Classic Rock Bottom

This week's pick is from 1992 and features the one and only album released by The Electric Love Hogs.

Why did I buy this? Simple.

Blame it on this one sentence from Martin Popoff: "Absolutely paint stripping axework".

What we got here is a mixture of metal, funk and prog? Oh yeah, plus someone slapping that bass. Wait, there's also a horn solo. 

Interesting tidbit of info, for those that care: A few members of Goldfinger and the drummer for Orgy came from this band. Just a little bit on info for those huge Goldfinger and Orgy fans on this here site.

More info: Two tracks were produced by Tommy Lee for those folks that are really interested in who produced what.

There's a little bit of a Red Hot Chili Pepper's vibe here, but just a smidge. There's also a King's X vibe, which is always a good thing. Throw in some Faith No More and that's basically what you got.

There is a lot going on with these songs but with your first listen you might not catch it.Yeah, funk rock but listen again. YOu'll discover things you missed before.

Of course, this being '92, this album really didn't go anywhere. Shame really. There's some SERIOUS  geetar antics throughout the whole album. But grunge was around, and whatever. Grunge sucks. 


NOTE: Oh-oh. BAD LANGUAGE on track #9. BEWARE!


Electric Love Hogs

1. Tribal Monkey
2. Mr. Fun
3. I Feel Like Steve
4. Sittin' Pretty
5. Disappointed
6. The Fix
7. Keep Getting Up
8. Pud
9. Goodbye
10. Father
11. Just Another Day


Availability: OOP, but search for it and you might find it for $4!


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Interesting band name... Never heard of them, nor have I heard of Goldfinger or Orgy.... And Tommy Lees 90s output is entirely forgettable, so lets hope this is an exception...

After the first track....this post has my attention! Track one has a great groove to it, and I like everything about it...including the humor I find in it. The mix of the guitar sounds killer.

Track number two definitely "brings" the funk. Killer guitar lead in the middle section...just smokin'...very Van Halen-esque, with tapping and whammy bar. Love the last whole section...where it mellows out a little,and the acoustic guitar is bought in. Very creative so far!

Track three really, really, really highlights the diversity!! Funky, slapping, bass as Jon mentioned. Killer guitar throughout...and lo and behold, we even have a short thrash/speed metal section in this cut. After 3 tracks, I think I can say that the production on this bad boy is top notch! Maybe a little more bass drum, but really good!

Track 4 is the first one that is not that good for me...but, the diversity of the song certainly continues.

More excellent guitar work on track 5, and the vocals are a strong point for this track. Really liked the "marching" type outro section.

Wow!! A quick, blues type intro for track 6. Then a quick plunge into thrash again. Then a change into a mid-tempo, heavy riff! Sort of a rap-rock type vocal delivery at times. More tempo changes throughout! I love the section right after the lead...short, but sweet! They could have stuck with this riff longer for me!

Track 7 has a nice little lead part on acoustic, in the beginning. Middle section acoustic lead is nice, too. Not crazy about the chorus on this one, but still a solid track. AND, more diversity from what we've heard so far.

Track 8 is another one where the vocals don't do much for me, but the music rocks!

Track 9 continues a "downward trend" for me on the vocal performance, but the guitar work shines again.

Track 10 takes the disc back towards it's "lofty heights". Love the main, hard driving, fist pumping, head banging rhythm. A couple of quick, slower sections in this tune.

Track 11 has a real funky intro, but the opening guitar lead is full shread!

Final verdict??? Excellent guitar...solid production (especially the guitar!)...a true "smelting pot" of musical styles...time changes galore...funky bass that sizzles...vocals not great, but not bad. Very diverse and creative!

Overall??? I'm gonna listen to it again, right here, right now. This one is gonna be "searched for" by me, more than likely. Great discovery and post, Jon!

I'm kinda diggin' this.  I'm listening again for a second time.

Tribal Monkey - Killer song.

Mr. Fun - I hear that King's X influence you mentioned.

I Feel Like Steve - Love the song title.  I hear some Metallica in this one.  Love the tempo changes and great guitar.

Sittin' Pretty - There's some of the Chili Peppers bass influence.  And the bass sounds like Seinfeld.

Disappointed - More Metallica.  I like the chorus.

The Fix - There's a bunch o' Metallica on this disc, in spots.  Weakest track so far.  Except for the part that sounds like the Red Hot Metallica Peppers.

Keep Getting Up - A little acoustic work.  It's a change of pace, but the song isn't that good.

Pud - Don't care for this one.

Goodbye - This is better.  Love the guitar.

Father - The jury is still out on this one.

Just Another Day - RHCP's and Seinfeld. And Kevin Dubrow on vocals.

I kinda like this because the bass work is awesome, and Im not sure why but it reminds of some Stanley Clarks work back in the late 70's.  (Note to self:  Dig that old album out soon, its been too long!!).

The riffs are good and the geetar work pretty top notch.  Vocally is where I get lost, he's not that interesting and the choruses don't grab at me!  But musically its solid!

Nice pick!


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