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For the last L/F album of 2016 I'm bringing you the 2012 release from Escape Club, Celebrity. I'm only doing it for my twenties and twenties of satisfied followers since the last time I posted an album from these guys it went over very extremely well.

This is the followup to their 2005 release, Cloud 10, which was the followup to their 1991 release, Dollars & Sex, which was released way back in 1991 and was that other album mentioned above that went over incredibly well with my loyal followers.  

Even though there was plenty of geetar on their earlier releases, there seems to be more here and some of it is quite heavy. Say what you will about this band, but this isn't an album that's been phoned in. First time I heard this I was very impressed and still am . It was quite hard to pick the awesome track o' the week, but I did because I can. 

The only misstep might be the last song, which is a "sequel" to a fairly big hit they had off of that 1991 release.

No review from, so you have nothing more to read, except for what follows this.


1. Say Hello
2. Celebrity
3. God's Own Radio
4. Miss America
5. Can't Leave the Party
6. Emotional Terrorist
7. Waiting For the Sun
8. Heartstrings
9. We Can't Go Wrong
10. Planetation
11. I'll Be There (the Sequel)

Availability: A used copy runs around $7. New is much more.



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I don't even begin to remember what I thought of the previous album you posted by these guys.  And I'm too lazy at this time to look and see.  Whatever it was, I can't imagine that I would like this.

But, I do.  It's pretty dang good.  That first track for sure.  Heavier than I would have imagined.  But to me, the absolutely best track here is Waiting For The Sun.  Was that ever played on the radio?  Should have been a big, big hit.  But the two tracks that followed it are quite good too.

Really, like you said, the only cheesy track here is the closer.  Should have never written that sequel.  

Good post to close out the year.

Been nuts for me lately, not a very good 4th quarter to 2016 and it looks like that may spill into 2017 but I'm optimistic it will smooth over sooner than later.  So with this renewed optimism (OK not quite ready to go there but why not try) I go straight the "red" tune.  That way it can only go downhill from there... See I slipped back into the rut!

Gotta say I do like the "red" tune a good bit, loved the atmospheric geetar work. Think I'll skip around this album a bit...

Miss America looks like it may be worth a try, and right off the bat its not a cover of JY's great song!  Little poppy, ok a lot poppy.   I do like the melodic ooey-gooeyness of it, but ultimately it falls flat in the chorus.

Planetation catches my eye next, because of the name I guess.  The boom-boom of it doesn't work for me, that and the weak snare.  Why not go for the double play next and let the closer go...  I guess this being a Sequel means something to fans of the band?  I'm lost, though that's nothing new. Kind of a droner.

Say Hello follows, because I said so...  This is the new "Red" tune, easily.

Emotional Terrorist, in Trumps world this song would be named Emotional Radical Islamic Terrorist.  May be more appropriate to.  I'll still be mad when I'm six-feet under?  Wonder how that works.  This song is not a "Red" challenger.

Gods Own Radio, songs are starting to feel similar to me and I think that comment is somewhat of a deja-vu comment from your last Escape Club post.  OK I'm retracting that, this song turned out pretty good. But not "Red" good more like "Orange-ish Red" good.  

Celebrity is next, and I'm just feeling OK about it, I do like the bass line and the chorus is catchy, but not "Red" or "Orange-ish Red" good, kinda "Regular Orange" good...

Cant Leave The Party, you know this color spectrum ranking could get pretty complicated really fast so lets abandon that here, mostly because this one doesn't really work for me so not worth overthinking colors for.  Plus typing it is hard.

Waiting For The Sun, I like this one, but do I "Red" like it?

And the closer (as far as this comment is concerned anyway) is We Cant Go Wrong, falls off the color spectrum as well.

Im going to call it a tie between Say Hello and Waiting For The Sun, those are the proper RED tunes on this album!


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