Classic Rock Bottom

So this week I wanted to share this band with you.  Most, if not all of you, have heard of them.  They have one of the most unique sounds in classic rock and surprisingly have a great catalog that sparked a few Platinum and Gold releases.  Yet they existed in the backstage of public awareness and then faded out...


Lets look at 4 tracks, all from different albums, and two distinct eras of the band.  Note: The first two tracks were pulled off of the "Anthology" CD as the albums they come from are not available on CD... Enjoy!


Playlist ->

Album: Dreams, Dreams, Dreams
Year: 1976
Title: Fly At Night

Nice acoustic opening and some really great geetar work as the song builds. I really love the vocal work of Bill Henderson, such a strong voice and uniqueness to him. I think this track is the perfect introduction to Chilliwack if your not familiar with them.
Album: Lights From The Valley
Year: 1978
Title: Arms of Mary

Another acoustic track and it's a tad bit mellower. I love how catchy it is, and its the lead off track for the album.
Album: Wanna Be A Star
Year: 1981
Title: Too Many Enemies

The album is best known for the top 40 hit My Girl (Gone Gone Gone), but the album is all about the business of Rock and Roll, literally as its name suggest is about a guy who wants to be a Rock Star. This album is also the debut of a great and unheralded geetarist named Brian "Too Loud" McCloud. His writing really took the band to new levels and markets. This is a must have album for me.
Album: Opus X
Year: 1982
Title: Really Don't Mind

Rockin' album!! Side 2 contains some of classic rocks best written melodic hard rock and geetars. The album finishes off with one of my all time favorites tunes (Midnight, which I have been waiting for the right time to post).

Hope you enjoyed!

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Those last two albums are great!  

So says

hmmm...  I might need to reach into my bag of Moderator tricks and ban these photos!  Anymore of this and we'll see Jennifer Aniston, Bruce Springsteens Dancing in the Dark chick, and Smelly Cat lady all over every thread!

You're calling a truce? And apologizing?





Every argument must come to a close

Leaving this one happily behind!

Only because we agreed and nobody won..

You can now resume you normal commentary!

Excellent! Later on, you!

Fly At Night - This track is kicking my ass.  I mean it.  The acoustic start is really good, but the track builds incredibly.  I love tracks that start out kind of easy, then build to a fever pitch, then slow back down to the tempo that started it.  This song is a perfect example.  Outstanding geetar work on this track, as good as anything I've ever heard.

Arms Of Mary - Another nice easy listening song.  Maybe not quite to the level of the previous track, but still quite good.  Or catch as you said.  I'm loving this style of music right now.

Too Many Enemies - Wow!  A totally different vocal style at first.  I'm diggin' this a lot too.  It has a really cool groove to it.  

Really Don't Mind - This is a bit heavier than the previous stuff.  This song isn't bad at all, but if I were a ranking man, here's how I'd rank these 4 tracks:

1. Fly At Night

2. Arms Of Mary

3. Too Many Enemies

4. Really Don't Mind

Oh, that's the same order they were in already.  How 'bout that?  I'd really like to find the first two albums on vinyl at the flea market and transfer 'em to the computer.  I'll definitely keep an eye out for 'em.  Now I have to go get Chilliwack off my mind (I said wack off).

Not bad at all. Noe of these songs are on their greatest hits disc which is a bit odd. But I like all four of these, ESPECIALLY those last two since those albums kick butt.

Note I did not make any such reference as Rjhog did. I have a clean mind.

I missed the Billy Joel, but I finally got a chance to listen to Chilliwack. I remember hearing the name & a hit that they had at some point, but not much else about them. Oh yeah, the "Gone Gone Gone" song, I remember that!

The first song started out sounding like Niel Young, then cranked up! It's really good, I like it! Good vocals & excellent guitar work!!! I liked the "Arms Of Mary" also. The last two songs were just ok for me. Yeah, they rocked & had some nice guitar, but they just didn't do it for me vocally.

It was good hearing Chilliwhack again, since there were Gone Gone Gone, Gone So Long from my mind.

Listening again "Fly At Night" is really good!!!

Not sure why this came to mind today, but it did and I found it!

This weekend I watched what is now the second greatest hockey movie EVER, right behind "Slap Shot",  and was pleasantly surprised when "Fly At Night" was played.

"Goon", folks. It is now the second greatest hockey movie ever. 


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