Classic Rock Bottom


1) You'll like the album cover

2) Most won't like the music

With that said, I have no clue why I have this album. I'm thinking I was trolling thru and saw that this band was similar to a band I like so I decided to pick this up. Other than that possibility, I'm still totally clueless what drove me to buy this and what's driving me now to post it for folks to give it a "spin".

This album, titled "Benson Burner", came out stateside in 2003 and is actually re-recordings of song from their previous two albums. So is this a greatest hits album or just a regular album? Got me. Don't know and don't care, still wondering why I have this.....

I guess it's kinda metal, maybe alternative, possibly garage rock. Quite geetar driven with the singer sounding, well, odd. I can't describe it I'm going to steal a quote from (his voice) "sounds kind of like a goat that has learned to speak English with a drunken Southern accent". It's not unintelligible, just odd. Sounds like he's singing through a piece of paper to me, but what do I know. 

So there you go, a band you probably never heard of, with songs you'll probably hate. And that's what I'm here for.  

(NOTE: Some might be offended at some of the lyrics, so listen at your own risk)

Benson Burner

1. Dark Forces

2. One Way Ticket

3. (song title withheld since if might offend someone, but you'll figure it out)

4. The Loozin' Line

5. Rock Cottage

6. Robot Tourist

7. Sweat Pt., 2

8. I Don't Buy It

9. Nobody's Wife

10. Under Heavy Riffage

11. Black Snow

12. Oh General

Availability: Less than $3. 

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If bad, means good, then perhaps, it serves as a helpful warning label for those attempting to buy the album.

Definitely a strange record. I actually liked the first song, but then that weird vocal effect, or whatever it is, stays in place for the whole record, I guess. Kind of lost my attention after a few songs. Sounds like some kind of bullhorn or foghorn effect. And if you over use effects...well, they lose their effect.

But, hey, it's a cool cover....

Yes! The cover!


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