Classic Rock Bottom

No need for that much text here, let's just get stated with this week's VOTW. There will be 8 video's this time, and that's 5 new and 3 classics this time. Feel free to add point on the cheesefactorscale as usual, on the last of the classic video's, if you think, it deserves it. I know the band involved has got a few fans on this site, so maybe you don't think, it's got any cheesefactor at all??!! Lets go:


The newest single/video from Ozzy's latest album,"Scream" from last year.


The finish "Cello Metal"-band, with their new video. The song comes from their 2010-album, "7th Symphony". I've got a feeling, that maybe Jon will like this one?


I've also got a feeling about this one, and that is, that Scott won't like the song, because of the "cookie monster vocals".Vreid is a Black Metal-band from Norway, again from my part of the woods, well allmost. This is from their coming album "V", that will be out later in 2011.


This is a melodic power metal band from Austria, and the song is from their coming 3rd album, called "Death & Legacy", released later in 2011.


The last of this week's new video's, comes from Pushking, feat. ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons and Nuno Bettencourt from Extreme. I don't know much about this one, except that there will be released an compilation-album next week, called "The world as we know it". Does anybody knows anything about this one?


Well, it's 25 years since Phil Lynnot died, so let's remember him with this great video from his prime.


I love this song, and I love this band. Maybe the only REALLY good song they released after Keith Moon's death.


You gotta admit, it's rather cheesy with the "air-playing" in the beginning of this video?! What's the cheesefactor?

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Sorry (again). There seems to be malfunction somewhere. Where the .... are the video's I've posted?????

You're going to have to go to YouTube yourself, to see the video's apparently.

It's fixed...if anyone wants to post a video from youtube, after you click the embed button on youtube, look down a couple of lines and check the box that says "use old code".  It should work then.
Ahhh, okay, Thanks.
I'll be checking these out later (hopefully tonight).  I have some info on Pushking and the Apocalytica video as well.  I'll share it with my reviews.

I don't even need to watch that specific Journey video to give it a cheese rating!


But I'll make you all wait until I watch them all this weekend.

Ozzy (2 points)

I really like this song.  It's heavy.  I was never an Ozzy fan, but I find myself wanting to dig into his catalog.  This is an effing rock band.  And although the video isn't the greatest, the legend himself makes me give it a full point.


Apocalytica (1.5 points)

I'm a huge Brent Smith (Shinedown) fan.  This guy has a great voice, and sings with tremendous power.  To prove it, I have a video (a home made one off of youtube) to post.  First, some background.  The version with Brent Smith was on the original album released last year.  Now it seems that there are legal issues that have forced Apocalyptica to re-record it with a different vocalist.  That would be the lead singer of Hoobastank (Doug Robb), and while he's no a bad vocalist by any means, this video shows (at least in my opinion) the power in Brent Smith's voice.



Vreid (-2000 points)

The worst thing I've ever heard.  I can't even watch the whole video.


Serenity (1.25 points)

This is much better than the previous.  The song is good enough to score 0.75 points.  And I'll give the video 0.5 points.  Not great but not bad.


Pushking (1.75 points)

This I like.  Pushking is a Russian band that is releasing an album with a who's who guest list.  Click here to read the story from and I'm sure you'll find the guest list quite impressive.  I'll probably buy it because one song features lead vocals by Paul Stanley.  Anyway, I like Billy Gibbons part in this song a lot.  As a matter of fact, I would have given 2 full points if he would have been the only vocalist.


I'm out of time, but I'll finish the videos tomorrow.


OZZY OSBOURNE ... .5 points
I'm not a big Ozzy solo fan, but this song isn't too bad.  It wont turn me to the dark side or anything, but its was entertaining.  Quarter point each for ok performance video and ok song.

