Classic Rock Bottom

Yes, you are stuck with another guest host this week.  Since Halloween is right around the corner, and since both Jon and I are using a Halloween theme for LAOTW and AOTW, why not do the same with SHT?


So here's what you get this week.  Five songs, all with titles that evoke thoughts of Halloween for me.  I'm not saying the songs are particularly about Halloween, just the titles.  And I'm not gonna tell you who the artists are, at least not yet.  I'll give you the song title and you can try to figure out the band.  Hopefully, I managed to find 5 songs that are new to you, although the artists may not necessarily be new to you.  Enjoy.



Click HERE To Listen

5 Tracks





1. Scared To Death


I don't think anyone will have a problem figuring out who this is.  The song is from a 1995 album (Japan release, US release was in 1996).  I would say this band is somewhat "scary", but the song title fits Halloween perfectly.











2. Ghost Story 


This song comes from an American band and from an album released just last year.  Not only does the song title fit my theme, so does the band name.  This album made an appearance in New Music Corner last year, which is why I bought it.









3. Monster


Monster comes from one of my favorite musicians, but it's a solo album, not his primary band.  This was his first solo album, released in 1997.  I love the guitar work in this one.








4. Candyman


How 'bout something from a new release.  Who says it has to be old to be a hidden treasure?  Released earlier this year, this is from an album that very well may end up in my personal Top 10 for the year.










5. Ghost Of Floyd Collins


From 2008, this song is off of the band's second album.  Again, it's not old, but I certainly consider it a hidden gem.  Good old straight forward rock and roll here, with a slightly southern flavor.




Oh, and here's a pic for you, although it has nothing to do with Halloween, unless you consider this a treat:





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Because of the screw up on my part, I'm not sure which track you are calling number 5.


As far as your WTF "w", "w" is the first letter of the band on track 4, titled Candyman. 


By the way, the player is fixed now, it should start with number 1.

"W" is the first letter? It was the only song I have heard before, and I was sure it was MM, but....WTF.

The track is now no. 2. Isn't that MM?

And the track I like the best is now no.3. This is SPOOKY.....

But what a nice picture!!!!

"W" is the first letter of track 4, which should now be correct.  Hell, they've all been guessed, so I'll recap it:


1. Scared To Death - W.A.S.P.

2. Ghost Story - Monster Magnet

3. Monster - Kip Winger

4. Candyman - Warrant

5. Ghost Of Floyd Collins - Black Stone Cherry


I guess it's a good thing I kept that picture of my old girlfriend so I could post it here.

She's mine now.


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