Classic Rock Bottom



















And what I thought was a glorious idea, an idea so grand that everyone would be bowing down to me, ends in total, abject failure.


Hey Devy month closes out with his 2007 solo album, the final featured album (title above, it's just too long to type) of a series of albums I thought SOMEONE SOMEWHERE would halfway enjoy.


Sigh again.


Guess I gotta say this: if you didn't like the previous two albums posted, you most probably won't like this one. But it is about an alien who comes down to earth to find a great cup of coffee but, when it doesn't meet up to his standards, he attacks.


Plus, Devin plays all the instruments on this album with an assist from software titled "the Drumkit from Hell" so it's gotta be a little bit interesting, right?





Ziltoid The Omniscient

1. ZTO
2. By Your Command
3. Ziltodia Attaxx!!!
4. Solar Winds
5. Hyperdrive
6. N9
7. Planet Smasher
8. Omnidimensional Creator
9. Color Your World
10. The Greys
11. Tall Latte  



MSoTW: Rjhog was on the right track and Scott gt the whole tamale. I guess congrats are in order? I think this week's song will be very tough. You may think you know the singer, but it's probably not who you think it is. 


Availability: Whatever.  


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Wow. I am surprised too. Thanks Rjhog (even though I think it' a pity "like" )


Ok for MSoTW, here's my goal:


I really didn't want to give out many(if any) hints at all. If I did, someone (ahem) would be able to look it up on the internet. So, next week's Lost album with be this one.


Here's where you come in...should I make the whole album a mystery? The singer will throw you for many loops because he sounds like quite a few. I can put it as a whole mystery album and go for clues from there.


Or I could just post the whole damn thing, album cover and all.    


Of course he's aggressive. He didn't have his morning cup o' joe! 


Nothing to do with pity, I really thought it was very decent.


Next week, go with the mystery album.  That's kind of fun.

Jon, have you seen or heard this?

Yes I have. And since I like Frank, should I pick up this album? 

Of course, then you could put it in NMC.

Okie dokie


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