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Week #14 (10/10/10) by old-school Jon



Death Angel - Relentless Retribution (September 2010)



1. Claws In So Deep

2. Absence Of Light

3. Opponents At Sides

4. Volcanic

5. Where They Lay


Good ole THRASH! These guys have been around for a long time and keep putting out some blistering metal. Crank it up!



Heart - Red Velvet Car (August 2010)



1. Queen City

2. Hey You

3. Wheels

4. Death Valley

5. Sand


A few folks around don't like this album, but I kinda like it. It's a departure from their last album, "Jupiters Darling", more acoustic, more laid-back. Reminds me of their 70's output which isn't a bad thing at all whatsoever. MUCH better than their 80's output.  



Filter - The Trouble With Angels (August 2010) 



1. The Inevitable Relapse

2. No Love

3. No Re-Entry

4. Catch A Falling Knife

5. Clouds


Industrial metal! Always liked this group, not huge into industrial metal, but Filter's music has always been quite melodic in my humble o-pinion.



Steel Panther - Feel The Steel (October 2009)



1. Asian Hooker

2. Party All Day (**** All Night)

3. Turn Out The Lights

4. Stripper Girl

5. Girl From Oklahoma 


This was a special request a couple weeks ago, before File Factory decided we weren't good enough for them no more. Don't know if those that wanted to hear this did, so here's a special re-posting.




WARNING: These songs contain foul language and offensive topics that may offend some. DO NOT listen to this at work without headphones. DO NOT listen to this if children are around. DO NOT listen to this if you are easily offended.




Hopefully this works.......listen to it HERE:


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Player works fine. I can't listen right now, but I've been wanting to hear some of the Filter album. And I did not get to hear Steel Panther, so thanks for the repost. Will listen later.
Death Angel (thumbs up)

Honestly, this is a big surprise to me. I'm not a fan of thrash in general. I guess I always think of screaming and barely recognizable vocals with way too much double base drumming and just overly fast songs in general. I had little hope for this when I read the original post. I figured I wouldn't even make it through all five songs. I was mistaken. This, for the most part, is really good stuff. I really like tracks 1, 3 and 4. Especially 3 and 4. Opponents At Sides is totally cool. And then a track like Volcanic really serves to piss me off a bit. Not because it's a bad song, it's really good. But it just shows how good the vocals could be. This is a good post Jon.

Heart (Thumbs down)

This surprises me as well. I was very excited about this album coming out, but I find it quite boring.

Filter (Thumbs even)

I don't love this, but I don't dislike it either. I have one Filter album, and from what I can remember, it's at about the same level, no growth, but no decline either. So this one is a break even. I wouldn't buy it but I would have no problem listening to it in a friend's car.

Steel Panther (Thumbs down)

It's kinda funny, I liked the song (especially the video) that Niels posted from Steel Panther the other day. The vulgarity didn't bother me 'cause it was quite funny and it was only one song. I sort of knew this was a parody type band, but I didn't know every song they did was the same. That being said, I don't like this overall (although certain parts of it still make me laugh). When I was 20 I probably would have listened to this all the time, but I guess I've mellowed somewhat in my 40's and just don't see the need for it. I almost bought it the other day in Best Buy, but I'm glad that I didn't. The real shame is this band sounds like it has talent that is being wasted.

Overall, great post Jon. You put up 2 albums I had really wanted to hear, and although I won't purchase either of those, you put up a big surprise for me that I'm gonna have to explore.
You got me on the Death Angel. I thought you would hate it, but if you do like it, search down "Act III" from these guys. Fantastic album.
I'll have to do that. Nothing wrong at all with Relentless Retribution. Why do the death metal and thrash metal bands always have such awesome album and song titles???
Because THEY RULE!!!
To do what RJhog does with the thumbs, this is my "votes":

Death Angel : (Thumbs even)

It's okay, but I don't really want to hear it again.

Heart : (Thumbs up)

I like the sound of this. Not bad at all. The only Heart-album I ever bought was in 1987, I think. This is much better.

Filter : (Thumbs up)

Industrial!! Nice!! I've allways liked Nine Inch Nails, and this sounds a BIT like "Them". I like it.

Steel Panther (Thumbs down)

Old School-metal and it's something, that you've heard before TONS of time!! It's okay, but not really "me". The lyrics are funny for a moment or two, but four letter words most of the time, is'nt THAT funny.
Well, Robert Patrick was part of NIN's touring band in the early 90's. Then his brother hit it big as a Terminator and he decided to form his own group.

Half of that is a lie.
DEATH ANGEL ... (Thumbs even)
First listen to Claws In So Deep and I almost went straight to Filter, but after recalling RJ's pleasant comments, I persevered. Volcanic was actually quite a nice listen, but I cant get into the thrash much, however this better than most.

HEART... (predictably... both Thumbs way down)
I dont even like the production.

FILTER.... (Thumbs even)
Wow the album cover is awful! I agree with RJ, sounds like they havent grown. Its a good listen, bit not a pruahcse, so just ok fo rme...

Niels/RJ - I understand and agree with your comment about the 4 letter words on the Steel Panther, I think they are a lot funnier on their videos...


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