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New Music Corner #188 - Foo Fighters, Bernie Marsden

by "can't miss" Scott...

Two new music releases for you this week.  One is expected and the other, I think, will be a huge surprise.  You know the drill, listen, respond, and buy if you like! 

First up is a band near and dear to Jon and the rest of us (Click the album cover to listen)... 


  1. Congregation
  2. Outside
  3. In The Clear
  4. I Am A River

And then....


  1. Wedding Day
  2. Walk Away
  3. Ladyfriend
  4. Who Do We Think We Are?
  5. Shine (featuring Joe Bonamassa)

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Allright! Benny Mardones is still around!


You may really like this one... 

I've never really been all that interested in Foo Fighters.

But I have to give a big thank you for posting the Bernie Marsden songs, that was awesome and I am going to add the album to my want list. Really good stuff.

Its a real hidden treasure.  Top to bottom a great pick up!

Bernie Marsden--Thumbs Up

This was quite good. it really had an 80's vibe, something to drive around with while the windows are down, know what I mean? Noe of the songs sounded the same, I even got some funk feelings. Pleasantly surprised by this, maybe I should have listened to this after listening to the other "thing" above it, just to get the bad taste out of my brain. Anyway, this album just brought me back to a different time, even though this isn't "dated".

My next choice......listen to AOTW or crap?

AOTW it is!

The whole album is quite good!

Foogy Googy Fightery Dollsies--Thumbs Down

Mawmaw always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

However, this immediately sucks. "Love" how he has to scream every now and then likes he's making a deep point. He's not. Plus this has to be the worst geetar™ solo ever. I'm sure DeBarge had better geetar™ solos.

Connie just walked by while the second song was playing and stated that it wasn't good. At least he didn't scream.....oh, wait. He did. Shocking. What a boring song.

The third songs starts off like a sucky 80's song and then turns into a chugachugachuga song. Then it turns into a boring mess. At least there was only a mini-scream.

Thankfully, the last song is upon me. This sounds like it'll be a deep one......................................sorry, got bored when the geetar™ kicked in. Please, open the door. Then close it behind you. But to be serious, this album had to have a tv series attached to it? Why? There must be subliminal messages hidden in these songs, something along the lines of, "Yeah we really, truly suck but you still will buy this album and claim to everyone it is one of the greatest albums EVER. Silly fools!" Bet if you played this backwards, it would still suck. Yet it would probably sound better. Is this going to be a prom song> Maybe some school will have the theme of Enchantment Under The Sea and this will be played. Yay. What is he? He's the RIVER. Get it???? GET IT???? I don't and don't care to. Of course now there's the long, drawn out end and......'s over.

Thankfully this was only four songs. Sadly, these songs sucked. Will never get the infatuation with this "band", but it is what it is.

Nice rip-off of the "Breakfast In America" album cover. At least they didn't use kitchenware, they probably don't know what that is anyway since they eat with their fingers.

What a horrible experience this was.  

Now for my final review:

Foo Fighters - 3 out of 6

It's definitely not as good as the last Foo-album. I haven't seen more than 10-15 minutes of the Television-series, but I doubt it would had helped much, if I had seen it all. Even though Grohl screams a lot, he's rather good at it, but overall it's still the same ol' song and dance. Taylor Hawkins said, that the new U2-album sounded like a fart, or something like that, and I totally agree, but wouldn't it then had been cooler, if "his own" new album was better than this? The third time, I heard the album, I got so bored, that I didn't heard all of it, and I doubt, I ever will hear the whole album again. Get behind those drums, Grohl. Enough is enough!!

I got a great laugh out of the that Hawkins quote regarding U2's new album.  I've never been a U2 fan and never got what people loved about them.  Kinda like the way Jon feels about the Foo's...  Anyway, I tend to agree with you that Wasting Light is a better release, but this will get repeated listens around my house as my two sons and daughter love the Foos as well...

Thanks for listening!

Foo's (Thumbs Up)

Of course I'd say thumbs up, I'm definitely a fan of this band that Jon hates.  My initial reaction pretty much squares with Scott''s not as good as Wasting Light.  But...not so fast.  The more I listen, the more I like.  Of the four songs here, Congregation and Outside are on the awesome side.  Dave Grohl is a fantastic, powerful drummer.  But he is also a terrific melody writer.  In The Clear was not a favorite of mine to begin with, but it's growing on me.  To this point I thought the chorus was the song's weakness, but the more I hear it, the more I like it.  I Am A River is definitely one that has not yet made an impression on me.  One thing I noticed about this album is that it features much more lead guitar than I'm used to with the Foo's.  And that's welcomed.  You, yes even you Jon, must admit that this is a very fresh idea.  Eight cities, eight songs.  Documentary.  No one else is doing it.  More than one folk around here says quite often that "it's nothin' new".  That can't be said about Sonic Highways, although Jon will try to say it anyway.

Marsden - Thumbs Even

I'm not feeling it quite like you guys are.  Don't get me wrong, it's  very decent.  Especially musically.  Wedding Day features enjoyable vocals and guitars, but I do not care for the chorus.  Walk Away features more good vocals, but something about the song just doesn't appeal to me.  Maybe, lyrically, it just sounds a bit contrived.  But the chorus does have a pretty good melody.  The next two tracks are just bland.  Shine is easily the best track here.  It's much more aggressive than the other songs and has some cool Deep Purple"ish" keyboards.  And did I mention the killer guitar?

Nope, Nothin' new. I'm sure other bands have written songs in different cities, but they don't need a tv series to make it seem like something "fresh" and "original".


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