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Okay, so what movies from the year 2011 have you seen? Want to see?


Well, so far that I can remember I've seen:


Get Low starring Robert Duvall about a hermit in the 1930's who goes about having a funeral party BEFORE his death. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting but despite my fandom for Duvall, I was disappointed in this movie.


Last night I went to theater and saw the movie Hanna. Saoirse Ronan was good in the title role but otherwise this movie was a let down as well. Cate Blanchett's southern accent was distracting, the quick cut camera editing was annoying and when the reason why everyone wanted Hanna was revealed, all I could think was that they kind of ripped off the comic book back story of Captain America a bit.


Other movies I'm looking forward to seeing are: Green Lantern, Thor, Conan The Barbarian, Fast Five and Beautiful Boy. The last one is about parents who hear about a shooting on a campus where there son goes to school, only to find out it was their son who did the shootings. I saw the trailer on On Demand and it looked intense.

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I saw the movie Solomon Kane tonight. It was made in 2009 but hasn't been given a theatrical release yet. It's coming sometime this year supposedly. Comcast OnDemand had the movie available so I checked it out.

It was a pretty good movie. The character of Solomon Kane was created by Robert E. Howard, who created Conan the Barbarian.

James Purefoy was pretty good as Kane and the movie was solidly made.

I saw the movie Safe the other day. It stars Jason Statham in an all out kick butt action. Despite having all the hallmarks of what an action movie needs, I found it to be kind of boring.

Got up early this morning so I could watch Galaxy Quest on HBO. I have to get this movie on DVD. I love it.

Funny movie.

Last night I watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. It's about a group of elderly British retirees who move to India and what happens to them as they adapt to living in this new country.

I thought it was a really good movie, utterly charming with great understated performances from pretty much the entire cast.

I've just seen "Cabin In The Woods". Awesome movie!
"I'm sorry, I let you get attacked by a werewolf, and then ended the world" has got to be awarded movie-line of the year.

I have that on Blu-Ray, it's one of my movies to watch during my October horror-thon. So don't ruin it!!!!

Started my October horror-thon today just so I could watch "The Cabin In The Woods". And, I must say, what a start. Much, much better than I expected, much funnier than I expected. If you haven't seen it yet, do so. You even get a cameo from the two little girls from "The Shining" as well as "Pennywise" and a slew of other creatures.

And, for the first time EVER ANYWHERE, I will share each and every blood-soaked movie I watch. Exciting, right?

Oh, and I want that bong cup.

We saw Looper yesterday.

How was it?

Decent.  A bit hard to follow for me in a couple of places, but then again, most movies about time travel are like that for me.  I'm more of a mindless movie watcher.  Still, it wasn't bad at all.  My recommendation would be to see it, but wait until you can rent it.

Thanks for the feedback. Pay per view was going to be the option if I decided to see the movie but good to know you enjoyed it well enough.


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