Classic Rock Bottom

Again, as usual: 5 new video's and 2 classic. Please enjoy:


VersaEmerge is a three-piece experimental rock band originating from Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA, currently signed to the label Fueled by Ramen. They have three EPs - Cities Built on Sand, Perceptions, and the self-titled release. Their debut album, Fixed at Zero, was released June 22, 2010. VersaEmerge came together after the two founding members' previous band, My Fair Verona, broke up.


Into the Wild is the 23rd studio album by Uriah Heep. First release on Frontiers Records, it will be released in Europe on April 15, 2011 and in the United States four weeks later. Uriah Heep will also be touring in support of the album, with a US tour beginning in June.


To those, who don't know this band: Volbeat is a Danish metal band formed in Copenhagen in 2001. They play a fusion of rock 'n' roll, heavy metal, punk and rockabilly. They are inspired by classic rock 'n' roll artists such as Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, as well as more contemporary hard rock, punk rock and metal bands, such as AC/DC, Social Distortion and Metallica. This is the latest single from their 2010-album "Beyond Hell/Above Heaven". Not one of the best songs on that album imo.


This is a "Stoner-Metal" band from Indio, California. The band formed in 2004. This is from the 2009-album "Using The Useless".


“Dance With Me”, the new video from the Croatian female-fronted gothic metal band OMEGA LITHIUM, has been releasesd. The song comes off the group’s sophomore album, “Kinetik”:


Hurricane was a 1980s heavy metal / glam metal rock band originally featuring current Foreigner lead vocalist Kelly Hansen (vocals/rhythm guitar), Robert Sarzo (guitar), Tony Cavazo (bass), and Jay Schellen (drums). Cavazo and Sarzo are the younger brothers of Quiet Riot's Carlos Cavazo and Rudy Sarzo.
Hurricane released four albums: Take What You Want (1985), Over the Edge (1988), Slave to the Thrill (1990), and Liquifury (2001). Over the Edge was their most successful album featuring their only top 40 hit, "I'm on to You" in 1988.
This song/video is from Slave to the Thrill.


Ugly Kid Joe is an American hard rock band from Isla Vista, California. The band's name spoofs that of another band, Pretty Boy Floyd. Ugly Kid Joe's sound included a range of styles, including rock, hard rock and heavy metal. With reference to the band's overall sound and vision, its members have frequently claimed that they were simply a manifestation of their environment and lifestyles in Southern California. After releasing three full-length albums and touring extensively throughout the 1990s, Ugly Kid Joe disbanded in 1997, but decided to reform thirteen years later.
This is their best song imo.

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Versaemerge (0 points)

It's not that I think this is bad, but it's too "pop" for me.  Sounds like a mixture of Katie Perry/Kelly Clarkson and ten other current female pop artists.  Video is nothing special at all.


Uriah Heep (1 point)

Man, those guys are old.  But hey, that's a pretty good song.  I might be interested in this new album.  Once again however, the video is nothing special to me.


Volbeat (N/A)

Video can't be seen on this computer.  Hopefully  I didn't make you think that I'm not big on the song with my earlier comment.  It's not my most favorite on the album, but I do like it a lot.


Ugly Kid Joe (2 points)

I think this song is one of the most beautifully written and haunting songs ever.  I've never cared for UKJ's version before, but it sounds kind of fresh right now.  The video is really good as well, it tells the story perfectly, and it's not cheesy at all.  Two full points.

VersaEmerge--.5 point

What exactly is an "experimental rock band"? This sounds a bit like typical rock of today with some Muse thrown in. The lead singer reminded me of Sporty Spice. And she has an invite to come roll around on my front lawn.  Song isn't badm video was interesting.


Volbeat--won't play


House Of Broken Promises--1.5 points

Really liked this. Nce party song, also a song that could fit in at a strip club (not that I've ever been to one), but I kep thinking "strip club" when watching this. Each time I watched it. Girl in blue..yummy. What's with the tongue action though? Plus wrestling? Cool! And how can you not like the ole beer bottle to the head?

Omega Lithium (0 points)

Gothic Metal?  It sounds more like Euro Goth Techno to me, with some unimpressive guitars thrown in for good measure.  Hey, it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but they would have sounded better covering I Was Made For Loving You.  The only thing I like about the video is the deep green colors.


Hurricane (0 points / Cheese Factor 3)

This song is just okay.  It's very typical 80's hair music and actually reminds me of Way Cool Jr.  Kelly Hansen is doing a very decent job in Foreigner, so he's better off.  The video confounds me.  Why is Kelly Hansen dancing?  I wanna see Little Sister dance.  This video should have been a no brainer. 


Omega Lithium--2 points

I shall repeat this: CROATES RULE! Especially lyrics like "dream the fire, bullsh*t higher" you just can't go wrong. Nice video too.  


Hurricane--1 point, cheese factor negligible

Like Rjhog, I think is a nice little song. And as Scott mentioned, the dancing just needs to stop


Uglky Kid Joe--0 points

Their version didn't impress me back then and it doesn't now. Hope this band breaks up soon.


 Nice job i denne uge Niels. Havean idé til næste uge ... finde en video til aband hedder Pretty Reckless og se WHA de peeps tror!

I didn't mention it but I liked that same line in the Omega video

Say WHAT???????? Are you learning to speak danish, Jon, or are you just using a translater 

I'm not really sure, what you mean about "WHA de peeps tror"?? That doe'nt really makes any sence, not even in danish!!!! But yes, you'll bet, I'm going to try and find a video with Pretty Reckless, when you ask me this nicely in my native language. 

See what the peeps think?
mmmmmmmmmm .... marshmellowy


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