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While best known for her role as "Sister Mary" on the landmark 1988 Queensryche album Operation:mindcrime, Pamela Moore has actually been recording music on her own or with others since 1981.

Fast forward to 2013 and the Rat Pak Records release of Resurrect Me features guest appearances from guitarist Jeff Loomis (Nevermore) and Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear) among others, but there is no doubt that this release is Moore is in full on metal mode as she rocks out on this disc.

Pamela Moore co-wrote each song on the album. Her co-conspirator here is Chicago based guitarist Michael Posch. He co-wrote all but one song with Moore and was responsible for the guitars, bass, keys and orchestration on the disc.

The album opens with "Acquiescent" which starts with a deliberate tempo but soon becomes a full on rocker with Moore's voice amping up the energy.

I liked the more methodically paced "Paranoia" (see video clip below) where her voice in the main lyrical passages sucks you in before hitting you over the head with the title subject.

"Desperate By Design" features a pulse pounding vocal delivery from Moore. While she isn't restrained in her performance on the rocker tracks on the album, this one is one where she really just rips it out and goes for it.

I was a bit disappointed towards the end of the disc with the tracks "Breaking Down" and "Awakening". They left me wanting something more than I was getting. The former is the "ballad" track on the disc and the almost whispery quality of the vocals really did nothing for the song. The latter song just kind of laid there flat on the listener's ears.

But that's pretty much the only complaint I have here. "Melt Into You" blazes a heavy path from the get-go. The music on the track was especially outstanding. On the song "We Are Damaged", Moore manages to alternate her delivery between the power driven choruses and the dare I say "slinky" tones employed elsewhere on the track. It is a combo that really works here.

I nitpicked earlier about the whispery vocals on "Breaking Down". But that isn't to say that said type of vox can't be employed to great dramatic effect as well. The title track is or at least should be the showcase piece from which to introduce any potential listener to Pamela Moore.

It starts out with a deceptively soft intro. The evocative and temptation filled use of the simple (but far from simplistic) guitar line accompanied by a ringing church bell helps draw out the initial vocals from Moore. At first, it seems like it is going to be a very slow and drawn out ballad. But then in the words of celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse..."BANG!"

Approximately 2 1/2 minutes into the song, it explodes into a full on rocker and the heavy duty performance of the song damn near leaves you breathless and in desperate need for more!

Normally, I'd be leery of an album where the artist being billed seems to have less input on the material than someone listed in the liner notes. But thankfully, Pamela Moore crafted the songs with Michael Posch and co-produced the disc as well. Posch may be responsible for the majority of the music, but you never lose sight of the fact that this is Moore's album. If this was country music, they'd invariably be up for one of those Duo of the Year awards though. They have successfully intertwined their individual talents to make an album that will have a long life for those who listen to it.

Resurrect Me kind of sneaks up on you. I lived with this album and played it a number of times before writing this review. My previous history with Moore's talents consists mainly of her "Sister Mary" role. But listen to this album and you will find that she has no problem ascending a metal platform all her own and screaming out to the heavens. I can only hope that Moore makes more musical statements like this in the future!

Want to learn more? Check out Pamela Moore at and check out Rat Pak Records at

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Interesting.  I was kicking this around a bit.  Still haven't made up my mind but the review has me leaning toward picking it up.

And thus my mission is complete! :D

When I first saw this, I was going to purchase, but didn't. Now Rjhog will post it in NMC and then I'll make my decision from your review AND listening to a few more tracks. That's how I roll. 

I thought you would buy it and post it for me to make a final decision.

If I must and only because it's you.


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