Classic Rock Bottom




Again, not really a "lost" album since it came out four years ago, but hell, what constitutes a "lost" album anyway?  Does it have to be something from 10+ years or can it be something that might even have come out last week?


Really, what difference does it make anyway? Can't I post what I want? And, when I do, can't I just claim that it's a lost or forgotten album even though it might not be?


Say that I post "Physical Graffiti" from Led Zeppelin next week. Can I go ahead and claim that it's a lost and/or forgotten album? Doesn't this really just boil down to it being my opinion (which can never be wrong)? 


The more I think about this, the more it seems that I need to come out with rules or something. Something that I will abide by or get thrown in internet jail.


Ooooh look....a silver gum wrapper!


This week's pick is the 2007 release from Kim Mitchell. When this was coming out, I read a bunch of stuff about how this was a rockin' album, which is what I wanted. I wanted something along the lines of "Akimbo Alogo" or "Itch". Seemed to me that he was getting a bit soft with albums like "Rockland" (not a bad album, but didn't rock too much) and I wanted the Kim with the tasty geetar stuff.


And that's what we got here. An album I'm not embarrassed to crank up while driving around, just waiting for someone to pull up next to me at a stoplight and either a) shoot me or b) ask me what wonderful album I'm listening to.



Ain't Life Amazing

1. Ain't Life Amazing
2. Rock That Rhyme
3. I Got A Line On You
4. Love Overtime
5. Bad Times
6. Dreamthieves
7. Space
8. In The Stars Tonight
9. Killer's Name
10. Lick A Message
11. N'Awlin Nights




MSoTW: You know what's interesting? You guys have all relied on MSoTWman to guess, yet I'm still waiting for the names of the last two songs and from what group and album they're from. You're all bowing down to a false idol. Can make it more interesting and ask how he know those songs and bands and how he knows. Just a thought. 


Availability: Here's something that sucks. As far as I know, this album was never released in the states even though it's four years old. Only version available is an impost and it's around $20. 





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Replies to This Discussion

Has MSOTWman failed us?

Will he finally step forward and solve the previous two mystery artitis?

And this one as well?

Will 3 in a row zap his power?

or will faith in his uncanny ability be restored?

Will Jon's convince the MWOTWman faithful to place their trust in him?

Will Jon return to posting hot pictures of Kylie Minougue?


Stay Tuned ...


A four year old "lost" album that was never found in the US of A ... hmmm ... your rules, we just blindy follow.


  • Aint Life Amaing ... Didnt care for this opener
  • Rock That Rhyme ... Like this one much better. The bass line is cool!
  • I Got A Line On You ... Interesting! This was written by Sprit band member Randy California, bit sure if they ever recorded it, but I first heard it when Blackfoot recorded it on their STRIKES album. Mitchell did a cool remake here! I like the rhythm geetar and, again, the bass line he used.
  • Love Overtime ... May need to listen to this one again, I liked it, but it didnt sit right for some reason. Weird.
  • Bad Times ... Nice little geetar driven tune, kinda poppy, but liked this one alot. Again with the slight emphasis on the bass line. Liked that alot.
  • Dreamthieves ... eh, I didnt care for this one much
  • Space ... Back to the catchy pop rock on this one. I didnt care for the chorus on this one, but the tune is pretty cool.
  • In The Stars Tonight ... I think were drifting into filler land. Liked the bass line and geetar solo, but the rest of the tune I didnt get.
  • Killer's Name ... Another cool bass line! Whats is this? Is this a style Ive missed in listening to his other stuff? I liked this track!
  • Lick A Message ... back to filler mode.
  • N'Awlin Nights ... This one I didnt mind.


Cool artist with a nice little Canadian release. One I would only consider for purchase if on sale, but defintely not at full price and "Oh Hell No!" for import pricing.


Just an unrelated question. Was there an issue with sound quality or was it just me?

You know, there is an issue, thought it was just me. The CD sounds great, but for some reason sounds like garbage here. I'm going to try something, see if it makes a difference.

try this link, but I don't think it makes much of a difference...



Mystery song is:


A Wolf Descends Upon The Spanish Sahara by Fair To Midland.  Album is Fables From A Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times Is True.


I'm glad somebody else here likes Fair To Midland.  These guys were going to be my next spaghetti test subject.  This is a good album, very different stuff, but still heavy at times.  They have a new album due July 12th which is on my list to purchase.  I already have this weeks AOTW lined up, but if I have time I may insert a bonus mid-week version with this one. 


Nice pick Mysomama.

You have really begun to annoy me.

I'm sorry.  I'm officially retiring from MSoTW competition. NO. No you are not. I still want to be regaled week after week, especially from MSoTWman.. You know, the one that couldn't guess a Boston song.
Is that a picture of a dude?

This is a really good album.  I didn't think anything was filler until the tenth track.  Everythin else was good, with my favorites being the cover of I Got A Line On You, Love Overtime, Dreamthieves and Killer's Name.  The guitar playing throughout is fantastic.  You get bluesy, soulful playing as well as some shredding. 


I've now heard 2 Kim Mitchell albums on this site, and I've liked 'em both, but I'll give the edge to this one.  Very nice pick Jon.

Which one did you listen to? Just curious if the second one sounded better.

Second one.  It sounded fine to me (as fine as fine can be considering I was using earbuds).


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