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New Music Corner #71 - (Sunstorm, Jack Blades)

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November 2011

1 - Never Give Up
2 - You Wouldn't Know Love
3 - Wish You Were Here
4 - Torn In Half
5 - Emily

The Sunstorm project included songs written by JLT in the past, either for other artists or himself. With “Emotional Fire” there’s a twist because instead of recording songs that he had a hand in writing, Joe is covering songs where he sang backing vocals on.  Again with another pristine production job by Dennis Ward, “Emotional Fire” is a phenomenal plate of shiny Melodic Rock / AOR: you have the addictive choruses, the pompous keys, the hot guitar licks and the unmistakable voice of Turner himself.

Packed with high quality eighties influenced Melodic Rock and anthemic approach, Sunstorm is the outlet that ensures Turner remains very much at the forefront of the scene.  Again, on “Emotional Fire”, Turner’s timeless voice is in top form and Dennis Ward’s shimmering production makes everything jump into life.

Even in his ’60s, Joe is still proving that he is one of the best voices of the genre, a bit age-worn performing live, but into the recording studio the man knows this game better than no-one.

On this album he hits everything perfectly. Turner manages to not only convey emotion, but to really control every word and movement. And with the list of capable musicians involved (which are really solid) you have a very good record; as good as anything he has done in the past.

April 2012

6 - Back In The Game
7 - Rock 'n' Roll Ride
8 - Love Life
9 - Born For This
10 - Rise and Shine

Jack Blades needs little introduction. From his stints with Night Ranger and Damn Yankees to collaborations with the likes Ringo Starr, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Journey, Ozzy Osbourne, among others, Blades is an excellent and proficient songwriter, singer and bass player. Now on the heels of Night Ranger's latest Somewhere in California, Blades offers his second solo effort, Rock 'n' Roll Ride.
Cutting to the chase: Rock 'n' Roll Ride is a great album, with every song a good one. Many of these tunes could have been on the latest Night Ranger album. (Several members give Jack a hand here.) But having them here is like having a double shot of your favorite single malt Scotch.

There's some big crunchy rockers with Back in the Game and the title cut. Some motivational inspiration on Don't Give Up and Rise and Shine. Hey Now offers classic Shaw/Blades acoustic groove. The dreamy, Beatlesque, West Hollywood was penned with Cheap Trick's Robin Zander. Hardest Word to Say and Anything for You are AOR melodic rock magic; the former more a ballad, the latter with a beautiful vocal arrangment. The big anthems are the amazing Love Life and Born for This, the top tracks here.

Jack Blades' Rock 'n' Roll Ride is all good, a great ride. Blades is still sharp. Strongly recommended.



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Sunstorm--Thums in da middle

While not bad, it sounded too safe. Too 80's for my taste. JLT does sound good, but there was no bite to the music at all. Album cover is pretty cool. 

Jack Blades--Thumbs Up

Was pleasantly surprised with this whole album, which is a bit odd since I did like his first solo album. Very strong album from start to finish, one of those albums which I wanted to listen to again as soon as it was over. Plus, I believe this is much better than the last Night Ranger album. 


I agree with Jon. A much better album than the latest NR-album, which wasn't a bad album at all. I might change my mind after 3-4 listens, because it is NOT really "my cup of tea" these days (yes, I'm a "Prog-rocker" at the moment), but I can hear when its a good album, and this is a good album full of good tracks.

Still catching up from last week.


Sunstorm (Thumbs Sideways)


The Good:  The vocals.  Turner is an excellent singer.  The guitar is nice as well.  Nothing extended as far as the solos go, but still quite melodic.  The hooks, especially on the first two songs, are pretty good too.


The Bad:  I agree with Jon, it's definitely safe and has a totally 80's kinda feel.  Which in itself isn't bad, but the last couple of albums I've bought from this genre have gotten pretty much one, maybe two spins from me and then put up on the shelf.


Jack Blades (Thumbs Up)

I have this one as well and I think it's quite good.  I don't think it's better than last year's Night Ranger album though.  Track number 8, Love Life, is my least favorite on the CD.  I think the first 2 here are really, really good.  I also like Born For This from Scott's selection and Hardest Word To Say (the album's ballad), Anything For You (Is this the song with Robin Zander on backing vocals?) and Say You Will. 


Nice post dude!

I heard one Jck Blades song already and like it. I'm adding both of these to my (listen to) list.

I love Joe Lynn Turner but I only heard the first Sunstorm album and while I liked it, never got the second one and don't have a hankering to hear this one either.

I found House of Dreams (the 2009 release from Sunstorm) in a clearance pile at Hastings (used, but it was still new, and it had a Best Buy sticker ripped off from it, strange) for $1? What the?

I listened to it and it is very good. Plus it has a Paul Sabu song from an Only Child CD titled Save A Place In Your Heart. Check it on Youtube if you want. 

I am listening to this new one on Spotify, and it isn't bad. Like it! :)

Thanks Van...  I really enjoyed this Sunstorm as well.


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