Classic Rock Bottom

So the obvious SHT posting after an election like the one we just had is to post Ted Nugent.  No matter what side you fall on there is no question that The Nuge is fully engaged in politicizing.  So we give him the last word, because he's gonna say it anyway!


In 74-75 Ted fired the Dukes and went solo.  Seems like logical place to start this weeks playlist, we'll target his first 2 releases only.  So this is it for me!  No more commercials, phone calls, door knockers, mailings, and commercials!  But for sure we will see Ted again... Enjoy!




Ted Nugent

1 - Stormtroopin'
2 -Just What The Doctor Ordered

Ted Nugent, tired of the Dukes' lack of effort and discipline, decided he had enough and left the group, taking a three month vacation (his first ever) clearing his head in the Colorado wilderness, spending his time deer hunting and enjoying the outdoors.

Renewed, Ted returned to civilization in search of a new direction and a new band. Joining him in the Ted Nugent band would be former Amboy Duke Rob Grange on bass, along with Cliff Davies (ex-If) on drums and finally, from a local Michigan band called Scott which had opened for the Dukes previously, a singer/guitarist named Derek St. Holmes.

Free For All

3 - Writing On The Wall
4 - Together

Rhythm guitarist and lead vocalist Derek St. Holmes left during the recording of the album due to growing personal and creative conflicts with Nugent. However, St. Holmes did sing on the tracks "Turn It Up," "Light My Way," "Dog Eat Dog," and an alternate version of "Street Rats", which was cut from the album and ultimately released on the 1993 Epic/Legacy compilation album, Out of Control. St. Holmes returned to the group after Free For All was released, performing on the subsequent tour. Vocalist Meat Loaf, then an unknown, was brought in to sing on some of the album's tracks that were meant for St. Holmes: "Writing on the Wall," "Street Rats," "Together," "Hammerdown," and "I Love You So I Told You a Lie."

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Scott goes 4 for 4 again!

The Nuge is a great American...not just a great guitarist and hunter and wildman and stage commander...

Saw him on his "Great White Buffalo" tour this past August. Was 20 feet from the stage, and it was awesome. Derek St. Holmes back in the band, and "Wild" Mick Brown (Dokken, Lynch Mob) was on the drums.

Great, great show...pulled out some old classics with St. Holmes singing, including "Hey Baby", "Live It Up", and others. Strangely enough, despite the tour name, he did not play "Great White Buffalo".

But he did do some politcal ranting, including against Atlanta's (not so) great Mayor. The Mayor, among others, has called Nugent a racist. I say...say what you dip shit??? Ted has ALWAYS, and I mean always, paid homage to the great Black American blues artists, Motown artists, and R and B artists. In fact, he named off about 50 or so on the stage that night, and gave them mad props.

Finally, the stage set up was also quite awesome. He had a wall of amps behind him (naturally), all the way across the entire stage, and stacked a good 12 to 15 feet high. All across the top of his amp wall, he had Gibson guitars on display. He had more hanging from hooks built into his speaker cabinets. In all, he had at least 20 beautiful, Gibson guitars on display. All Les Paul's or Byrdland's.

And he went into a rant against the U.S. Game and Fishing Department...because it was some of those guys who not long ago raided the Gibson factory, threatning to shut it down, as Gibson was suspected of importing illegal (endangerd) wood types to build guitars with. In fact, Nuge told the crowd that techinically, according to these government types, ALL of his Gibson guitars were illegal!!

So, the Nuge, just as he did that night to Atlanta's Mayor, and Obama, gave him all a great big "F..k you", both verbally and with his finger.

The Nuge...a great American! I would vote for him for President in a heartbeat. But back to music...he needs to keep St. Holmes in his band, and co-write a great new album with him. The last great Nugent album? 1995's "The Spirit Of The Wild"...when, whoa....St. Holmes returned and appeared on that album with Nuge.

I'm back!  YES!  hahaha

Thanks Gordon, I was actually wondering what I would post today and then it hit me!  Ted was the only logical choice, and though the timing of posting him is cool, he's welcome anytime!

Nice post Scott.  I've never been a big fan of Uncle Ted's, but I do own the Free For All album.  And I like it (I own State Of Shock as well).  And I've wanted the S/T debut for a while.  Everybody know the genius song Stranglehold, but these 2 tunes are pretty good to.  You can count on him for aggressive and brilliant guitar playing, that's for sure.  I personally like Meat Loaf's vocals better, but St. Holmes isn't too bad either.

Here's my ranking of these 4 tracks:

1. Writing On The Wall

2. Stormtroopin'

3. Together 

4. Just What The Doctor Ordered

The last track I ranked was just so-so, but the others were quite fine.  I must listen to Free For All soon.  It seems like this was an AOTW before, but I can't find where it was, so maybe not.

This was darn good. I have both albums, but the two you picked from Free For All were kinda "new" to me since I've forgotten about this album basically.

Still, it's no Eloy.

True Dat!  No ELOY indeed....

Back to Ted.  Each time I listen to these I always want to get more into his catalog.  I have a few more of him on Vinyl, Double Live Gonzo, Intensity's in 10 Cities, Cat Scratch Fever, and had Penetrator on cassette.  We used to listen to Penetrator a lot, but I tried it a while back and it sounded very dated so I moved on.

This time, using my X-Box Music pass (formerly known as Zune Pass) I'm definitely going to check out Weekend Warriors because Ive always loved the cover, Scream Dream and State of Shock.  Any suggestions for newer stuff?

I think Gordon suggested Spirit Of The Wild above.  I've thought about picking up that one but never have. And you are right, the cover of Weekend Warriors is killer.  I think you'll like State Of Shock.  Paralyzed, the title track and a ballad called Alone are all fantastic.

Weekend Warriors in one of his best post Double Live Gonzo releases. But Spirit Of The Wild is a more diverse listen. Some rockers, but some slower, mid tempo songs as well. I think they would both be good additions.

I recently found, at either Best Buy, or Wal-mart, a triple package of Nugent CD's. It has the Free For All expanded verison, with a few extra live tracks, and an alternate version of the song "Street Rats" with St. Holmes on vocals, instead of Meat Loaf (the original Meat Loaf version is better, IMO). But it also has Weekend Warriors and Scream Dream for just $10.

I have WW and SD on vinyl, so I bought it. That is a very good bargain if you can find it.

I've seen that too.  I should probably get it since I don't have the FFA expanded version.  I wonder if it's remastered.  I will check.

According to an Amazon reviewer, it is not remastered.

Amazon has a 5 pack of Ted Nugent/Free For All/Cat Scratch Fever/Weekend Warriors/Scream Dream for $18.54 (includes shipping) used.  That's a little over 4 and a half bucks each.  Not bad at all.  One reviewer says they sound like crap, the next reviewer says they sound great.

Ive previewed Weekend Warriors, and I like it, strong album! But your right, the sound quality is not very good at all and the volume level is low.  I will wait for a remaster if they ever do one.

Yep, if you buy it now they'll release a remaster next month.

If you go for the five pack, make sure the first three albums are remastered. If not, I would stay away. The remasters sound fine and are really cheap.

If anything get this:

and this:

The reviewer on this one said they sound like crap, but FFA should be the remaster.


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