Classic Rock Bottom

Icarus Witch - Rise

1. The End

2. Rise

3.Coming Of The Storm

4. Say When 

5. Nothing Is Forever

Gypsyhawk - Revelry & Resilience

6. The Fields

7. Frostwyrm

8. 1345

9. The Red Wedding

10. State Lines

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Know nothing of either band but I am topping this because I need to get to it later...

bumping Scott's bump because I moved his bump back. Now it's bumped up and I can listen to it tomorrow!

Nice cover on the Icarus Witch-album. I'll have to listen later on.

ICARUS WITCH ... Two average Thumbs that look, feel, and sound the same as every other thumb

One thought comes to mind when I see the name ICARUS, and that's Kansas.  But this is no Kansas.  In fact the band is from Pittsburgh PA and is most famous for being Paul DiAnnos backing band on his most recent US/Canada tours (They actually have a WIKI page and I just gave you all you need to know from it).  To that end this is actually a pretty OK listen.  There are some cool geetar moments, but nothing that grabs at you.  No catchy choruses, no outstanding riffs, nothing that separates them from any other band trying to make it today.


GYPSYHAWK ... Two Thumbswyrm

What is "Frostwyrm"?  weird.  Couldn't tell where Icarus Witch stopped and this started, they blended perfectly into each other.  The only real different was the vocals and that the only thing that clued my into the change of bands.  As such, read my Icarus review above, it works here as well...

Icarus Witch--Thumbs In The Middle

Just not memorable at all. The second track was ok, but the rest seemed like rehashed Euro power metal, American-style. The geetar was ok, but nothing really special. The best part of this album are the name and the album cover. Surprised that Rjhog got this, can almost guaranteed he bought it because of the cover. 

Gyphyhawk--Middle thumbs

The name made me think of coutry rawk and it wasn't. As a matter of FACT, for some reason I got this strong Thin Lizzy vibe with crappy vocals. Nothing on this stood out, but it wasn't horrible. Just not a stand out. Surprised that Rjhog got this, can almost guarantee he bought it because of thye cool band name. 

Not that I would have picked these up anyway, but I guess I saved some money?

ICARUS WITCH - 2.5 out of 6 Classic Rocks 

I thought, this would be a bit heavier, than it is. They actually had me on the first track. Very nice track. It reminded me a bit of a cross between Iron Maiden, Dokken and Extreme. Then they start to loose me, and it continued through the remaing tracks. They would probably have sold many albums in 1989-90. I won't buy me a copy, though.

GYPSYHAWK - 4 out of 6 Classic Rocks

First track reminds me of Danko Jones, which is fine. Again some Maiden-guitar. First track is the best one so far in this NMC#106. I really like the guitar. They still have my attention on the second track. Very nice guitar, indeed. Third track is not as good as the first two, but WHAT a guitar!!  The last couple of tracks are not bad, at all. I really like this style. Kick ass-Heavy Rock'n'roll. I FEAR, that if I hear this more than 2-3 times, I might get a little tired of it, so therefore it's not a purchase for me, but if it was in the 80's, I would definitely had bought it. Great guitar all through these tracks.

Nice listening, RJ. 



After one listen through, I'm really liking the Icarus Witch...I mean the music as well as the cover. As far as the cover goes...what a well placed mirror, I say!! The cover and title are somewhat humurous to me. But, I like these songs, the guitar, the vocals, the production. Definitely under purchase considertion for me.

The Gypsyhawk has cool guitar, but the vocals are weak enough for me to where I could not listen to this one to much. So, another good find from RJ on the Icarus Witch.


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