Classic Rock Bottom


I should point out that I have made a conscious effort to not repeat any of the songs I played for the 5th Anniversary of 9/11, and while a few I felt I had to play again, that has been the case more than 90% of the time with the music here.
And those 5th Anniversary of 9/11 shows are available here at WLSO.FM, just do a simple search at the site.
It is always the most difficult to remain Optimistic during times of great Adversity.
And that is what we were faced with in the days after the attacks on Sept. 11th 2001, in fact right up to today.
So that is the next topic to be taken on in the 10th Anniversary of 9/11- Reflections and Remembrance.
Uplifting songs that were, and are still, so needed in what is a dangerous world that shows no signs of improvement.
We all know that Optimism can be contagious, but it also seems the way you look at your morning and how you start your day plays a big factor.
So join me for a feel-good musical journey through life's rough twists and turns- as The Phoenix rises!
Oh, and I have another song, this time from 1974, that has taken on a new, strangely eerie meaning since Sept. 11th 2001.
Wait till you hear THESE lyrics!
We wrap it all up next week.

Here's the link to an episode I think turned out just right, at WLSO.FM:


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Comment by Mike Pell on September 25, 2011 at 4:51pm

Just listened to Iron Maiden's Satellite 15.

It's a little long but I'd play it.

Comment by Mike Pell on September 24, 2011 at 3:00am
A copy & paste problem? And I have a sometimes print a reply or post problem.
There's nothing wrong with long-winded, I do it all the time both in writing and speaking, lol!
Wow, you only knew the Argent song?
Thought you might know some others.
Carole King's Tapestry was a huge hit for a reason, so play it through and you'll hear why.
The Rick Nelson song I would be shocked if anyone else knew, lol- and that had the line about buildings fall.
Just a great unknown song from Rick, and he cleverly titiled it not One By One but One X One!
Now that Beach Boys song I love, Long Promised Road, I just found out was issued as a single, it flopped.
Guess what the B-side was?
You got it, the song you liked so much, 'Til I Die, lol!
Get Lightfoot, as much as you can, and not just the Best Of- he was fantastic in the 60's & 70's and still puts out excellent stuff nowadays, although his voice is shot.
Consider your hand completely forced!
That's great, what I love most, bringing that Jackson Browne song or any others into your life.
Impressive that you read a book about 9/11, and those lyrics you printed here by Iron Maiden can be interpreted easily as referring to that day.
Particularly the end, makes me think of the firemen who before they went down to the WTC left quick notes in their lockers to their wives and kids telling them how much they loved them.
Those brave guys could see what they were going to, and might not come back from.
Reading those lyrics I'll have to hear that song, and that's easy cause it's here, right?
This series has been so serious for me, it is already almost a different style from what I play.
Ah...maybe not, but a damn serious presentation!
The Power of The Pell, hahahahahaha!
I wish!
Thanks for listening and the thoughtful comments,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on September 23, 2011 at 7:14pm
Oh yeah, I should tell you the song is by Iron Maiden and is called Satellite 15...The Final Frontier.
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on September 23, 2011 at 7:11pm

This reply may be a little too long winded, but who really cares, right?


First off, I liked the show. Very nice selections on your part, with only one song being familiar to me. That was the Argent song.

The songs that stood out to me were the Carole King tune (I have often started to pick up Tapestry, and for some reason not gone through with it), and the Rick Nelson song. The line about buildings falling, I’m confused, but was that from the Nelson song or the Beach Boys song? Either way, I heard that part of the lyric loud and clear.


Now, my favorite song from this show, for about 20 minutes, was the song by the guy with the last name that starts with L and ends with ightfoot. You are forcing my hand, I must pick up some Lightfoot. But I said for about 20 minutes because you closed the show with a killer tune by Jackson Browne. I remember discovering a tune called Fountain Of Sorrow by Browne and being very proud of myself. Here is another hidden gem from him that I’ve never heard. Thanks for bringing it to me bro!


And now for a side note. You started this series by mentioning the songs that were written before 9/11 that have since taken on a different meaning. Well, yesterday I heard a song on Classic Rock Bottom (posted by Scott in Scott’s Hidden Treasures) that immediately took on a different meaning for me (although it was just released last year and certainly is not related to 9/11). You see, I just finished a book, who’s title I think is “102 Minutes: The Fight To Survive Inside The World Trade Center”. I don’t have it in front of me but the title is something along those lines. The book was incredible, and when I heard the lyrics that I’m gonna print below, even though the song is about outer space, I just couldn’t stop thinking of the folks that were trapped above the impact floors. Here are the lyrics:


I’m stranded in space, I’m lost without trace
I haven’t this chance of getting away
Too close to the sun and surely will burn
Like Icarus before me or so legend goes
I’m taking my life, reliving the past
There’s nothing but wait til’ my time comes
I’ve had a good life, I’d do it again
Maybe I’ll come back some time, my friends

For I have lived my life to the full
I have no regrets
But I wish I could talk to my family to tell them
One last goodbye

The final frontier
The final frontier
The final frontier
The final frontier

If I could survive to live one more time
I wouldn’t be changing a thing at all
Do more in my life than some do in ten
I’d go back and do it all over again

For I have lived my life to the full
I have no regrets
But I wish I could talk to my family and tell them
that one last goodbye

guitar solo

There isn’t much time, must say my last rites
Nobody is here to read them to me
Must say my goodbyes, if only a line
A message to tell them in case they might find

But I have filled my life to the full
I have no regrets
But I wish I could talk to my family to tell them
That one last goodbye

The final frontier, the final frontier (repeat)


I Know this is a different style of music than what you normally play, but I’m basically trying to show the connection I felt after reading the book and listening to this series. Suddenly, a song about being lost or stuck in outer space takes on a whole new meaning to me.


Anyway, sorry about leaving such a long reply, but once again you see the power of the Pell!

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on September 23, 2011 at 3:22pm

I left a comment on WLSO.FM, but my computer will not let me copy/paste.

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