Classic Rock Bottom

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I'll go a minor smash.

I hope there are better tracks on the new album though, out in October. This is almost punk, but not in a bad way. Eddie Wedder sounds great as always. Years ago, Cornell was my favorite singer from the "Grunge-wave", but Wedder has been my favorite for some time now. I also like the fact, that Pearl Jam never was gone, and Wedder never made a crap-record like Cornell did (what was it called: Scream, Jump or something like that?!). Soundgarden's comback stinks a bit imo. They are only interested in money, and I had the change to go see them at a concert, but didn't bother. I would love to see Pearl Jam, because they seem more "real", and are making the music, they feel like. Just like Neil Young.

STASH--The geetaring is allright, but I've just never been a fan of this band or EV. This song doesn't change anything, it sounds like something quickly thrown together to fill up album space.

Total trash.

I guess, I know what to expect from you guys then, when I'm posting the new albums from Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails and probably also Arcade Fire in NMC later this year :-)

One song doesn't make an album, but in the case of NIN, you are probably correct.

I disagree. In the case of Arcade FIre and Pearl Jam, he is most definitely correct.

I like Pearl Jam, but can't play the tune on my iPad so I will have to check in later

STASH - I like the really rocking style of the song but someone else mentioned that it kind of sounds like something that was just thrown together at the last minute.

I loved the band's first two albums, liked some of Vitalogy but after that, they just faded from my interest.

Listening to "Mind Your Manners" was fine to participate in this discussion, but it doesn't do much to sway me towards buying the album.

Just like you, TageRyche, I lost interest after Vitalogy. I kept buying the records, but there were only a few great songs, until they released "Backspacer" in 2009. That album was almost back to form, and that's one of the reasons, why I'm looking forward to the new album. The DVD "Pearl Jam 20" from last year, a rockumentary directed by Cameron Crowe was also a nice touch.

Im agreeing with Niels, minor smash, not overly impressed but wanting to hear more


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