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By "I promised two, but..." Jon

UFO--Seven Deadly (February 2012)

1. Wonderland

2. Mojo Town

3. The Last Stone Rider

4. The Fear

5. Waving Good Bye

When I first listened to UFO's latest, their 22nd studio album, I was a bit surprised how HEAVY it started out. Of course that's not a bad thing at all but I was still a bit taken aback. And when the first song (not included here) sounded like AC/DC I was even more surprised. Luckily, the rest of the album pleased me as well, a nice blend of heaviness and blues. Look, I miss Michael Schenker as much as the next guy, but Vinnie Moore is no slouch. And hey, what's with this infatuation with monkeys? Oh yeah, there's that cover art too.....

Due to a delay in shipment, the second album I was going to feature ain't here. On the day it was supposed to be released it was already on backorder. Rest assured it's on its way to me and I KNOW you're all waiting, holding your breath, etc., etc.

So there's nothing here.

You can go now......

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Im an owner!  This is a really great release.  Love that you picked Wonderland, kind of reminds me of Hagar's Theres Only One Way to Rock!  I will come back with more later, but if your a UFO fan this is a must have!

Am I wrong about the AC/DC at the end of the first song?

not at all...  the riffage and drum sound are really very close.

Walk all over you, thats the tune!  (I think - could be some Love Hungry Man in there too...  but I hear it)

Its a shame this weeks entry isnt getting more attention.  This is a real great album! 


Not a bad tune on the album!  My favorite of your selections is easily Wonderland with Waving Goodbye a close second.

I know. Blame it on, oh....KISS!

Do you have the Deeee-luxe version? One of the extra songs is quite good, I almost included it but decided to go with the regular album.

If the deluxe version is the one with two bonus tracks, then yes thats what I have.  Of those two, Other Men's Wives is a pretty cool tune!

I have it lined up for tomorrow.

I agree with Scott and Jon...this IS a good record! Easily better than either "Monkey Puzzle" or "The Visitor"...not that I don't like those two...I do...but this is better. And Vinnie Moore is a great guitar player!

I like the cover art as well...have any of you guys spotted the frog? Or, the lady bug on the cover? The frog is pretty easy to spot, but the lady bug is there too!

I am glad I spent the extra dollar or two for the bonus tracks...especially "Other Men's Wives" Scott pointed out...another good tune!

I have not noticed any AC-DC comparison, but I'll listen again for that.

And finally, when UFO tours the USA behind this record, if they dont come to Atlanta, I will not be a fan anymore!!! (I could be lying about that, though!  )



THUMBS sort of pointing DOWN

I've heard the whole album, and I don't really like it. Phil Mogg sounds old and done. His voice sort of irritates me especially in the beginning of the record. Not like Diamond Dave, he sounds great nowadays. But I never really got into UFO, and I CAN understand, why they never got bigger, than they did. The best tracks are the "blues-tracks".

I listened yesterday but forgot to comment.  I didn't like the first track for the first half of it on my first listen.  But as the song went along, I liked it more.  Even more when I listened for a second time. 


The middle 3 songs didn't do anything for me, but I liked the last track as well.  The guitar on that track was way cool.  Not a purchase for me (I'm with Niels on the vocals), but not really bad overall.

I would agree that Mogg's age is starting to affect his vocals...but that is a "freight train that can't be stopped", if you know what I mean. But, other than retirment, there's not much he could do about it I think. I still think he is a great frontman, and vocalist. Just not as good as he used to be...but we have to expect that, I think.

As far as Diamond Dave goes, I would agree with Neils. He does sound really good on the new Van Halen. The real test for Dave will be on tour. Even when he was young, I honestly dont think Dave was that great live. Now, I mean that from the vocal sound perspective only, because he was an active, energetic stage performer, and great fun to watch.


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