Classic Rock Bottom

I finally got around to purchasing this album. I had heard a couple of tracks off of it that I liked, but delayed purchasing their new album. I really liked some of their classic material like "Balls to the Wall" and "Restless and Wild." I also was familiar with their new singer who was in a band called TT Quick. If you have never heard the "Metal of Honor" album, you need to check it out.

Anyway, I was blown away. Blood of Nations isn't good, it is REALLY good. This may be the best old school sounding metal album I have heard in a decade, I am not kidding. If you don't own this but are a fan of old school hard rock and metal you need this album. A lot of times reunion albums come up short, this one did not. In fact it may be the best album of their career.

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Well, I've been thinking about metal music lately.  I like the musicianship of heavy metal stuff, but it's usually the vocals that don't work for me.  I'm very picky in that area.  Anyway, I've been thinking about adding to my abysmal metal collection, and since this seems to be a very popular choice around CRB, it's going on my list to pick up, finally.  And by the way, I love the album cover.
I need to go back and listen...  I loved Balls To The Wall and Metal Heart
Definitely give the new one (Blood of the Nations) a listen it ranks right up there. Accept had, in my opinion, an incredible three album run back in the day with Balls to the Wall, Restless and Wild, and Metal Heart.

I agree with Scandal 2000...the new Accept is like the "good ole days" for Accept. And its got 13 tunes, and plenty of guitar! By the way guys, if you like Accept, and dont have it, you need to check out "Breaker". Its a killer, older Accept (1981). I actually have it on vinyl, believe it or not. Its up there with "Balls", "Restless", and "Metal Heart". On "Breaker", there is at least 3 totally outstanding tracks: "Run If You Can", "Son Of A Bitch", and "Down And Out". Also, the one release they did with David Reece on vocals, "Eat The Heat" from 1989, is a very good listen.

Accept is definitely a solid, old school metal band. Note to RJ, though...the vocals are more of a growling, bad boy, if you will, style of singing.


Yep, I kinda remember that from it's appearance in NMC, but what the hell, I just need to see what the fuss is about. 


And did I mention how cool the album cover is?

Eat the Heat was a good one. I think the problem with that one was they went for a more commercial sound because Accept never really made it in the United States and that was their stab at getting on the charts.  If you think about a lot of bands went more commercial when the hair bands were ruling the charts such as Judas Priest with "Turbo" and to a slightly lesser degree "Ram It Down." Eat the Heat had some good songs on it, it just didn't have the total feel of an Accept album. The new one is exactly what any Accept fan would want. Russian Roulette is listenable as well.  The two bands that I always thought should have been bigger here in the States were Saxon and Accept.



I have to give a shout out to "Death Row" from '95. This album is just so friggin' HEAVY. If asked politely, I can maybe post it as a L/F album....
Please, oh purty it, man, post it!!...

Not this week coming up, but the next it shall be done. Just for you because you were so darn nice. Awwwwwww..


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