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Requested by Jon...


Triumph is one of those bands I've loved ever since I first heard them.  It was at a friends house, a rich friends house actually.  He had a game room, pool table, foosball, and a killer sound system with Bose speakers mounted on the wall in each corner.  I remember stuff like that!  We were hanging out one day and he played what was then a new album from a band named Triumph.  The album was named  "Rock and Roll Machine".  The rest, as they say is history.  But it wasn't until years later that I realized they had released an album before "Rock and Roll Machine" titled "In The Beginning", pretty cool stuff when you find out a band you love who are no longer recording new material, actually have material you've never heard.  Anyway, they're great albums and come highly recommended...


I'm playing two tracks from each album. Also, note that these albums have had two different versions of the cover art issued, so I'm including a thumbnail of each.



1 - 24 Hours A Day
2 - Street Fighter

24 hours a day is the opener so logically its the first one I present to you.  Street Fighter is a rock and roll assault, a great geetar attack!  In each case I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you hear versus what you expected to hear.

3 - New York City Streets Part I
4 - New York City Streets Part II

Here again are two tracks from the first Triumph album I ever heard.  And it's a two-parter, its interesting to hear the style differences and as usual the excellent geetar work of the way underrated Rik Emmet.

A two-parter, hmmm, could this be a clue as to what next week will be?

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I really dig Triumph as well! So this is definitely cool to hear some really old Triumph...and I've never heard any of this. Have quite a lot of Triumph..."Allied Forces", "Thunder Seven", "Never Surrender" , "Just A Game" , "Sport Of Kings", "Progressions Of Power", and "Stages". But this post is totally new for me, so it's nice to hear this! And you are right, Scott, Rik Emmett is an awesome guitar player, and has incredible vocal range as well.

Glad you enjoyed these Gordon.  I recently just bought these two remastered and Ive been unable to stop listening to the band since!  Next week I will hit on some of the albums your referencing so I hope I can pick some tunes that strike a nerve with you again!

Thanks again...

This was a decent listen.  I thought track 3 was the best here.  I know you're not gonna like this comment, but the vocals on track 2 actually remind me of Vince Neil, although it would be a better Vince Neil.  Then that track cuts off abruptly for some reason.


The guitar playing is extremely good.  I do want to here more Triumph.  I just picked up Allied Forces (I think) at the flea market, but I haven't transferred it to mp3 yet.  I said decent above because it's somewhat middle of the road other than the guitar playing.  But I like their hits and that 3rd track, so more is welcomed.

So, like, I dont want to "step on Scott's toes", but.....I feel the need to list a few of my own personal Triumph faves...

From "Never Surrender"...both "When The Lights Go Down" and "Too Much Thinking" are killer rockers!

From "Allied Forces"..."Fool For Your Love" just gets me fired up to rock! And the title track, too.

From "Progressions Of Power", the track "I Live For The Weekend" is just slammed full of so much guitar, it's almost mind boggling.

And from "Sport Of Kings"...the track "Hooked On You" is a fave, and surprisingly....I absolutely love this ballady love song, full of keyboards..."Just One Night"...

I (im)patiently wait for Scotts next choices from this trio!

step away! 

Happy, you posted Trumph!  I've always been a fan! I totally, agree with Gordon , "Rik Emmit is an awesome guitar player & has incredible vocal range". Those two elements are what attracted me to this band many decades ago. My only complaint with Triumph, is they tend to get cheesy at times, but when they get it right, it sounds pretty awesome! I've never heard any of the songs you posted, but I liked them all.

2 for 3 so far.  That make RJ's opinion officially the minority opinion    (I kid)


The first song, well, sucked. At least the chorus. Good gracious me, boy did that suck. Second song was better, but it did sound like a product of the 70's. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Rik Emmet sing the first song and then Gil Moore the second (or vice versa?)? Or are both the same singer? They sound alike, but different.

Songs 3 & 4 are much better. There's some jazzy stuff in Part 1 and Part 2 is straight ahead rock. Rik plays a mean geetar, I'll give him that, but most of their library is quite forgettable. This is from someone who had everyone of their albums from "Allied Forces" to the Rik Emmet-less "Edge Of Excess" (which I still have on CD). There are some songs that stick with you, and Gordon mentioned most of them. The song "Allied Forces" is brutally heavy, probably my favorite song from Triumph.

I'm going to steal a quote from a reviewer on Amazon regarding "In The Beginning":

"This sounded great to me in 1981. It sounds pretty silly now, though. Maybe it was the booze."

And that sums it up for me I think.

Its not often when you and RJ agree and even less often when you're both wrong at the same time ... 

Your gonna love/hate next week too!  Maybe I'll change gears... maybe

Gosh, and I requested this then had the nerve to badmouth it? is that disrespectful or what?

Ya...  whats up with that?


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