Classic Rock Bottom

Yep, it's time for some new and classic video's for you to see, and I have to say, that I really don't know that much about the first couple of bands/video's, so I've just copied something from the net about those bands, but I can tell you, that the video's are pretty new, well at lest the first 5. Here we go:


From somewhere on the net: "Arcane Roots combine melodic vocals with hard hitting guitars and obscure but delightful time changes. With a new EP just released('Left Fire EP'), the band have done well to catch their musical power on record, having said this it is live where the band really show their true potential, with a blistering show that leaves you mesmerized and begging for more".


Again, from somewher on the net: "The music young five piece Blitz Kids produce is an unholy collision of pop, punk, dance and disco – it’s music that draws on the punk/hardcore bands they grew up listening too".


Oh, well, I couldn't really find that much about this band, just that I THINK, they are italian (?!). Probably from a new album?!!


This band emerged on Seattle's music scene in 2001. This is a new single from their 2010-album,"Omni".


New video from REM, from their new album, released yesterday. I was planning on buying this album, but I can't really decide??!!

D.A.D. (Disneyland After Dark) - BAD CRAZINESS

Danish band, DAD, with a song/video from 1991. I've seen this band in concert a few times, and it was a party every time. Are they known in the US?


I bought the "Maxi"-single in 1985, to support all the poor people in africa, but I never cared for the song. A lot of known musicians in this video. I guess it was RJD's idea, but did he wrote the song? Can't remember.

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ARCANE ROOTS ... 0 points
I'm only getting a one-word picture in my mind of this and that word is "Yuck!" ... Clearly they are talented, but this song is all over the place and not well written or put together.  I will be nice anyway because women in record stores is pretty cool!  0 points all the way around.


BLITZ KIDS ... -1 points
Lots of tapping going on in the first two videos.  This one is pure nonsense though.  -1 points.


BROKEN MELODY ... .75 points
Not sure what to think from the start but the song settles in really nicely.  Not special, but not the same old same old either.  There is promise here.  .5 for the song, and I will give them some credit for video as well, .25 points

hear 'n' aid....forgot all about them (it?)!

MINUS THE BEAR ... 2 points 
They defintely have that SEATLLE look.  hahaha...  Really nice song though, and I am a fan of well put together performance videos, they are my preference, so this is clicking really well with me.  Solid stuff here, will be looking this band up ASAP.


R.E.M. ... 0 points
In all honesty, I don't have much hope for this one.  REM hasnt written anything decent since the MONSTER release in '94.  Yup, half way through this and I dont hear anything special and this won't change my opinion of their song writing as of late.  The Video guy is just getting on my nerves watching him "dance" down the sidewalks.  Yuck all the way around.


DAD ... unrated
Video won't play in the US.  But I can confirm that I've never heard of them before...


HEAR "N' AID ... 1 point for the video
Bets part of this is the video.  Althought I dont like the "We Are World" style of it, its cool to see these guys together.  When I see Neal Schon and Night Ranger ot feels like they are out of place a little though.  SPinal Tap is awesome though!  Oh yeah, the song is blah.

How about this one, then :


...or this one:

...or this:

Only the first video played.  And it was interesting...  I had a hard time understanding the singer, but it was just ok.  Its always a good time listening to something new though..


Good post Niels!

Arcane Roots (0.5 points)

The song is okay.  Not great, not awful.  The video is neither good nor bad.  I'll give it half a point because I can listen to it without getting nauseated.


Blitz Kids (0 points)

This doesn't really work for me.  I'm not saying it's bad, just that nothing about it makes me wanna hear it again.  I've never been into the punk thing.  Look, they should have put a hot chick dancing around one of those poles, like in some of the other vids Niels has posted lately.


Broken Melody (0.25 points)

At the expense of sounding like a broken record, this isn't terrible, but it's very unmemorable.  The band sounds a little bit like Default, which is a very hit and miss band to me.  And talk about an uninspired performance.  Okay, as the song drags on, I've changed my mind.  I'm giving this no points.  It's irritating.



Minus The Bear (1 point)

That song is much, much better.  The video is nothing special.  I've not heard of this band, and although they have a really bad band name, they may be worth checking out.


REM (0.5 points)

The song is very typical REM, which isn't necessarily bad.  I was also thinking about buying this, but I'm kinda glad I passed.   The video, I can't quite get a handle on.  I'm not sure whether to be irritated with it or whether it's funny.  And then the video crashed, so I'm gonna give it a zero and stay neutral.

If I remember the Hear N' Aid came about because metal guys got specifically excluded from the We Are The World tripe.

Sadly, it isn't all that great a song.


I think D.A.D. is known in the States mostly by fans who were teenagers or early 20's when their No Fuel Left For the Pilgrims album came out. I saw them live in concert opening up for Badlands. Stood next to the drummer for the Badlands set.

Arcane Fire--0 points

I really like 3-3:45, the rest of the song was kind bleh. I wasn't mesmerized. I didn't beg for more. I wish we still had record shops around here. And, if we did, a woman that would stalk me.


Blitz Kids--minus 1 point

Shitz Kids more like it. I think I figured it out...I don't like bands with short hair! Or stupid haircuts! The part with te mirros was kinda cool, so giving it a point just for that.


Broken Melody--1 point

Song not too bad, typical video about someone looking for love? Checked this out and yes, you guys will probably hate it cause there's some CM vocals on some of their songs.


Minus The Bear--0 points

Didn't do anything for me. For some reason, I kept thinking of herbal tea while listening to the song. And the video was just standard performance piece.


R.E.M.--0 points

I wasn't thinking of buying this album. Still aren't. I thought the dancing was funny, but was it supposed to be serious? DONK was interesting though. Must find out what DONK is.  


Hear 'N' Aid--1 point

It was for a good cause. But the geetar solo really, really sucks. 









Arcane Fire??


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