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NEW MUSIC CORNER #30 - (Whitesnake, Eden's Curse)

Probably the biggest no-brainer posting to date for the NMC is the new Whitesnake album.  Its been a while since we've seen some good classic rock releases worth posting, so let me remind you (and myself) how this forum works....

We post new music we think you all may enjoy and want to consider for purchase.  The music we post is not older than 18 months.  And all you have to do is listen and critique.  Let me reiterate... your response and participation is required! 

So lets get to it....

Wait one more rule...  I've also included an online review of the album that's not my opinion; I will jump in later with my review... 

And away we go....


Forevermore is Whitesnake’s 11th studio album and marks a tremendous return to the great songs and songwriting of that time, which got most of us listening in the first place.
Throughout its original 19-year history the band went through many line-up changes, including the likes of Steve Vai, Vivian Campbell, and Cozy Powell, until its hiatus in 1997. Since 2002 Whitesnake has had a settled twin-guitar attack with Doug Aldrich and former Winger guitarist Reb Beach. They make an outstanding partnership; their riffs and solos are so tight and powerful that few bands I have heard in quite a while can match them.  Last year they were joined by drummer Brian Tichy and bass player Michael Devin, who along with Beach supplies superb backing vocals to Coverdale. It is the quality of this rhythm section which really drives the album.

1.  Steal Your Heart Away*
2.  All Out Of Luck
3.  Tell Me How
4.  Fare Thee Well*

Video Bonus: Love Will Set You Free*


Eden's Curse deliver catchy melodic metal firmly rooted in the classic metal of the 1980s and with a slight stylistic similarity with late 80s and early 90s Queensrÿche, and bursts of progressiveness here and there.

"Trinity" may appear a bit retro, but that's not a problem to me, as we are dealing with high quality music - and it captures some of the magic of 80s metal, which disappeared from the genre after the grunge wave of the 90s. So, it is really cool to hear a band who know how to make good use of the elements of 80s metal.

The compositions are perhaps formulaic, but I still think that the songwriting should be praised, as main composers Logue and Eden really know how to make their music melodic and catchy, and then their vocal melodies are just awesome.

5.  Trinity*
6.  Rivers Of Destiny
7.  Children Of The Tide*
8.  Jerusalem Sleeps

Video Bonus: No Holy Man*

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Whitesnake (Thumbs Down)


David Coverdale sounds like shit!  Sorry, but it's true.  I know he had vocal problems, and he's aging, but he sounds terrible.  I'm highly disappointed with what I've heard from this NMC.  I've already ordered the album and it will probably come in today, but if the rest is like this, then I'm with Niels on this one.  From these songs, it's hard to believe it got such glowing reviews.


Eden's Curse (Thumbs Up)


On the other hand, this is fantastic.  I love the vocalist, and musically it's fantastic.  Just like the previous album that I posted as AOTW.  I've also ordered this one, which was supposed to ship on 3/29/11, but I have yet to see it.


Man, as bad as the Whitesnake is, I'm glad to hear new music again.

No need to be sorry, its your ears!  hahaha...

Oh yeah? You want me to put a couple of bonus-hidden treasure's in VOTW from now on ? 

You forgot one rule: Don't mess with Vikings!! 

Whitesnake (Thumbs even)

I don't think it's BAD. But after reading all those reviews, I'm dissapointed. I agree with RJhog, that Coverdale does'nt sound good. It's definetly one of those albums, I would hear once or twice, and then never again. I'm not going to waste my money on this one.


Eden's Curse (Thumbs lower than even)

I don't really like this. It's worse than the Whitesnake-album. I don't like the singer's voice. Reminds me a bit of the singer from Styx. Don't like him either. Not one of the songs, stands out as the best one.


When all that is said, it's good to finally hear some new music in NMC. But NOT to SEE SOME VIDEO'S!!!!!!!!!  

just tried to post some good content, didnt mean to step on any toes...  sorry bro!

It's cool! Anybody can put as many video's they want where ever they want.

But as you can see, there now is a REAL photo of me, so now you know, who you're messing with!!

I won't, out of respect.



Edens Curse--Nah, not for me. The last song was allright, the rest was just typical power metal. I shall PASS.

I think the Whitesnake is pretty good after just one listen. The guitar playing is good enough where I think I'll buy it...both Aldrich and Beach are killer players. The vocals sound all right to me as well. Definitely not as polished as he used to be, but I can overlook that when the rest of the performances smoke! 
I'm still having major trouble gettin' by Coverdale's vocals.  Sounds like he's in pain to me.

Okay just finished listening and:


Whitesnake--Thumbs Up

I don't think he sounds bad at all. Older, but he's still got range. The first half and the second half of the album smoke, especially "My Evil Ways". If you have doubts about how Daivd sounds, listen to the acoustic version of "Forevermore". The middle part kind of drags but, as a whole, the album is strong. Not as strong as "Good To Be Bad" but strong nonetheless. And the geetars? Wow.


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