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Okay, so what movies from the year 2011 have you seen? Want to see?


Well, so far that I can remember I've seen:


Get Low starring Robert Duvall about a hermit in the 1930's who goes about having a funeral party BEFORE his death. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting but despite my fandom for Duvall, I was disappointed in this movie.


Last night I went to theater and saw the movie Hanna. Saoirse Ronan was good in the title role but otherwise this movie was a let down as well. Cate Blanchett's southern accent was distracting, the quick cut camera editing was annoying and when the reason why everyone wanted Hanna was revealed, all I could think was that they kind of ripped off the comic book back story of Captain America a bit.


Other movies I'm looking forward to seeing are: Green Lantern, Thor, Conan The Barbarian, Fast Five and Beautiful Boy. The last one is about parents who hear about a shooting on a campus where there son goes to school, only to find out it was their son who did the shootings. I saw the trailer on On Demand and it looked intense.

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I watched Underworld: Awakening a couple days ago and found it pretty enjoyable.

I loved the first movie, thought the second one was OK.  Never watched the third one though. This one was set after the second movie.

Of course, Kate Beckinsale in a leather bodysuit can't hurt the enjoyment factor of a movie, that's for sure.

I'll second that last statement.

Got the 3D bluray for $5. I don't have a 3D setup though so could only watch her in 2D.

Really liked the movie though, she's more badasssssssss!

Watched Contraband (Mark Wahlberg) this weekend.  Not bad, not quite as good as Shooter.

(I'm going to keep posting this until enough folks watch this!)

Watched a movie awhile ago called "Triangle".

In a nutshell, it's about a group of folks that go on a sailing trip, a strange storm comes along and causes them to capsize and then they're picked up by an ocean liner. From there, things get even stranger.

It's from 2010, starring Melissa George.

If you haven't seen this movie, check it out. It's on one of the Showtime channels so you might be able to On Demand it. If not, rent it.

Then, when you're done watching it (and you might want to watch it twice), tell us (me?) what you think it's all about.....

Watched the movie Man on a Ledge the other day. It was kind of predictable but it was a decent movie nonetheless.

I saw Safe House at the dollar theater (actually, $1.99) a couple weeks ago.  Liked it a good bit.

I'm planning on seeing this one soon.

Safe House, Not To Be Confused With Silent House, Because That One Blew!!!

Connie and I are watching only artsy movies this month, and our first one was Piranha 3DD. Very interesting parable about man against nature.

Triangle is a very good movie if I haven't mentioned that yet.

I saw the recent Piranha movie with Elizabeth Shue.  Is that the same one?  It was dreadful, but some very nice bodies in it.  Loved the scene where the girl's body gets cut in half.

No, this is the artsy SEQUEL. The first one was great if you went into it for what it was..just mindless fun. And the attack at the end just made the movie.


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