Classic Rock Bottom


Artist: Bad Company

Genre: Rock

Country Of Origin: England

Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Member: No

Album: Bad Company

Released: June 26, 1974

Producer: Bad Company

Best Single: Bad Company

Best Album Cut: Seagull

Additional Hidden Gems: Rock Steady/Ready For Love/The Way I Choose/Seagull

Filler: Don't Let Me Down

Lyric Of The Week: "Rebel souls, Deserters we are called, Chose a gun and threw away the sun, Now these towns, They all know our name 6-gun sound is our claim to fame" - Bad Company

How 'bout some Bad Company this week?  Sounds good to me.  This is an album I found for less than a dollar.  What a steal.  Along with the original album, I've included some Youtube videos of songs that didn't make the album for one reason or another.  Please let me know what you think of the album.

  • This is a vinyl rip.  Be prepared for the pops and cracks experience of vinyl.
  • This is Bad Company's self-titled debut album.
  • The album reached number one on the U.S. chart and has been certified 5 X Platinum.
  • Three singles were released (Can't Get Enough/Movin' On/Bad Company), with the former reaching #5 in the U.S.
  • Ron Nevison engineered and mixed the album.
  • I know I've heard at least five of the eight tracks on the radio.  I've heard many folks mention the song Seagull (which is a fantastic acoustic song), but I can't remember hearing that one on the radio.
  • One thing I find peculiar to this album is that out of eight songs, only two of them are fast paced.  That's not to say the album doesn't rock, because it does.  It just does it at a slower pace than most.  
  • The guitar work by Mick Ralphs is fantastic, but definitely not overstated at all.


Side One:

1. Can't Get Enough

2. Rock Steady

3. Ready For Love

4. Don't Let Me Down

Side Two:

5. Bad Company

6. The Way I Choose

7. Movin' On

8. Seagull

Bonus:  Three additional tracks were listed by Wikipedia, and since they are on Youtube, I'll share them here.  

Superstar Women - Listed as an omitted track, later released on a Paul Rodgers solo album.


Little Miss Fortune - b-side to Can't Get Enough single.

Easy On My Soul - b-side to Movin' On single.  It's a re-recording of an old Free track.

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Six of the songs of the original 8 are easily identifiable for those of us who are huge Bad Company fans, whether through radio play or playing the album itself.


This is Essential in my book.  Its a great slice of Rock and Roll history.  Consider it came out at a time Pink Floyd was huge, CSN, The Eagles, glam....  And then here's this straight ahead blues based, riff machine that make everyone stop and take notice.  Crisp sharp drumming, great distortion and better riffs, and the bass lines really underscore how great the songwriting is.  Whats even more impressive is that they continued to release great stuff.  One may argue that Rough Diamonds is the exception (and it is in my estimation) but everything else is top notch release after release...

In reality it shouldn't have shocked anyone, especially if your familiar with the previous band Rodgers and Kirke came out of  - Free.  Very similar in style and every bit as effective.  Fire and Water is great album!!

Nice post RJ!

I can listen to Bad Company, I like what I hear from Bad Company yet the only album I have ever bought from the Paul Rodgers-era Bad Company was "Rough Diamonds" since it was in a cutout bin. I've heard a majority of the songs on this album on the radio or on a greatest hits disc, but you're right about "Seagull", it's a really nice song. 

However, I'm still not itching to buy this album. Maybe if it shows up in the $5 bin at Walmart, maybe then I'll pick it up. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine album but I don't have the need to buy. Is there something wrong with me?

Nice post though, great hearing this whole album, especially that last song.

Yes, there is something wrong with you....

The bonus tracks were pretty good. "Little Miss Fortune" cut out though, maybe that was just me.

As far as the bonus tracks...

Little Miss Fortune is the best of the two, but neither would have fit well on the debut album IMO.  Both have a Runnin' With The Pack feel and would have fit nicely on that album instead.


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