Classic Rock Bottom




Ok, got a band here that kind of fell through the cracks, Dan Reed Network, and their third (and last) album released in 1991, "The Heat". 


I do remember MTV playing a video from these guys in the late 80's and, though maybe not the greatest song (I believe it was "Ritual" since it was a minor hit), they seemed to have potential. The song was right for it's time, mixing rock, soul & funk and it definitely had an 80's feel to it, at least listening to it now, but they never hit the big time. 


Kind of a shame since the followup to their debut, "Slam" was a vast improvement and the featured album this week was even more of an improvement. Still has that 80's sound, maybe folks were tired of that, and this album just disappeared.


I've read of comparisons to Mother's Finest and know there's a few fans of that band here, so we'll see what they say, why don't we? I personally find similarities with Bon Jovi (ick) and, for some reason, George Michael here and there. Not that they're a copycat, but you can hear the similarities in some of the songs.   


So why didn't they hit the big time?



The Heat


1. Baby Now*

2. Blame It On The Moon*

3. Mix It Up*

4. The Heat*

5. Let It Go*

6. Love Don't Work That Way*

7. Money

8. Chill Out

9. Life Is Sex

10. The Salt Of Joy*

11. Take My Hand*

12. The Lonely Sun*

13. Thy Will Be Done

14. Wake Up*

15. Long Way To Go



Availability: OOP, but can be found for a penny.  



MSoTW is very hard this week. I'll go back to more mainstream stuff starting next week, just wanted to tax your brains one more time.






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The Mother's Finest comparison is very interesting to me. I'll definitely listen to this really soon.
Hmmmmm, that's tough!! What about Clavin Ffilc "The Clenched Monkey's Paw"??? Just a wild guess!!!!
...or Cliff Clavin is a clever cover for someone else... Did you edit the properties of the file to fool with our heads?
Isn't the Dan Reed Network the group that had that song "I Can Dream About You" as their big hit?
Not them, I know Dan Hartman had a hit with that song.
You should have made that the MSoTW, 'cause I new dat!
And that's why it was never picked. :-)
Ahhh that's it. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
You are most welcome.
Dan Reed? Who is Dan Reed? And how big is his network? Never heard of him...

Also, Im crying UNCLE on the MSoTW


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