Classic Rock Bottom












***Click album cover to listen***


1. Reign Of Terror

2. Masquerade Ball *

3. Angels & Demons *

4. Just Like Judas *

5. Sail On *

6. Lost In Wonderland

7. West Wind Blows *

8. Signs Of Your Life

9. Man Against The World

10. Raven's Revenge *

11. Lost Soul

12. Games People Play

13. Ride The Storm

14. Man Against The Word (Alt. Mix) Bonus Track


I've been thinking about the albums I post.  Usually it's a classic release from the usual suspects.  The majority of you guys that actually read the post have most likely heard some of if not all of these albums.  I think that sometimes leads to a lack of response or comments on the album chosen.  Also, it's easier to skip listening if it's an album you are already familiar with.  And hey, there is nothing wrong with that.  But I thought I'd change it up a little this week and maybe more often in the near future by going with a more recent release that may be a little more off the classic rock beaten path.  So this week I've chosen the 2008 release from Eden's Curse titled The Second Coming. 


Eden's Curse is a melodic rock band that started around 2006.  This is their second album.  The reason I picked this album is that Eden's Curse has a brand new release due out on March 18.  This is a highly anticipated release for me.  I really just took a chance on this album when I bought it, but it has turned out to be one of my favorites from recent years.  It pretty much covers everything, from excellent use of keyboards and piano to some fairly serious shredding.   The vocals are also outstanding.  My favorite songs are the one's marked with an asterisk above.  I do think the album trails off just a bit towards the end,  but I don't think there is a bad song on the album.


Queensryche fans pay close attention to the third track, Angels & Demons.  Does that lady's voice sound familiar?  That would be one Pamela Moore (Sister Mary from Operation Mindcrime).  She does a great job here, as does everyone else.  The artwork is just okay (the first album, which I do not own, is much better artwork wise), and you can pick this up from Amazon for about 15 bucks.  Give it a listen and let me know what you think.  Of course, I plan on picking up the new album when it's released, so watch for that one to make an appearance in NMC around the end of March or the first of April.


My Favorite Track: Reign Of Terror/Masquerade Ball


Hidden Gem Award: Every song here is a hidden gem, but I'll say Angels & Demons


Most Likely To Skip: Games People Play

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Looking forward to this one...  It pops up on other sites every now and then and Ive thought about checking it out and now I have a reason!  I did listen to track 1 and 2.  Cool opening rRiff on Masquerade Ball...  more to come...
Good idea, RJhog. I admit, that I don't really listen to the albums like last week's G'N'R-album, because I know it note by note, and usually there's not time enough (for me) to listen to all the music on this site. I'll take a listen to this one, when I've got the time. I've never heard of it before.

I really like this!  Its not run of the mill, although they tried to be on a couple tracks, they always seemed to find a riff, texture, chorus, or solo that really stopped me and made listen a little closer.


I wouldn't put it in the "must buy" category, as I think the singer has many good moments but doesn't really fit well in others.  However, I wonder if I listen a couple more times if it doesn't work its way into my collection.


My "Hidden Gem Award": Lost Soul

My "Most Likely to Skip": Man Against the World

Cool album cover but the rest of the album was hit or mis, mostly miss. The third track stunk. something was way off on it it seemed to drag whenever Pamela Moore sang. The album as a whole sounded like standard European Power Metal, nothing really grabbed me (except for the very beginning, which I found funny in a sick, sick way). 


Nice that you mixed things up a bit Rjhog! 

These guys are really good at what they do. As I get older (i'm still a young 36), I find myself less in the mood for the aggressive styles at all times. Edens Curse does have an acoustic album that still rocks very hard, but some of the edge is taken off. Overall they're really good and have achieved their success.


I totally get your comment about aggressive styles...
I agree as well...
I LIKE aggressive!!!!!!!!! Damn it!!

We didn't say we don't like aggresive, just not all the time.

oh, ok. sorry.
Ya!  We only like listening on weekdays, preferrably on days that start with a "T", but never at night, mostly around Noon, but sometimes in the early to mid-late morning, and occasionally after noon but before dinner so somewhere in that mid to early late afternoon timeframe and on the rare occasion I listen to it after dinner it has to be during day light savings and before 8:30.  But never at midnight!


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