Classic Rock Bottom


Done with the 70's and now onto something new, voted on by all 3 or 4 of you!


This next batch of "stuff" will feature albums by artists who took quite a long time between studio releases. Could be that they broke up and got back together, could be they just didn't have any ideas, could be that they just didn't want to release anything. Whatever the reason, SOMETHING made them decide to drop another album on a mostly unsuspecting public. Call it the Boston way of releasing music. 


When you listen to the upcoming albums, ask yourself "was it worth it?" Should they have stayed away and left us alone, saving me money in the process? Is it not up to par compared to their ealier stuff, but good. Is it better than their earlier stuff?


The rules:

1) The album must be released at least 5 years since their last album (not counting live or greatest hits). 

2) It has to be a studio album

3) It doesn't make a difference if a few or majority of the members of the band are gone. It's the same name, therefore it's the same group. 


To start off, this week's pick is "61/49" which was the first release from the Romantics in 18 years.







1. Devil In Me

2. 61/49

3. Midnight To Six Man

4. When Will It End

5. Out Of My Mind (Into My Head)

6. When The Angels (Hear Me Callin')

7. New Kinda Pain

8. I Need You

9. Paint The Sky

10. Still We Remain



Availability: OOP, price starts at around $13.

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I don't know how this compares to the earlier stuff.  I don't own any of their material and can't say I've ever wanted to.  This album isn't bad, although I wouldn't say anything really stands out.  

I will say that first track, probably the best song here, reminded me a lot of The Smithereens.  Not vocally, but musically.  Actually, several of these songs could easily be Smithereens songs.  Paint The Sky too.  

For some reason, the last song sounds a little out of place.  It's not a bad tune, just out of place.

I was thinking about The Smithereens as well with this album, so I guess someone will bring up Friends. Joy!

That's funny!

Thanks for the subliminal message now that's all I'm gonna hear!  At least you could have put up a picture of Jennifer Aniston!

Now I'm ready to listen!

"jennifer aniston"

DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking of adding more for my second listen...

You're gonna be in a world of hurt.....

Was hoping to hear something like WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU, but expecting the theme to FRIENDS repeated 10 times!  I got neither!  What a rip off! 

I was so looking forward to writing a funny parody of a typical Friends episode.  You know WhatsHisFace and Jennifer Aniston always breaking up and getting back together, That one guy who lost his acting career by starring in the movie "Lost In Space" acting stupid.  Then that guy Microsoft named a search engine after doing really "funny" things with that chick from the Springsteen video and Phoebe smelling cats, or something like that.  But NO, I got denied!

This wasn't even "Talking In Your Sleep" quality (Thank God!), this is pissed off Romantics writing aggressive riffs with cranked up treble on the geetars (Ala Friends theme style! again with angry riffs)  Not bad, not great, but pleasantly surprised that's for sure...  Will let this listen settle and try it again...

If you do not want me to post Culture Club and other bands like that, do not EVER mention that show you mentioned above in one of my threads never, ever again!

Well, after one listen...I'm gonna listen again. Kind of busy during the first listen, but this has my attention. Not bad at all. Glad to hear this, enjoying it!

Of course, it would be easier to listen if I were n't hurling from the Boy George picture...


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