Classic Rock Bottom


1. Mickey's Monkey

2. Baby Love

3. Thank You For The Love

4. Piece Of The Rock

5. Truth'll Set You Free

6. Burning Love

7. Dis Go Dis Way, Dis Go Dat Way

8. Hard Rock Lover



Well, last week's SHT featured some funkified rock.  So I thought I would expand on that theme a little with this week's AOTW.  So, we'll talk about none other than Mother's Finest, a Southern Funk Rock band out of Atlanta Geogia.  The album is Another Mother Further, which was released in 1977.   The band is fronted by Joyce "Baby Jean" Kennedy and Glenn Murdock.  I was introduced to this band via my first concert back in the late 70's.  Mother's Finest was the middle band, sandwiched between the openers (The Dixie Dregs) and the headliners (Atlanta Rhythm Section).  MF was fantastic.  From what I can remember, it's basically an African American band with a Caucasian lead guitarist.  Mrs. Kennedy is a great vocalist, I do remember that. 


The album opens with a hot little riff and just builds from there.  The funky rhythms are all over the record.  I wouldn't call the guitar work earth shattering, but it's quite sufficient for this music.  My favorite song on the album is easily Baby Love, but I do remember Piece Of The Rock getting a fair amount of airplay back then.    The absolute funkiest bass line on the entire album may be on Truth'll Set You Free.    Hell, I even enjoy the cover of Elvis' Burning Love.   As a matter of fact, I think the first 6 tracks are really good.  Track 7 is definitely filler, while the final track is one of several that the band seems to use to try and debunk the stereotypical myth that black folks don't like hard rock music (they have one album titled "Black Radio Won't Play This Record" along with a song from their debut titled "Niggizz Can't Sing Rock And Roll", which managed to get them into some trouble). 


By the way, I always liked the album cover, a simple derivation of the Superman logo.  Pretty cool.  The CD is available from Amazon for less than 8 dollars new. 


My Favorite Song: Baby Love


Most Likely To Skip: Dis Go Dis Way, Dis Go Dat Way


***click album cover above to listen to the album***

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Thanks for posting this!  Looking forward to sitting down and listening...

Cool cover.  Must not of came to mind for the Top album covers thread though, maybes its just a real nice cover instead of top favorite of yours?


1. Mickey's Monkey - Really had a sense that this track would fit well on a Joe Walsh solo album.  I wanted to not like it at first , but that changed pretty fast.  Weird opener, but kind of a fun track.


2. Baby Love - Kind felt like a weird start to the song, but it found a nice groove.


3. Thank You For The Love - I can see where this one may grow on you after some time, but the first listen was just ok.


4. Piece Of The Rock - I didnt care for this one for some reason.


5. Truth'll Set You Free - Is that wocka-wocka-geetar* I hear?  Defintiely got a funk core to it.  Became too repetetive for me though, they needed to jam more to make that cool funk core find its groove.


6. Burning Love - The song doesnt feel finished to me.  A too simple chorus and vocal background.  This feels like filler.


7. Dis Go Dis Way, Dis Go Dat Way - Big Disco feel to this one.  Lyrically its not the sharpest knife in the drawer (as Niels would say).  Agree with yo on this being the most likely to skip, in fact Im going to that now...


8. Hard Rock Lover - Like the guitar on this one, at least it sounds like a rock and roll tune. 


Another fine listening experience.  A band Ive heard plenty about but never picked up or listened to.  I can see where seeing them live would be a whole different experience.  But on vinyl it really sounds like they wrote a bass riff and a chorus and built songs around that.  Its not a purchase for me, but hey, if I listen a few more times it may grow on me...

* Copyright Hypo Luxa

Again...that is 100% not me, I swear.
No, I would say "The Kitchen-drawer".  
I'll listen to this Monday. Funny thing, I just picked up a Mother's Finest album....guess which one?

Nononono, and this is not a joke?? "Dis go that way"!!!! Give me fa freakin' break.

Not my style AT ALL!! A few remarks:


1. Is it on purpose, that "Mickey's Monkey" sounds THAT much like Led Zeppelin's "Custard Pie"???

2. I knew that second track, and it aint BAD, but classic rock, nope!!

3. Track no. 6 sounded like Tina Turner. Not a good thing imo.

4. After "Dis go that way", I could'nt stand it anymore, so the last track might be a great track, but I'll never know.


This is witout any doubt the worst album, I've heard so far on CRB!!!!

I think this band has a regional appeal, and even beyond that they are an acquired taste.  RJ may need to confirm but I think their audience is primarly in the state of Georgia/Northern Florida.  I dont hear much of them in the Carolinas, and certainly didnt in the NorthWest growing up.

I really dug this whole album. Wanted to sit down and watch some "Starsky & Hutch" for some reason. Heck, even liked "Dis.....". I may pick this one up eventually, giving me a total of 3 MF albums, all because of Rjhog!


Excellent pick for this week.    

Going to see Mother's Finest tonight.  They were my first concert back in the very late 70's or very early 80's, can't remember exactly.  Seeing them again some 30 plus years later.

Seriously? They're still around?

Best I can tell, Kennedy, Murdock and the guitar player are all still in the band.

Is it at a bar? Wouldn't think it would be at a huge venue, but then again they are popular there in Georgia I think.


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