Classic Rock Bottom

A little early yet again, it's time for VOTW.

This time, I'm going to show you 3 different video's:

1 new with an "old" artist; 1 (rather) new with a "new" artist/band and 1 classic.

1. The "old" artist this time is Ozzy Osbourne with his new video, "Life won't wait" from the "Scream"-album:

2. The "new" artist/band is 10 Years with the song/video "Shoot it out" from the 2010-album "Feeding the Wolves". !0 Years is an american band, that formed in 2002, and they play "Tool" and "Deftones"-influenced alt-metal.

3. The classic video is "Prophet" with "Sound of a breaking heart" from the 1988 album "Cykle on the moon". Remember that one?

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Not bad on Ozzy and 10 years, I have never heard of Prophet or that song. Song sounds like it came out during the same time a buch of other like-sounding songs came out. Don't remember ever hearing it on the radio or a video on MTV, but it's not like I was watching it much then. Another great section from Denmark-land!
Never heard of Prophet, pretty 80's hair cliche however. Kinda like that 10 years tune. I will probably go listen to more of themnow..

Thanks Niels!
I'm surprised, that none of you have heard of Prophet before? Absolutely 80's hair-poprock, but it was kind of okay at the time, I think.
My turn...I've never heard of Prophet. But, despite the typical 80's cheese, I like the song. That lead singer looks like Paul Stanley, I'm telling you. Look again if you don't believe me. He looks a lot like 80's Paul.

Ozzy. I wasn't crazy about the song when I first got the CD, but this video makes it better. Cool song and video.

I like the 10 Years video and song a lot. I have their first two albums, and although they are good, they aren't exceptional, so I've been on the fence about this new album. I might just buy it now.
I thought the same thing in 1988, when I bought the album. You should see the picture on the back-side of the sleeve!! He is a Paul Stanley-clone!!
Too bad he doesn't sound more like him, he could replace Paul in Kiss 2.0
This is goofy....yesterday I was thinking that at some parts of the song he sounds like Paul between 37-38 seconds..
I must re-listen this evening...


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