepted here dude...some videos and songs just suck.  That doesn't mean we shouldn't see/hear them or discuss them.  Post what you want to post, don't worry about what folks think.  Nobody has to watch them.  Speaking for myself, I enjoy this very much.  Keep 'em coming.
I personally found This post to be awesome
Sometimes its fun to break the routine with something a little left of center. Great post as usual Niels.
Okay! Thanks, guys.
Nothing to apologize for, one of these bands that are off-center might strike a cord with someone ne of these days. Just not Florence + The Machines. :-) 



It looks like Mike Mills is a Florence + The Machine fan.  Go to the latest comments in the NEWLY PURCHASED CD's thread and see the videos he posted.   Her videos are actually pretty creative and fun to watch!


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