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Again, as usual: 5 new video's and 2 classic. Please enjoy:


VersaEmerge is a three-piece experimental rock band originating from Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA, currently signed to the label Fueled by Ramen. They have three EPs - Cities Built on Sand, Perceptions, and the self-titled release. Their debut album, Fixed at Zero, was released June 22, 2010. VersaEmerge came together after the two founding members' previous band, My Fair Verona, broke up.


Into the Wild is the 23rd studio album by Uriah Heep. First release on Frontiers Records, it will be released in Europe on April 15, 2011 and in the United States four weeks later. Uriah Heep will also be touring in support of the album, with a US tour beginning in June.


To those, who don't know this band: Volbeat is a Danish metal band formed in Copenhagen in 2001. They play a fusion of rock 'n' roll, heavy metal, punk and rockabilly. They are inspired by classic rock 'n' roll artists such as Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, as well as more contemporary hard rock, punk rock and metal bands, such as AC/DC, Social Distortion and Metallica. This is the latest single from their 2010-album "Beyond Hell/Above Heaven". Not one of the best songs on that album imo.


This is a "Stoner-Metal" band from Indio, California. The band formed in 2004. This is from the 2009-album "Using The Useless".


“Dance With Me”, the new video from the Croatian female-fronted gothic metal band OMEGA LITHIUM, has been releasesd. The song comes off the group’s sophomore album, “Kinetik”:


Hurricane was a 1980s heavy metal / glam metal rock band originally featuring current Foreigner lead vocalist Kelly Hansen (vocals/rhythm guitar), Robert Sarzo (guitar), Tony Cavazo (bass), and Jay Schellen (drums). Cavazo and Sarzo are the younger brothers of Quiet Riot's Carlos Cavazo and Rudy Sarzo.
Hurricane released four albums: Take What You Want (1985), Over the Edge (1988), Slave to the Thrill (1990), and Liquifury (2001). Over the Edge was their most successful album featuring their only top 40 hit, "I'm on to You" in 1988.
This song/video is from Slave to the Thrill.


Ugly Kid Joe is an American hard rock band from Isla Vista, California. The band's name spoofs that of another band, Pretty Boy Floyd. Ugly Kid Joe's sound included a range of styles, including rock, hard rock and heavy metal. With reference to the band's overall sound and vision, its members have frequently claimed that they were simply a manifestation of their environment and lifestyles in Southern California. After releasing three full-length albums and touring extensively throughout the 1990s, Ugly Kid Joe disbanded in 1997, but decided to reform thirteen years later.
This is their best song imo.

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Just a quick reply, I'll watch and comment more later in the week.  The Volbeat song comes from an album you posted in NMC back in October of last year.  I bought it because I thought it rocked, and I definitely haven't changed my mind.  I agree that there are stronger songs on the album than the video above, but you can really hear the rockabilly influence on this song.  I've been thinking about featuring the album in the AOTW thread, but I wasn't sure if it had been in NMC long enough (there's another that I want to feature as well, but it's been in less time). 


So my question is, does anybody have a problem with me featuring an album that has been in NMC for at least 4-5 months as AOTW?

no objections here, I think the album got pretty favorable reviews so it would be nice to finish listening to it...
I don't because it has nothing to do with Kiss.
I'm fine with it.

House Of Broken Promises (1 point)

And it's not for the song.  Other than the guitar solo, which is pretty good, the song blows.  But the ladies are hot, especially the two that share the little love tap at the end (literally).  One point strictly for the dancing girls.

Uriah Heep--1 point

Song's kind of a throwback to the 80's. The whole band sounds great, it just seems the song is too simple? Something that they really want to get airplay off of? Not that the song is horrible (hence the 1 point), but I'm hoping the rest of the album is a little bit more complex. The clothes the drummer is wearing is very familiar looking for some reason.

HURRICANE ... .5 with a cheese factor of 1

Not too much cheese here, just the big hair.  Nice little song, well played.  Very interesting to see the band now since we know who they are and who theyre related to.  But alas, the song falls short of being real good and is forever relegated into the average bucket.


UGLY KID JOE ...0 points

I remember this track when it came out, mostly because I really like the original and was interested in an updated version.  But I didn't care for their version of it then and I still don't.  Maybe its the vocals, not sure why because its pretty true to the original or maybe it just didn't get the feeling right.  Don't know...

VERSAEMERGE ... .5 points
Really not too bad, the song inst very interesting until the chorus and then its enjoyable.  25 for each for keeping me interested in watching and listening.

URIAH HEEP ... .75 points
Good to see these guy play, even in a video.  I like the performance and studio shots mixed in.  And while its not that innovative or loaded with cool effects, the video is real.  The song is pretty simple, maybe too simple.  The chorus repeats too much and there's not really much to hold my interest except for watching these guys play!  .75 points, .5 for the video and the rest on the song.  I think I hit the nail right on the head, I hit the nail right on the head, over and over again!

VOLBEAT  ... 1.5 points
I really like their uniqueness, even if this isnt the best song Ive heard fromn them.

Like the groupie chicks!  The song is ok too.  Not sure how tough that guy thinks he is riding around LA in an old white mini-van though! 1 point mostly for the girls!

OMEGA LITHIUM ... 2 points 
Visually this is freakin cool!  Nice video production and this song is good.  This will probably surprise Niels, but I really like this!  Very unique and appealing.  Do all Croatian Women look as good as her?  DAMN!  Max points and a mental note to go look this band up!
Yep, I am surprised. I would have thought, it was more like a song, Jon would like?!! I hope not, that you're asking ME about croatian women?
not asking anyone really, its more of a statement.  Just thought she looked really good in spots of this video
Croates RULE!! RULE I SAY!


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