Classic Rock Bottom

Today were comin' at ya from Down Unda!  But this weeks Treasures aren't about where the band came from its about a bands influence on your musical tastes  And LRB were a HUGE part of my musical upbringing.


I have an older brother who was into music big time and he really shaped my musical tastes most, but I also have a sister who wasn't into music as much as my brother and me, but she had a thing for this band, and so every-time she played music it seemed like it was always something from these guys.  As a result, I started to really listen to the various parts of a song, so instead of hearing catchy choruses, and riffs, I also paid more attention to the rhythm guitars, the bass line, the details in the drumming, and the production.  And what I found with LRB catalog was treasure after treasure.  I think you will hear that too!


First up... (Playlist:

"It's A long Way There", from the Debut album in 1975.  Listen to the lead and rhythm guitar work, its technically some of the best you will ever hear.  And listen to how tight these guys play!
"Home on a Monday", from 1976's Diamantina Cocktail (cool name right?)  Were heading into a couple of mellower tunes but the music and lyrics are so good together on these I couldn't resist making them part of this weeks playlist.
"Ballerina", from 1981's Time Exposure release is a great example of the bands song writing skill.  Great pop sensibility coupled with a mastery of their instruments.  Its also very cool that the band was going through changes at this time, and they were able to maintain integrity in the music through it.

Hope you enjoy!

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I picked up that second album on one of my vinyl hunts, so I'll have to get it transferred to the computer soon so I can check out the whole album.  I've seen several others on those hunts, but they've all been scratched and in generally bad shape.  I'm off for the next 3 work days, so I'll probably be checking this out later this evening hopefully.  

There is an Australian version and an American version, the Australian version showed up in America with the 2010 remasters, of course I had to have both!  hahahaha

So I had some time and I've taken a listen to these 3 tracks.  Here are some of my thoughts:

---I am so into this style of music lately.  I think it's my age.  Don't get me wrong, I like heavier music as well, but sometimes something like the drumming on heavier songs just turns me off.  When I was younger, I liked the double bass pounding and such, but not so much now.  It's very nice to hear normal drumming and things like that.

---The first song is incredible.  It's easily as good as any of the band's hits.  Of course, it's much too long to have ever been released as a single.  The guitar work is above incredible.  When I think of LRB, I don't think of the guitar.  But that may have to change.  What I do think of is vocal harmonies.  That won't ever change.  The vocals are stellar on this track.

---I'm not as crazy about the second tune as a whole, but it's still a good track.  I'd have no problem kicking back and listening to this.

---The last track is better, but not quite as good as the first one.  Again, the vocal work is beautiful.

Great post Scott.  You have been on fire the last couple of weeks.  Both of the last two SHT's will likely make my year end best of SHT list.

I love this style as well.  And I think the new format and the freedom it gives me is paying off!  I'm really enjoying this...

This isn't Triumph!

either next week or the week after...

But you said....

Well, win one for the Gipper anyway!

OK next week it is!  I always said if 33.333333334% of the my listening audience wants something then they'll get it, and Jon?  Well he's 1 of my 3 listeners...

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!

Your third listener, checking in!  Ahh, Little River Band, my first thoughts are their incredibly, smooth harmonies!!!

The first track, I'm familiar with. It's a great song, it has some very nice guitar work to accompany those spot-on vocals!!!

Home On Monday - More of those excellent vocals! It's a sound, that you can't help, but keep listening to. The sleepy guitar, makes it soothing to listen to.

I like the tempo of "Ballerina". The vocals are excellent!!! Nice harmonies, accompanied by accoustic guitar & keyboards.

I just remember LRB as not being the best looking group of guys & I really never considered them one of my favorite bands, but to this day, I will break into singing "Cool Change" or "Take It Easy On Me". Their songs are so catchy & they just stick in your head! I can't deny, that there have been several occassions, when I've gone Reminiscing to LRB on youtube.

Cool!  I have reached 100% participation this week!

This band is so much more than their hits!  They have very little in the way of filler on their albums.  Heck, even Jon has "Playing To Win" as one of his personal favorites!  The story of the band is equally intriguing and, to date, has a sad ending with non-original members taking ownership of the name and putting out crap tarnishing the legacy of some of musics most talented players and songwriters.  I hope something changes and we hear from the real LRB someday soon. 

In the meantime, if your not familiar with their catalog start with the debut, and Diamantina Cocktail.  You'll not look back after listening to them!

I do like LRB but haven't picked up any studio albums except for the AWESOME "Playing To Win". Have a 2 disc comp, I think I will track down some of their albums. With that said, me likey this list. First song is great, have heard this quite a few times, like the geetar. Second was ok, not bad but didn't strike a nerve. The third though was really, really good.

So I basically liked all three. That's all I'm going to say about each song. I know what I like.


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