Classic Rock Bottom

So after getting some bad advice about last weeks NMC posting it turns out that I still posted the best NMC ever.  Jon and RJ are still away licking their wounds...  So lets add 1 more new release to the smorgasbord of New Music we post on here.  


This week is the much anticipated Winery Dogs ...  Click here to listen


  1. Desire
  2. We Are One
  3. You Saved Me
  4. Damaged
  5. The Dying

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I saw the videos the band released for three songs already and found the songs to be outstanding.

I think you'll like what you hear...

Thanks for posting this Scott! This has been on my radar ever since I first read about this new Supergroup. And they definitely qualify as a Supergroup in my book. Unbelievable talent from all 3 players.

Gonna listen a second time through right away!

WINERY DOGS - 3.5 out of 6

It really reminds me of Badlands/Blue Murder and those kind of bands/albums from around '89. I liked it then, but I'm not so sure now. Sheenan and Portnoy are of course outstanding, but it's something that I feel, I've heard (too) many times before. I like it. It's not bad at all, but I don't think it's a purchase after all. Portnoy should be in the studio with Neal Morse and concentrating on Morse's next solo-project. I know, they have already finished the next Flying Colors/Transatlantic-albums. I have a feeling, that when Dream Theater's new album is released in a couple of months, there will be some remarks about Portnoy being in this band and not DT anymore. It seems like a step backward instead of forward. Bu don't get me wrong, I like this, just not enough to buy it, and I do plan to buy the new DT-album.

This album is a winner, flat out terrific.

Man, it took a while to get to this, but there is a good reason.  I purchased it when it came out and I was trying to listen to it in my truck before I commented here.  However, being on vacation this past week and a half, I just didn't have enough alone time to listen to it all the way through.  

But here's what I think.  The first two songs you posted are okay to me.  Not bad, not great.  But the last 3 you posted are fantastic.  There are some laid back songs, but not laid back in a wimpy way.  Musically, this album is brilliant.  All the way through.  Two other standouts at this point for me are I'm No Angel and The Other Side.  

This album is a thumbs up for me.  It's what I'm listening to now in my truck, but with no more driving than I do, it will take another day or two to listen all the way through.

I'm obviously going to be in the minority here but this isn't really doing anything much for me. It sounds like something I've heard 20 or so years ago. i don't have an issue with the musicianship, but the songs are ultimately quite boring. I also don't think Kotzen is that good of a singer so that doesn't help at all. This is getting a thumbs down from me, hate me if you want.     

Its OK to be wrong every now and again Jon...  The "H" word doesn't work here on CRB, so you see, you can have your own opinions, however weird, way out, wacky, or patently wrong they may be.  You can be wrong safely  here.  Were your friends!

Then you obviously haven't read my "review", Jon. I might have been to kind in my words, but I back you up 100%, buddy

Your wrong less often...  though you are in the same boat as Jon when it comes to this release.   How does that old saying go?  Two Wrongs don't make a right...

Yep, I read yours after posting mine and couldn't agree more. Brilliant minds think alike!

After listening to this about 5 times, I'll have to say it's not as heavy, or as good, as I thought it would be. Having said that, it's still decent, and there may be some more tunes not posted here that I would like, so it's still a possible purchase for me.

Thanks for posting it!


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