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So Jon is all freaked out lately[1] because of most of the content I've been sharing is heavily Wiki influenced. I plagarize unapologetically mostly because I learn something about these bands and songs as I put this together and because it annoys Jon[1] and both are fun things to do! Sure it's easy to copy and paste[2], but it's not as easy to come up with the playlist idea and context. So rather than appreciating the thoughtfulness, creativity and spirit of the playlist and playlist theme Jon gets hung up on Wiki[1]... OK, so have it your way, this week SHT is a Wiki free zone! All commentary is straight from me[3]...

And that's why this week I've put together a playlist of slow grooves. Good old Junior High School slow groovin' tunes[4]. Songs that'll make you remember that special someone, you know, the one that got away, the one that let you down, the one you shouldnt have done that stupid thing to[5], or the one that lasted for a whole weekend[6] ... Wait, scratch that last one.

Umm.... lets see, where was I....

Oh yes, slow grooves. These songs range from 1977-79, those are the 3 years[8] I spent in Junior High School. And there was one more reason I wanted to do this, what was it again? ... ah... Jon loves a good cry[9].

So pull out the kleenex, grab your yearbooks, and remember those slow grooves


Luna Sea

1 - Just Remember I Love You

This would be a tune from back in my Junior High days. We used to have weekly lunch time sock hops and songs like this were frequently played. Probably one of the reasons I still love this band to this day is this album and this single.

Hot Streets

2 - No Tell Lover

A Number One hit as well. This album is when Cetera took over the band in my opinion. Its also the first album after the death of guitarist Terry Kath and the first in a series of 3 disco flavored albums. Hot Streets being the only one that really got public interest.

Back To The Egg

3 - Arrow Through Me

I remember when this song first hit the radio. THere was a hug buzz about it. Seemedlike every girl int he school was digging it. So did I - as things go at that age. Turns out that Back To The Egg is one of Wings more rocking albums!

Jefferson Starship

4 - Runaway

Easily my favorite of the time. This song has way too many good memories for me to bring up here. But I can say that it is the reason I love the Kantner/Balin/Slick version of the band so much!

1 - See any post or comment by Jon from January 2014 through May 2014
2 - Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V
3 - Copywrited too!!
4 - I have several facebook "friends" who will vouge for this
5 - Sorry! :-(
6 - Flashback from a "friends" High School experience, that's a different playlist - my bad!
7 - Anything related any persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.
8 - Back in those days Junior High School was grades 7-9.
9 - Private message some time ago, trust me!

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Where's [7]?

Looks like I opted to remove that one...  Censored if you will...

1. Sock hops??!! What kind of freaky school did you attend [1]? It was the 70's and you were having a weekly SOCK HOP??? Wasn't listening to this kind of music back then, was listening to something I thought was cool and something else that is still cool [2].

2. I'm a member of the public [3]. I wasn't interested in this. Still don't like this song, just sounds kinda flaky. Don't have this album, the album cover depicts a group of thugs running away from a crime [4].

3. Don't think I've ever heard this song before [5]. Maybe I have [6]. Still want this album, but it costs too much [7]. I like this song. Never heard this on the radio. Don't know what girls dug at that time, girls had cooties [8].

4. This song brings back no memories for me. [9][10]

1. Unless it was a circus school, then the freakiness would be understandable. 

2. Country and jazz

3. At least I think I am

4. If they weren't I'm sorry. If they were, I'm sure the statute of limitations has run its course.

5. Maybe?

6. Nope

7. Send me a free copy

8. The disease, not the game

9. I have blacked out this time of my life

10. Jon doesn't cry. Ever.


Sock Hops, whatever they were called.  My JHS was awesome!  I had the coolest "Disco Sucks" t-shirt in the school too!  

I remember tunes like Every 1's A Winner, Le Freak, Shake Your Groove Thing, Night Fever, you know, all the hardcore dancin' beats of the day! 

Before I start, I'll say that you scored a 62.5% on this playlist.  Why 62.5%?  Because it's slow jams (sounds like a very cheesy 70's AM Radio Hits TV commercial) and that means my wife might like some of it.  Therefore, I'm gonna grade everything out based on what my old lady would say.

Just Remember I Love You (oh yeah)

She totally digs this song.  Great harmonies and vocals in general.  This would sit perfectly on my travel music playlist that resides on my iPod.  Good start.

No Tell Lover (half credit)

This one is a coin toss.  One day she might like it, the next she might not.  She always led me to believe she was not a fan of Chicago, but that seems to be more of the stuff with Kath on vocals.  I think she would like this, just not positive.  

Arrow Through Me (No way)

She does like some of the Beatles work, but I have never heard a McCartney post-Beatles tune that she would listen to all the way through.  Maybe Uncle Albert, but probably not.  But under no circumstances would she listen to this.  

Runaway (Oh yeah)

Another definite like for her.  Although she does not like Jefferson Starship for the most part.  She is more of an 80's Starship (think Sara and We Built This City) kinda girl.  This would be a good pick for her.

So there it is.  Two and a half out of four.  Hey, there's nothing I can do, I didn't teach her not to like cool songs.

PS... Her ranking for these four songs would be: 

1. Just Remember I Love You

2. Runaway

3. No Tell Lover

4. Arrow Through Me

Truth be told, mine would probably be the same, though I might possible switch No Tell Lover and Runaway.

Surprised you've never heard Arrow Through Me...  was played like every other song for period of time.

Not that I can recall.


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