Classic Rock Bottom


Artist: The Rolling Stones

Album: Goats Head Soup

Producer: Jimmy Miller

Band Members: Mick Jagger/Keith Richards/Mick Taylor/Charlie Watts/Bill Wyman

Singles: Angie/Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)

Favorite Single: Angie

Favorite Album Cut: 100 Years Ago

Most Likely To Skip: Star Star

Album Cover: 8/10


This week's album comes from 1973.  It's another in the "UK Number One Albums" series.  Goats Head Soup, by The Rolling Stones, was also number one in the U.S.  It contained a number one hit in the U.K. as well as the U.S. (Angie), while the second single (Doo Doo Doo Doo Do [Heartbreaker]) reached number 15 in the U.S.  This album is fairly new to me.  I purchased it, along with Let It Bleed, within the last year.  These are my only Stones studio albums, although I do have Rewind and Forty Licks, which are both greatest hits albums.


I like it.  I think 100 Years Ago is a standout album cut, but I also like Coming Down Again, Silver Train and Winter pretty well as album cuts.  Both singles are outstanding.  One think I've never noticed with the Stones before is how good the bass playing is.  This album definitely shows it.  But the guitar playing is outstanding as well, especially on my favorite album cut, 100 Years Ago.  You must listen to this if nothing else.


It's readily available from Amazon as it has been remastered a zillion times. 


Did You Know: Keith Richards handles lead vocals on Coming Down Again, while Mick Taylor handles

                       bass duties on the same song.  Also, Waiting On A Friend was written around 

                       this time, but didn't get released on an album until 1981 (Tattoo You).


Next Week: A break in the action of the U.K. number ones.  Something special coming up.


Side One:


1. Dancing With Mr. D.

2. 100 Years Ago

3. Coming Down Again

4. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)

5. Angie


Side Two:


6. Silver Train

7. Hide Your Love

8. Winter

9. Can You Hear The Music

10. Star Star

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For me (and probably a lot others!!), this was the turning-point in the RS-story. The year before, they had released the very best album in their career "Exile On Main Street", and from then on, it could only go one way. Not with their popularity of course. IMO, they never made a great album again after EOMS, and even though "Angie" is one of the best Stones-tracks at all, I never really cared that much for this album.

Funny that you've noticed how good Bill Wyman is/was. Try and tell Jagger and Richards that. I do NOT think, that they have shown Wyman the respect, that he truly deserves, after he left RS in 1990. I was lucky enough, to see Stones live, WITH Wyman.

Im not a Stones fan by any stretch, theres not much about them that appeals to me.  Song-wise theres only a couple that I put in my "listenable" bucket and one of those is KISS' 2000 Man remake.  What does that tell you ?


I know that many consider Jagger the quinessential front man and an overall great vocalist.  Me?  I find him annoying in his mannersisms on stage and I dont care for his vocal style.  Im sure Im missing something and the problem is personal to me...  That said, this album didnt change my mind.  In fact its the first Stones album Ive ever listened to top to bottom and at age 46, it looks like Im projected to listened to the next one at age 92.


Works for me...

Hmm..never heard this whole thing. But Scott, you just hafta listen to "Sticky Fingers". I'm not a huge RD fan, but "Sticky Fingers", "Some Girls" and "Undercover" are wicked cool.
ok, but only at your recommendation.  And you do realize thats this kills the listening party I was setting up for my 92nd birthday!

RD fan??? "Rolling Dones" ??? 

There's only ONE Dones-album, you'll have to listen to: Exile On Main street, of course. 

Rolling Doobies....
Really Dead


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