Classic Rock Bottom

Royal Southern Brotherhood - heartsoulblood

1. World Blues
2. Groove On
3. Callous
4. Ritual
5. Trapped

Neal Schon - So U
6. So U
7. Exotica
8. Love Finds A Way
9. Serenity
10. Shelter

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Liked the opening track OK, it became a bit repetitive though I wouldn't skip it if it came on again.   This feels more like Easy-Listening Southern Rock, the geeetar (no trademark infringement) has an early 70's Doobies feel.  Vocally its at least unique, I kinda like it.  Groove On is slick!  Really nice tune they wrote there.  Once of the best I've heard this year.  Callous wasn't what I was expecting.  Its good, but it has that repetitive feel that the opener gave me.  Good not great!  The geeetar (no trademark infringement) is solid throughout though.  Ritual is the least of the bunch in this playlist.  Trapped is solid as well.  So we have 2 cool tunes, 2 great tunes, and 1 filler...  Not bad.  I really dig Groove On though, that one's in the great realm that I would love to hear more of...  I would like to hear the rest of this.

NEAL "C'MON GIVE STEVE A CALL ALREADY!!" SCHON ... Two Thumbs al sea level.

So my first thought on SO U was that this is pretty good, it feels like it was building up into something and then just never got there, so I was disappointed.  The instrumental is cool!  AS usual the geeetar (no trademark infringement) was solid and it certainly harkens back to the very early days of Journey.  Then Love Finds A Way feels nice but, much like the opening track, it feels like its going somewhere cool but never quite got there.  I also had another thought, so I quickly paused this and went to listen to a couple samples from Eclipse and sure enough, same production, same feel.  Long story short, Schon needs Perry to shine, its not that's its bad its just like an incomplete thought, great vibe, great musicianship just needs a little something.

Royal Southern Brotherhood--Thumbs Up

First song had a funky-country rock vibe. Second song had a Steely Dan vibe. Third song had a Robin Trower vibe. On song #4 the volcaizing was familiar but I can't put my finger on who it reminds me off (maybe Robin Trower again?), the songs is pretty funky too. Getting a Robin Trower vibe on the last track as well. So, this isn't really NEW, but it's something that again sounds like it came out of the 70's. Don't know why I'm on that kick or if I'm way off base, but that's what it sounds like to me. I dig it though, and that's all that matters. What's really interesting is that I'm kind of on a 70's movie kick. Good album, possible purchase. 

Neal Schon--Thumbs Up

He positively shreds on the geetar™ here! Kinda started of psychedelic-like, the instrumental was really good, then came to a Journey-ish ballad and the last two tracks totally smoke. Much better than I expected. I think that Castronovo is a fine singer, he should be singing lead in Journey going forwards. Two nice picks. Who woulda thunk?

Liked both of these listens. Definitely hear the Trower vibe Jon mentioned. And no doubt, but Neal Schon can kill it.


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