Classic Rock Bottom


There has been far more Rain in these shows than we have actually had in April.
I'm not sure if it has really rained at all here where I live!
How difficult is it to be a Weatherperson in a continuously warm-weather location?
It must be mind numbing to say the same things every day, however that's what they get paid for, and handsomely so.
I guess they must possess an entertaining quality about them- although if it's a Weatherwoman, a short skirt and cleavage would make me tune in, lol!
Among other things, I'll take a look at Rainmakers in this episode- those who say they can do it and those who believe in them.
Included in this chapter, a song I once considered myself too hip to play, an old FM Turntable Hit for those of us who remember it, and a cautionary tale straight out of The Twilight Zone.
Let it Rain!
Here's the link to the soggy refrigerator box I dwell in, at WLSO.FM:


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Comment by Mike Pell on April 22, 2012 at 11:27pm
Yes, I thought I'd try to work some comedy in there, thought it led nicely into the next song- that song about Southern California.
There is a natural rivalry between the West and us in the East.
I've been there, and there are many beautiful spots, but many very strange people, particularly politicians, lol!
Nothing really mythical about it.
Think I mentioned before, get into the early Tom Waits of the 70's- brilliant stuff, and often very funny, like The Piano Has Been Drinking, Not me!
Oh yeah, you NEED Creedence for a valid R&R collection.
Two Golden Pells for Rainmaker by Traffic- I picked a winner, lol!
I know Jars Of Clay.
I have no problem with my faith and God, but for me the problem with Christian bands is they are too one-dimensional. 
Even if they are not singing about religion, I think they are, lol!
And as you can tell from my tendency to do Themes, I like a variety of topics.
But I'll listen to it if you can arrange it!
Thanks for the listen on a perfect overcast Sunday in Georgia, that sounds nice,
Comment by Mike Pell on April 22, 2012 at 11:03pm
While I think I already have too many Rain songs, if you don't mind sending them I'll give them a listen.
I have one more show to go, although I could easily do another after that...but I think any and I will drive people to annoyance.
But you never can tell, something in them may jump out at me!
You have my email address right?
I don't recall ever hearing any other version of that song- so no, no Johnny Nash, lol!

And NOOOOO!. The song is a LIE. One time they're telling me that it NEVER RAINS IN CALIFORNIA and next they're telling me IT POURS. My head hurts!

Alright, lay down and take some deep'll get through this, LOL!
Maybe some medications will help, if you know what I mean, feed your head!
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on April 22, 2012 at 1:33pm

Any show that opens with George Carlin has to be good.  Very funny.

I remember that song about Southern California.  For some reason, that area of the country has always seemed very mythical to me.  Of course, I live on the other side of our great country and have never been there, but it seems like a cool place.

Between you and Niels, we're gonna cover all of Tom Waits stuff before it's over (you know, the 2012 end of the world thingy).

I love CCR.  I don't have any of their studio albums, bu I really want to change that.  This is just a great song.

It's down to the two "Rainmaker"'s for the Golden Pell.  I'm going with Traffic.  It's Sunday and overcast in Georgia, therefore this song was absolutely perfect.  

Hey, Jon mentions a flood.  There is a Christian band named Jars Of Clay that have a sensational song called "Flood".  Let me know if you are interested in hearing it.

Comment by Jon on April 20, 2012 at 6:53am

If you need the Supertramp and Kansas songs, let me know. The album where that Kansas song is from is actually about a flood way back when, so it's a concept album I guess. Really good album, probably my favorite Kansas album.

Johnny Nash...where did I get that from? Are there different versions of the song maybe?

And NOOOOO!. The song is a LIE. One time they're telling me that it NEVER RAINS IN CALIFORNIA and next they're telling me IT POURS. My head hurts!

Comment by Mike Pell on April 19, 2012 at 6:27pm
Johnny Nash?
It was Albert Hammond, lol!
And he is saying it pours not rain, but all the soul destroying kissass crap you have to do to make it show business out there- that's what pours down!
Age does change our tastes, I dig some of the stuff Tom Waits is doing now, but much prefer his early older things.
Regarding the Traffic song, I think you blacked out for a short while (must be the acid, lol!).
I even said Traffic BEFORE I played it.
You know, I have so many songs for these Rains shows, and sometimes the hardest part is finding them, digging them out.
So Rainmaker by Kansas and the one by Supertramp were not thought of by me, and I hate to look for them.
Plus as I say, I think I already have far too many to play.
There is plenty more, and I will be going off in other directions- even into Folk!
Thanks for listening, writing, and liking what you heard,
Comment by Mike Pell on April 18, 2012 at 10:53pm
I remember seeing that too.
You know years ago I did a 2 show series on Johnny Carson, and leaving the Tonight Show- it's still at WLSO.FM if you do a Search there.
It was in May I believe...I'll have to bring that back as a re-run someday when I have no time for new shows.
I hate humidity, hell I hate Summer!
Every year, I think Summer is just something I have to get through so I can get to MY weather, lol!
Only good thing is vacation time.
That opening tune was the one I used to think I was too cool to play, lol!
That's the new Tom Waits stuff- maybe you might be like me and prefer the much earlier music by him.
Give the old stuff a try, he was unique and you might like it.
Very jazzy feel to that Traffic tune, something they did a number of times.
Rainmakers plus Native Americans equals Rain Dances, lol!
The Golden Pell goes to Traffic, a wise choice.
For me, either that one or Nilsson!
Thanks for listening, writing, and the pat on the back,
Comment by Jon on April 18, 2012 at 5:06pm

That Johnny Nash song 9I'm just guessing it was Johnny Nash) really annoyed me when I was a wee lad. He first says it never rains in Californis, then he says it pous, man it pours. MAKE UP YOUR MIND! Still bugs me to this day. 

I kinda dug the Tom Waits track. I dunno, I think I'm turning into a fan the more his stuff is posted here. Must be my age.

All the rest was great (I hald listened to the Traffic song, have it, but during the solo I was thinking, hey, is this....Traffic? Guess you had to be there?)

The Rainmaker song was cool, maybe you should post oh...Rainmaker by Kansas? Just a thought.


These just keep getting better and better! Are there more?????

Comment by Scott on April 17, 2012 at 10:34am

I remember seeing that Carlin bit on the Johnny Carson show.  Great memories!

It might never rain in So Cal, but in Florida it rains for 10 minutes every afternoon!  Weird what humidity will do.  nothing like a cloudless days, hot and sweaty and then out of nowhere!  Wham!, a down pour for 10 minutes.  Nice opening tune.

Not a Tom Waits fan, and that tune didnt help me out much.  Maybe Jon will respond better to that one.  However, love your narrative on the track.

Love the musicality of the Traffic tune!  Chorus was kinda boring, but the music was very nice. 

Rainmaker tunes have a very Native American flavor to them.  Just a thought.  One of these two tunes has to be the Golden Pell...

...and so the Golden Pell goes to ...  Traffic!

Nice show and series!

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