Classic Rock Bottom

Okay BottomFeeders, March is rapidly approaching.  It's time for our Spring tournament.  We are gonna have a song tournament this time around.  How does that sound?  I took a survey a couple of weeks ago and received some great feedback and song ideas from several members.  I have compiled all of the data, added some of my own, subtracted some, did some division, and I have arrived at 65 classic rock songs with which to conduct our tournament.


This will officially be the inaugural Classic Rock Bottom Spring Tournament.  What that means to you and me is that we'll probably have a yearly Classic Rock Bottom Fall Tournament as well.  But that's a few months away, so right now we'll discuss the Spring tourney. 


As I said earlier, we have 65 songs.  That means we'll start with a "play in" game to determine the 64th song in the tournament.  Does that make sense to you?  I hope so.  And I have two mammoth songs to battle it out for a spot in the tournament.  I'll post those two here today, and voting will be open now through the end of February.  The winner of this game will take it's place in the tournament, which will start on March 1st.  I'll post one of four brackets on each of the first 4 days of March.  The brackets are:


Classic Ballads (well known classic rock ballads)

Classic Riffs (well known classic songs with great riffs)

Classic Rockers (well known classic songs that really rock)

Classic Hidden Gems (classic songs that aren't well known by the general public)


The brackets will be open for voting for several days.  Once the initial round is finished, I'll post subsequent rounds in a fashion that will help us finish the tourney by the end of March.  The tournament will run for the entire month of March.  We'll crown a champion at the end of March.


Hope that sounds good to everybody.  I also hope that we get a lot of participation.  The more votes, the better and more democratic the outcomes.  By the way, you can vote in one of two ways.  You can respond to this message with your vote, or you can find the tournament in the Classic/Modern Rock Talk section of the forum.  Below are the contestants for the play in game.  Everybody vote and have fun!!!



Play In Game:


Hotel California (Eagles)




Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 

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Heres my answer but you have to picture this first...


Long hair, pulled back with a red bandana, 10 rows back at the concert, had plenty to drink and smoke, I reach for my lighter and scream...



That all sounds good (except for the Mike Reno red bandana part)....:-)


Thanks for getting us off to a rockin' start.

Not again...not this again. Please no.


































I'll go with Free Bird!
Hotel California!!! Best (double) gutar-solo(!) ever.
Hotel California is my choice - Three songs I can hold off listening . Free Bird / Stairway To Heaven  & In-Da-Gadda -Da Vida..
My vote is for Hotel California.
Good contest so far.  Public votes have it tied at 3, but I have two private votes, plus I haven't voted yet.  I wonder if anyone will be surprised by the winner.  Maybe we'll get even more votes, and I'll save mine until last in case there is a need for a tie-breaking vote.
You have to vote Freebird or you may have to move out of Georgia....
You may be right.  I think this tourney is gonna be really fun and interesting.  I hope everyone that has voted in this round will continue to vote.  There will be some interesting matchups.  I'm kind of second guessing my hidden gem bracket because there will be tunes folks don't know, but hopefully that won't stop 'em from voting.
let me know if you need some help, thats my expertise...  hahahahaha
We could link each hidden gem to a player, which would give folks a chance to listen before they vote.  But that would mean work for you, Jon and Niels.  In the 16 songs of that bracket, I have 7 that I can link, but Niels would have to link 1, Jon would have 3 and you would have 5.  They would have to be linked to an individual player.  I'll leave that up to you guys.  Let me know.


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