APOCALYPTICA ... .5 points with a cheese factor of 2
Cello's in a rock band, lets see, has this ever been done before?  Oh ya... yes it has, thanks ELO!  However, Ive never seen a down-tuned cello being shredded like this before.  And the girls playing the cello bows on the dudes necks has to be a cheese factor, right?  Just sayin'...  For me this was ok, even kinda cool, but not anything more than that.  same as above, quarter points all around!

VREID ... -2 points
Niels in his infinite wisdom already knew how I was going to respond to this based on the cookie monster vocals.  And he is right!  But this guys not even in the range of cookie monster, Ive never heard anyone sing at a higher register with this style and I must say that it sucks worse than normal!  Poor imagery, bad song, horrid singing.  Whats the lowest I can go?  -2?  ok thats what they get then...

SERENITY ... .5 points
Ah Austria, love that place.  Want to go there someday.  "Put another shrimp on the barbie" I say...  I'm truly annoyed with the singer dude.  There he is in a situation where two Sheila's are kissing on him and he's off staring into space.  That's a crime!  Wait just a minute... Is that snow?  I didn't know it got so cold down under.  hmmm...  Song is just alright, though I didn't listen to it as much as I watched it.  So I guess that makes the video worth .5 and the song 0.

PUSHKING ... 1 point
A Supergroup of sorts, I like who makes up this band!  I like the song, first listen didn't make me get up and shout or anything but I liked the music!  The singing and the chorus seem flat though, not literally, just not inspired. Musically I love this though!  Want to hear more of this band!  1 point all around

THIN LIZZY ... 2 points
I just got off a huge Thin Lizzy kick and now your going to put me right back on it!  Thanks! haha...  RIP Phil!

THE WHO ... 2 points
One could argue that "Eminence Front" was their greatest post Keith Moon success.  And one would not have a good argument to prove otherwise, unless they came across Niels who says this track is better!  Me?  I agree with both arguments!  This is a cool track and pretty solid album too!

JOURNEY ... 2 points with a cheese factor of 5
Cheese factors include the following...  Playing air instruments, Wife beater, all that fist pumping by Perry, geez!  enough already!, Keyboards hanging on the wall.  ...  I think this was my favorite video producers first video, and heres why!  He was thinking to himself, "Hey!  Lets shoot this one at that abandoned warehouse on the pier!" Once he produced the video, he thought, "maybe it could have been better if we had done that inside the abandoned warehouse!"  And with that he moved all his other productions inside abandoned warehouses!  I knew it!!!  ok, ratings...  still love this song gotta get 2 points for that, and the video, although cheesy, is still fun to watch, but Ive maxed the points, so we'll stay at 2!

Okay, are you joking about the Austria/Australia thing???
Have you ever seen Dumb and Dumber?

Dammit!  I knew you were joking. 


I've never set through the whole movie, so I don't remember that, but I love the scene where the cop says "pull over", and whats-his-name says "no...cardigan".  I gonna watch that whole movie. 

To finish up:

Thin Lizzy (2 points)

I've really got to pick up some Lizzy.  I almost feel embarrassed that I don't have any.  The bass on this song is so cool, as is the twin leads.  Somebody tell me which album this is from.  So far, two bands have been referenced in this VOTW that I want to add to my collection, ZZ Top and Thin Lizzy.  That's a goal of mine for this year.


The Who (2 points)

Great video and song, although I think Eminence Front is their best song after Moon.  But I do like this song a lot.  Am I the only one that sees Enthwistle as the cool dude that walks from a burning building while everyone around him runs and panics?  Townshend runs around like the front man while Daltry wants to move, but his feet are stuck to the ground. 


Journey (2 points / Cheese Factor 10)

I'll admit it, the cheese is in full strength in this video (sleeveless t-shirt, air instruments, why does the lady keep walking by, Perry trying to sing to the camera is not a pretty sight, and everyone standing on the pallets thrusting towards the camera).  But it's totally great.  One of the best songs in their catalog, which is a catalog filled with great songs.  My opinion is that a cheesy video is okay if you are a legend, and Journey is a legend (just check out Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones to see my point).


Loved these choices Niels. 


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