Classic Rock Bottom

Kiefer Sutherland
Down In A Hole
Ironworks Music / Warner Music Nashville - 2016

I know what you are thinking. A music release from someone best known as an actor. I am usually right there with you. There has been an almost uniformly awful slate of releases from actors and actresses (or celebrity "personalities" when you really scrape the bottom of the barrel) that just should not be considered music much less be released to the general public.

That perception might just get changed around a bit with this album from Kiefer Sutherland. While he's best known for the TV show "24" and is currently on another show called "Designated Survivor", he's found the time to write and record this album of heavily old school influenced country music. And while it may come as a surprise, Down in a Hole, is actually quite amazing.

Sutherland is assisted by his musical cohort Jude Cole. The pair co-wrote all of the songs (with one song having an additional co-writer). Sutherland sings and plays acoustic guitar while Cole produced the disc and played multiple instruments.

What they crafted was a brilliant mix of country odes and laments with some blues elements and timely displays of musical aggression.

The opening track, "Can't Stay Away", is the one song that doesn't actually seem like Sutherland is singing on it. It just sounds so unlike his usual vocal tones. But the song kicks things off nicely with an uptempo groove that quickly becomes an earworm for the listener.

Sutherland's vocals are gritty but well formed. When he employs an extra bit of gruffness in his voice on tracks like "Not Enough Whiskey", it gives a darker tone to the performance. He also knows when to pull back and display a lighter vocal touch on songs like "I'll Do Anything" and the muted hush of "Gonna Die". One exception to my enjoyment of the vocals was the song "Calling Out Your Name", where the slow movement of the song is not helped by the fact it sounds like Sutherland is straining to hit the notes.

When the album is in overdrive, the jaunty and almost playful tempo of "Going Home" fits in nicely. Lyrically, there's some nice work as well. "Truth In Your Eyes" finds Sutherland giving an exceptional performance, while "My Best Friend" has a great first verse lyric.

Musically, songs like the blues driven "All She Wrote" has a number of flourishes and the title track features the most aggressive pacing of all the songs on the album. The guitar work is fiery, including the brief solo. When you combine that with a scenery chewing vocal take, the song screams "Winner!"

However, if you are looking for the perfect song to encapsulate just why I think this album is so good, check out "Shirley Jean". The song is simply marvelous. The lyrics detail the letter a death row inmate writes on the night before his execution to the one woman he ever loved. Sutherland's vocals, gruff and stark yet still dripping with emotion, are perfectly matched to the slightly uptempo musical soundtrack behind the lyrics.

And the lyrics are fantastic. I could just write out the whole song but let's settle for one example: "Writing these words don't come easy to me / But I've run out of time and soon I'll be free / Your were the only one I ever had / the only bright spot in a life that went bad".

Simply put, the song is one of my favorite tracks of the entire year. As for the entire Down In A Hole album, it may be from the old school country category but it is a fascinatingly intense musical experience and Sutherland definitely establishes his musical bonafides with the album.

Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5

Views: 126

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Enjoyed that review.  It is definitely hard to imagine KS singing.  That being said, I'm not particularly attracted to the song offered here.  You know that's not because I'm a country hater.  Maybe he's at a disadvantage for me because of who he is.  Oh well, maybe I'll check out a couple other tracks before I write it off.  Still enjoyed reading your thoughts on it.

Arggh! You didn't like what was my favorite song on the disc? I'm crushed good sir, crushed!

Let me know if you end up liking the other songs.

Check out the official video for "Shirley Jean".


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