Classic Rock Bottom



I had to find a substitut for the naughty Jane's Addiction-video I did post, and Scott was lucky enough to see, and this is what I found. They look a bit like KISS, eh?


“Screaming Eagles”, the new video from Swedish metal band SABATON, has been released. The track comes off the band’s fifth album, “Coat Of Arms”, which sold around 450 (!!!!!) copies in the United States in its first week of release.


I know ABSOLUTELY nothing about this band, and I've been trying to find something on the net, but I've giving up. It's a rock-band and it's a new video!!!!!


A special request from our very own Scott. From the new album "Move Like This" (See NMC from last weekend)


From the very new album "Ukulele Songs". I've heard most of the album, and read a few reviews, one good and one bad. I could had written the latter. What do you think?


From my first Dokken-album, that I bought back in 1984. I saw them open for AC/DC in 1988, and it was such a dissapointment. But this album was good.


From the last classic Judas Priest-album "Defenders Of The Faith" from 1984. Side 1 on the vinyl, is one of my favorite JP-"sides" of all their albums.

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JANES ADDICTION ... 2 points
This is a band I've tried to get into in the past and they haven't took for whatever reason. So I'm happy to give them another chance.  uh, wait .. was that, uh,  ... WHOA!  hey she's, uh ...  Damn!!!  OK, I like this video alot!  And the song wasnt bad, may be looking into this release further, and replaying the video...


THE CARS ... 2 points
The lead off track is a pretty catchy little pop number.  Ocasek's lyrics are cool and tough to decipher as usual.  Blue Tip Me a Cue?  Could he me something like "Chalk it up?"  ah who cares.  Cool song.  The silohuettes are slick, and they reminded that I need to re-watch that Janes Addition video again. 


JANES ADDICTION ... 2 more points
Whoa, didn't notice that ice cream cone before.  YES!  I dont like the use of the shadows on some of these shots.  The lighting could defintely be better!  May have to dock a half point.  Nice Go-Go style of dancing, adding back the half point.


SABATON ... .25 points
A Swedish band singing about the American army?  Hey wait a minute...  what are these guys fighting for?  For their girls back home!  DUH!  Which reminds me, I need to go back and watch that Janes Addiction video again.  oh yeah, this song stinks and the videos only positive was the aforementioned reminder.


JANES ADDICTION ... 2 points
2 more points.  1 for each, uh nevermind!

Sorry, I have to remove the Jane's Addiction-video due to some nudity. A pity, but try and find it on Youtube. I would give it 2 points also.
As a moderator I was going to suggest that you do that as well.  I had to watch it a few times to make sure of the content.  Its in the job description....

Tough job huh?

Hey...I never saw it. UNFAIR! But, good thing the mods were all over this. Hope the cons don't come in and mess things up.

It has been forwarded to you...

Thanks, man!

The Cars - 1.5 points. The song is decent. The video is very "busy". It's creative as is to be expected with The Cars.


Eddie Vedder - It says the video is not available for viewing.


Dokken - 1 point - Love the the band. Kind of a crappy video.


Judas Priest - 1.5 points. The song is freaking awesome, the video is okay. 

BLACK VEIL BRIDES ... .5 points
Looks like Motely Crue wanna-be's.  Is it possible they are all the offspring of Nikki Sixx?  I say YES!  When I seen this "replacement" video I thought, Cool!  We'll go from a Janes Addiction nice family video to a group comprised of women.  Nope!  These are guys...  The song is actually ok, the video is about the same.  But I already miss Janes Addiction...


CIRCLE OF FATE ... .5 points
The panelng in that trailer is giving me 1970's flashbacks.  What If, the Black Veil Breides and Circle of Fate were on the same bill and you had your back turned to the stage, could you tell them apart?  Exactly!  And thats why we end up with the same score.  I liked the female in the Janes Addiction video better.  And can someone tell me why we have credits at the end?  Weird!


DOKKEN ... .5 points for George Lynch
Im not a big fan of this band, they have a few songs that I like but as whole, they just arent that good.  Did they use the same room full of mirrors that A Flock Of Seagulls used to tape the "I Ran" video?  I wonder what that girl in the Janes Addiciton video would like with Flock Of Seagulls hair!?


JUDAS PRIEST ... 2 points
YES! Full on Cheese, Priest style!  Cutting Edge computer games and cool lasers.  When I see Priest's drummers I always think of Spinal Tap.   Wouldnt it be cool if they blew up their drummer in a video and replaced him with that women from the Janes Addiction video?

When I see THAT JP-drummer, I think of something else 

Black Veil Brides (0 Points)

This reminds me of W.A.S.P. or Motley Crue more than it does of Kiss.  Is it just me, or does it seem like there are too many band members for this kind of dress-up?  The song is not memorable, and neither is the video.


Sabaton (1 Point)

Strictly for the video.  The song sucks.  I like the war theme, although some of it is done pretty bad.  Still, I like the theme.  I like the guns, explosions, and fake soldiering.


Circle Of Fate (O Points)

Despite having a pretty hot lead singer, I just can't give this any points.  The song is not good, although the guitar solo is.  Some bands just don't have any charisma at all, and other than the lead singer, this band is one of 'em.  She can't even sing all that well, but did I mention she was good looking?


The Cars (1 Point)

I like the song.  It kind of reminds me of the good old days and could easily be another "hit" for The Cars, that is if we radio still played cool music.  It has a good little groove.  I wanted to like the video, but it's just okay.  I'm disappointed that we didn't get a few shots of the band in something other than silhouette, although silhouettes can be cool.


Eddie Vedder (N/A)

Video won't play.


Dokken (2 Points Cheese Factor 8)

This video is full of cheese.  The hair, the makeup, the clothes (I guess George Lynch likes balls on his chest), the god-awful lip syncing, just everything.  The video is so bad that I'm gonna give it a point, because the song is still awesome. 


Judas Priest (2 Points)

Okay, I'm not a fan of Judas Priest, but this is a cool video.  I love the throwback to the old school video game.  Those really were the days.  It's a bit cheesy, but just because of all of the leather and studs, but that's okay.  I was not real big on the song until the killer guitar solo.  One day I'll buy some old Judas Priest, if for nothing else then to at least have something to feature in AOTW.  Where should I start?


Oh yeah, do not watch this video if you are epileptic.


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