Classic Rock Bottom

It's time to go back to 1983 again and this week we have ourselves a pop album, 1983's "One Night With A Stranger" from Martin Briley. 

First off, this is one hell of an album cover. Just love the strangeness and humor about the thing. One of my favorites!

Second, if you were watching MTV in '83, you're sure to have seen the video for the Top 40 "The Salt In My Tears".

Per Martin Briley from the box set "The Mercury Years":

"In the video, I appear nonchalant and indifferent to my situation and my 'ex-wife'. The lyrics, combined with the images, convinced a lot of people at the time that I was a misogynist, a misguided notion I would later exploit for fun on my next album. In actual fact, I was ill with food poisoning on the day of the video shoot which accounts for my brilliantly-acted indifference."


It's basically a new wave album with plenty of catchy tunes. Most of the songs have to do with being wronged by love, but with plenty of humor (like the album cover!).

And yes, he does sound a bit like Phil Collins. Oh well.

He released his next album in 1985 and it didn't sell well at all. He then performed as a sideman for artists like Celine Dion and Willie Nile* and has had songs performed by Jeff Healey, Night Ranger, Kenny Loggins and NSynch, to name a few.

In 2006 he released his fourth album, "It Comes In Waves" a mere 21 years after his previous album.




One Night With A Stranger

1. The Salt In My Tears
2. Just A Mile Away From Here
3. Put Your Hands On The Screen
4. Maybe I've Waited Too Long
5. She's So Flexible
6. A Rainy Day in New York City
7. I Wonder What She Thinks Of Me
8. Dumb Love
9. One Night With A Stranger



Availability: There is a remastered version of this album running around $18, or you can get "The Mercury Years" boxset starting around $30. If interested, I highly recommend the box set since it contains the complete first 3 albums as well as demos. Plus the cover is funny as hell!





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At first glance I thought that said Billy Martin...

One Night With A Stankee?

This is much better than I remember it, and I own it!    I recall listening to Side 1 most so the first 5 songs are very familiar.  I really love the first 4, they are very solid.  Not a lot geetar but lots of melodic goodness!  She's So Flexible is a little weirder than I remember, maybe it a bit dated, but the subject matter is interesting!


Side 2 opens up nicely with Rainy Day In New York City, fits very nicely as a lead in track.  (I've always thought the first tracks on side 1 and 2 and Title tracks were meant to be the best albums could offer, no idea why I think that but its a theory that's help up pretty well).  I wonder What She Thinks of Me is pretty good and Dumb Love is the filler on the album. 


Love the title track as the Closer!


What a great listen and trip down memory lane!  Solid posting!



You didn't mention the awesome goodness that is the album cover.

True, and it is a classic. 


It made the discussion on Top Albums Covers!

Yep, and I'm still pushing for it!

I thought I recognized the name Martin Briley, but I wasn't sure.  I figured I might hear something familiar on this album.  Then I looked at the track list and realized it was track number one.  I always liked that song The Salt In My Tears.  It's a really cool track.

I also really liked Put Your Hands On The Screen and A Rainy Day In New York City.  That first track there reminded me of Phil Collins, as did several other tracks vocally.  

Only two mulligans needed on this one.  I think I'll watch for this at the record store.  Nice post Jon Boy.


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